Jack enters the abandoned city of Andromeda and finds himself under attack by a monstrous giant robot, the Mondo-Bot. Jack is initially defeated and rescued by local robots who believe he is the Chosen One. The city is built on a magical city of giants and Jack goes underwater to seek them out and finds a giant samurai robot which pulls Jack into it. Jack's bot is resistant to everything the Mondo-Bot shoots at it so the two engage in an enormous close combat battle and Jack proves triumphant.
Made by Genndy Tartakovsky, this cartoon tells the story of a great warrior displaced to the distant future by the evil shape-shifting wizard Aku. The world has become a bleak place under the rule of Aku, segregated into fantastic tribes and ruled by Aku's evil robot warlords. Jack travels this foreign landscape in search of a time portal that can return him to his home time so he can 'undo the future that is Aku!'.
Samurai Jack - XLI: Robo-Samurai versus Mondo Bot Synopsis and Schedule