Samurai Jack
Season 2

s02e01 / XIV: Jack Learns to Jump Good

2nd Mar '02 - 4:00am
XIV: Jack Learns to Jump Good Summary

Jack tries to save a peaceful tribe that move constantly due to an opposing food-stealing tribe of monkey/lions: Jack meets up with the Monkey Boy who can ''jump good'' almost to the point of flying. Jack is taken to his village and agrees to teach a group of furry creatures to fend for themselves in return for ''jumping good'' lessons. Jack teaches the creatures to use bamboo to fight and together they set up an array of traps for the monkey/lions. In return Jack has an challenging time trying to ''jump good'', a process involving climbing hills and vines... with boulders attached to his body.

676 have watched this episode

s02e02 / XV: Jack Tales

9th Mar '02 - 4:00am
XV: Jack Tales Summary

Three short stories: 1) Jack confronts a two-headed riddling serpent who will grant him his wish if he can answer their questions. 2) Jack confronts a family that feed on metal, only for him and they to find out that they are robots. 3) Jack tries to rescue a wish-granting fairy from a gargoyle.

673 have watched this episode

s02e03 / XVI: Jack and the Smackback

16th Mar '02 - 4:00am
XVI: Jack and the Smackback Summary

Jack is kidnapped and placed in a chain gang of warriors chosen to battle in the Dome of Doom, against the Smackback Ultimate Champions. Even without his sword, Jack defeats Gordo and the Aqualizer, and then must defeat the massive but ticklish Sumoto with the aid of his top knot. In desperation the Ringleader sends his remaining gladiators after Jack, who defeats them handily and forces the Ringleader to release the gladiator-slaves.

674 have watched this episode

s02e04 / XVII: Jack and the Scotsman (2)

23rd Mar '02 - 4:00am
XVII: Jack and the Scotsman (2) Summary

The Scotsman needs Jack's help to save his kidnapped wife. But this woman is hardly the distressed damsel the Scotsman makes her out to be.

673 have watched this episode

s02e05 / XVIII: Jack and the Ultra-robots

30th Mar '02 - 4:00am
XVIII: Jack and the Ultra-robots Summary

Jack goes from destroyed village to destroyed village looking for the ultra-robots responsible for the destruction only to find that they were created by a troll commissioned by Aku.

672 have watched this episode

s02e06 / XIX: Jack Remembers the Past

6th Apr '02 - 4:00am
XIX: Jack Remembers the Past Summary

After defeating a band of robotic cat-demons Jack travels the land and finds himself in the area where he grew up. As he tours the ruins he has flashbacks to a day spent pursuing a locust in the company of a young girl, witnessing a wandering warrior defeat four men on a bridge, having his parents greet him, and tricking three bullies.

670 have watched this episode

s02e07 / XX: Jack and the Monks

13th Apr '02 - 3:00am
XX: Jack and the Monks Summary

After Aku's beetle drones destroy yet another gateway to the past, only moments before he's is able to reach it, Jack is overcome with frustration and is about ready to give up the quest. Then, by chance, he meets three monks about to climb the Mountain of Fatoom. Where, legend has it, truth can be found at the top.

668 have watched this episode

s02e08 / XXI: Jack and the Farting Dragon

7th Sep '02 - 3:00am
XXI: Jack and the Farting Dragon Summary

Jack discovers a village of panicky medieval serfs, overwhelmed and unable to earn their livelihood because of a horrible stench coming from a nearby mountain. After getting some more information from a demented scissorsmith, Jack heads to 'The Spire' to deal with the source of this stink: a fire-breathing dragon who needs Jack's help in dealing with some serious indigestion!

668 have watched this episode

s02e09 / XXII: Jack and the Hunters

14th Sep '02 - 3:00am
XXII: Jack and the Hunters Summary

On an alien planet, Aku contacts four Emikandi hunters and offers them the chance to hunt Jack. They capture Jack with incredible ease but Jack just as easily frees himself after he hears they're working for Aku and the real hunt begins! After an extended chase the two sides battle atop a skyscraper and Jack falls to his passing...but the hunters rescue him out of respect for their greatest prey. Then the Emikandi refuse to give him to Aku out of respect for Jack's skill and depart.

667 have watched this episode

s02e10 / XXIII: Jack versus Demongo, The Soul Collector

21st Sep '02 - 3:00am
XXIII: Jack versus Demongo, The Soul Collector Summary

Aku has his most powerful minion, Demongo, find jack and capture his essence.

667 have watched this episode

s02e11 / XXIV: Jack is Naked

28th Sep '02 - 3:00am
XXIV: Jack is Naked Summary

Jack's clothes are stolen and he must get them back while being chased by an angry mob who think he's indecent.

665 have watched this episode

s02e12 / XXV: Jack and the Spartans

5th Oct '02 - 3:00am
XXV: Jack and the Spartans Summary

As jack climbs up to the top of a mountain he meets up with an army of great warriors and gets asked to help them in the last chapter of a 300 year battle.

665 have watched this episode

s02e13 / XXVI: Jack's Sandals

12th Oct '02 - 3:00am
XXVI: Jack's Sandals Summary

Jack's enjoying a nice, quiet day by the riverside... until a band of transforming biker-bots nearly runs him down, wrecking his precious sandals in the process!

664 have watched this episode
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