Struggling with unexpected news from Ron's new wife, Sharon, Poppy uses an adventure with Angie to help distract herself from facing her emotions. Meanwhile, Sophie takes on Hilltop, protesting leaving Pete the parrot at school over the three-day weekend, causing Will and Douglas to clash over their stances on activism.
Season 2 Episode 12 of Single Parents was watched by 2,440,000 viewers, resulting in a 0.60 rating in the 18-49 demographic.
Is Single Parents Renewed or Cancelled for Season 3?
A group of single parents lean on each other to help raise their 7-year-old kids and maintain some kind of personal lives outside of parenthood. When the parents in the group meet Will, a 30-something guy who's been so focused on raising his daughter that he's lost sight of who he is as a man, they see just how far down the rabbit hole of PTA, parenting and princesses he has gone. The friends decide to band together to get him out in the dating world and make him realize that being a great parent doesn't mean sacrificing everything about his own identity.