The Bhengu family celebrates the new face of their beauty brand when a PR fiasco erupts. Later, matriarch Grace handles a different kind of obstacle.
Intent on choosing his successor, Don shows his children Phila and Linda the other side of the Bhengu Beauty business. Zinhle plots her next move.
An explosive video brings more drama for the Bhengus as Zinhle spends more time with Ndu, Linda is forced to leave, and Grace puts the family first.
As a scandal and the disappearance of a close family friend cause a deeper rift among the Bhengus, Zinhle and Bonga confront a figure from their past.
Zinhle's plan involving Don puts her in a precarious position. Linda looks for a leak at the Emerald party as Bonga looks for help in an unlikely place.
With wedding plans underway, Zinhle tries to take down Bhengu Beauty once and for all before it's too late. Grace takes matters into her own hands.
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