Six Feet Under
Season 4

s04e01 / Falling Into Place

14th Jun '04 - 1:00am
Falling Into Place Summary

Still battered from his bar fight, Nate turns to Brenda for comfort following the terrible news that Lisa's body has been found and identified. In the middle of the night, a bereft Nate reaches for Brenda and the pair share a brief, misguided sexual encounter, which leads to awkwardness the following morning.
David and Keith are also in a kind of awkward relationship limbo. David is still not sure if he wants to be with Keith, but invites him to spend the night anyway. It's the first time Keith has ever stayed over at the funeral home and David is freaked out by having sex in his childhood room. The inescapably loud, passionate cries of Ruth in the throes of connubial bliss only add to the weirdness.
Nate tells everyone that Lisa's body has been found and the he has to go to the coroner's office to pick her up. David volunteers to go with him. As Nate and David make the long drive to get the body, Nate has a flashback to when Lisa told him how she'd like to be buried in nature, without a casket or any chemicals pumped into her. Once they arrive at the morgue, Nate can't face going in so the uncomfortable task falls to David. On the drive home Nate and David have to roll down the windows to alleviate the smell from Lisa's badly decomposing body.
Lisa's parents and her sister Barb (and family), arrive for the funeral. Lisa's mom and Nate quickly bump heads when she insists on cremating Lisa and burying her in the family mausoleum. Nate is intent on giving Lisa the funeral she would have wanted. David is called in to mediate, but there seems to be no fair solution.
In the meantime, following his indiscretion with the stripper, a guilt-ridden Federico tells Vanessa that Angelica can stay at the house as long as she wants. He's surprised when, later that night, Vanessa kicks out Angelica anyway. Still feeling guilty, Rico goes to church and confesses his sins, but then can't stop himself from driving past the strip club to catch a glimpse of Sophia.
Brenda makes one more attempt to connect with Nate, offering to come to thefuneral, but Nate admits he'd rather not have her there. Later, Brenda comes upon Joe feeding the stray cats in their shared courtyard and in a rush of warmth, kisses him.
Claire struggles with her mixed emotions about Lisa's passing and calls Russell for support. She reveals she had an abortion and is annoyed when the ever-emotional Russell breaks down. David finally realizes that he wants to be with Keith, but that things will have to change. Keith agrees and tells David he plans to quit the security guard business. David moves back in to Keith's place.
Following the funeral, Nate puts Lisa's body in the hearse, assumedly to take to the crematorium. Instead, Nate pours the cremains of an unclaimed body into a newly labeled box with Lisa's name on it. A quiet exchange between Nate and David reveals that David is complicit in deceiving Lisa's family-which in a backward way has allowed Nate and the Kimmels to each have the funeral they wanted. After the Kimmels leave, Nate drives to the desertand buries Lisa.

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s04e02 / In Case of Rapture

21st Jun '04 - 1:00am
In Case of Rapture Summary

Several months have passed and though Nate's visible wounds have healed, his emotional ones are still raw. He slowly adjusts to life as a single parent as the rest of the family (and Arthur), adjusts to life with George and George's things, most tangibly in the form of his ornate Persian table that has displaced the old Formica kitchen table.
Claire is back in school, suffering through a gothic art lecture when she meets a new friend, Anita. They make plans to see Anita's beautiful, uninhibited friend Edie do a performance art "thing" at a nearby cafe. Claire is impressed by Edie's willingness to fail artistically and wishes she could get out of her own head and start creating again. Edie gives her the kick in the butt she needs, "What's the worst that can happen, some asshole will make fun of you-
Keith interviews with a bodyguard firm. The interview goes well, even after Keith comes clean about wrongfully beating a domestic abuser when he was on the force, and then clumsily knocks over a cup of coffee on his way out. David and Keith are excited by the financial benefits that Keith's new job as "security specialist" to the stars offers them. They talk of buying a house and maybe having kids one day. However, Keith's first job transporting Cameron Diaz's "bling" is a little rocky. Keith finds it hard to keep up with the hip lingo and cool style of the more seasoned bodyguards and makes a conscious choice to keep his homosexuality under wraps.
Federico also makes a conscious decision to hide his on-going involvement with Sophia from Vanessa, though the exact nature of their relationship is a little unclear; Rico has been buying groceries and presents for Sophia and her young daughter but is quick to deflect any notion of sexual repayment. Still, he is distracted at home and Vanessa is beginning to notice. And when Sophia calls him at work and asks him to bring over dinner, Rico can't resist.
Brenda's life is getting back on track. She reveals she's studying to get her MSW to become a licensed therapist and things with Joe are going well. In fact, Joe is ready to take their relationship to the next level, but Brenda wants to wait at least 90 days before they have sex as part of a healthy recovery choice for her sexual addiction. Eventually, she gives in to his charms and they share a first amusingly awkward night together.
Meanwhile, Nate becomes irrationally angry toward the Christian mourner whose firm belief in God allows him to be at peace with the unknowable circumstances surrounding his wife's passing. David confronts Nate about his unprofessional outburst. Then, to David's dismay and surprise, Nate quits the business. As if to punctuate that fact, the sewage system in the home suddenly goes awry, causing bloody pools to erupt from every drain. Luckily, the plumber manages to fix the problem and even gives a stressed-out David a parting gift blow-job, free of charge. When David casually mentions his encounter to Keith later, Keith is okay with it.
George is sensitive to the vaguely masked sarcasm and subtle eye rolls exhibited by the Fisher children whenever he's in their presence and tells Ruth he's afraid her family dislikes him. Ruth encourages him to be patient, that they will grow to love him. Just then, Nate enters with a recently delivered package for George containing a Tupperware container full of feces. And though the sender is unknown, Nate and Claire appear greatly amused by it.

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s04e03 / Parallel Play

28th Jun '04 - 1:00am
Parallel Play Summary

David grooms Arthur to handle more funereal duties now that Nate is out of the picture. During Arthur's first intake, David notices Arthur fidgeting with his shabby suit and offers to take him shopping. Keith comes along to get new suits for his upcoming bodyguard stint for a young pop diva named Celeste. While the ever-weird Arthur is in the changing room, the pair speculates whether he is gay or 'A' (asexual).
Nate attends a Mommy N' Me class and meets a wealthy divorcee who invites him and Maya over for a play date. When Nate arrives, he gets a glimpse of the uncomplicated life that money affords this single mom, a pay-rolled staff on hand to fulfill her every need. With Maya safely in the hands of a watchful nanny, Nate succumbs to the divorcee's comforting charms and sleeps with her. In fact, Nate is so happy in her plush environment that he wants to stay, which leads to some awkwardness and ultimately, the woman asks Nate to leave.
Much to Claire's annoyance Anita makes plans to join Russell at fellow classmate Jimmy's party. Though it is clear Russell still has feelings for Claire, Claire seems more taken with Edie, who entertains the party guests with her artsy antics. Later, Claire notices Edie playfully fondling another woman and learns from Anita that Edie is a full-out lesbian.
Brenda and Joe continue to work out the quirks of a new relationship. Joe loses his erection in the always-desperate race for a condom. Later he admits that sexually, he responds best when there is more of a dominatrix role-playing dynamic. Brenda, however, wants a more "normal" sex life. She's afraid of any behavior she associates with her former addictive tendencies. Eventually, she and Joe work things out and Brenda realizes that role-playing can be fun without being deviant.
Rico is still drawn to Sophia and makes casual references to her quitting the stripping business in lieu of a more stable income-generating job. Sophia breaks down and admits that she has lupus from leaking breast implants. The only way she can feel better is if she can get the expensive operation for a new set of implants-something her health insurance won't cover and she can't afford. Rico offers to give her the money after Sophia tells him she probably won't be able to pay back a loan.
With George officially ensconced in the Fisher home, Ruth spearheads a family garage sale to get rid of excess stuff. In the meantime, George and Ruth receive another package of feces addressed this time to Mr. and Mrs. George Sibley, in the guise of a late wedding present. Ruth is upset by her inclusion in the package's contents and wonders who would target them. When George jokingly suggests that the package was sent by one of Ruth's scorned lovers, Ruth gets the idea that it's Arthur and confronts him. He denies it, and appears genuinely pained by her accusation.
Later, David finds a resignation note attached to Arthur's newly purchased suit, a gift from David. Arthur writes that he "no longer feel's comfortable in these surroundings", and David worries that maybe he and Keith unknowingly pressured Arthur into "Gayland" on their recent shopping spree until Claire informs him of Arthur and Ruth's brief affair.
In the waning hours of the garage sale it becomes clear that a lot of junk will remain unsold. Claire suggests they just burn the rest and Ruth, spotting an unpurchased memento of Arthur's, readily agrees. Nate, who was originally reluctant to sell anything returns home and tosses his bedding into the welcoming flames.

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s04e04 / Can I Come Up Now?

12th Jul '04 - 1:00am
Can I Come Up Now? Summary

David is a little freaked out when his ex-fiancee, Jennifer, calls to ask him to handle her father's funeral. Seeing Jennifer brings up old guilt issues for David, who still feels bad for breaking off their engagement after finally admitting that he was gay. Luckily, Jennifer is engaged to someone new, which relieves David of some guilt. However, when he tries to comfort her at the funeral, she lashes out at him, unleashing years of pent-up anger over David lying to her about his homosexuality. In the end, she is able to forgive him and the closure gives the pair a sense of peace.
In the midst of David having to re-visit his closeted past with Jennifer, Keith admits that he is still not out on his job. To David's annoyance, Keith asks him to temporarily stop answering their home phone until he's had time to switch his work contact information to his cell phone. Then, at work Keith is singled out by the young pop diva, Celeste, for peeing in her private bathroom and his fellow bodyguards enjoy a good laugh at his expense.
Inspired by her recent encounter with the fearless Edie, Claire speaks up during a class critique of her friend Anita's artwork and then takes the initiative to ask fellow classmate, Jimmy, out on a date. Claire enjoys her new-found boldness until Jimmy asks her to tell him what she likes sexually and she suddenly reverts back to her former shy self. Later, when she relates the embarrassing story to Anita and Edie, they get Claire to admit that she's never had an orgasm.
Ruth and George receive another unwanted package in the mail, this time a toy dump truck full of feces. Ruth is ready to call in the authorities to hunt down the suspected Arthur until George reveals that toy dump truck belongs to his estranged son, Kyle-a child he never told Ruth about. Meanwhile, Federico gets increasingly annoyed by Sophia's calls and demands on his time, but is still unwilling to end their relationship.
Nate's in-laws, Barb and Hoyt, invite Maya on their family trip to Lego-land for the weekend. Temporarily relieved of his parental duties, Nate is not sure what to do with himself and ends up going to see Brenda. Brenda and Joe are in the middle of role-playing sex when Nate unexpectedly knocks on the door. Despite the awkwardness of the initial moment, Brenda invites Nate in and, along with Joe, the three spend a friendly evening together.
Later, Brenda and Joe have dinner with Margaret, who is now living with Olivier, Claire's and Billy's former art teacher (and Billy's ex-lover). During dinner, Brenda mentions seeing cute pictures of baby Maya and Margaret drunkenly suggests that Brenda wants to have a baby of her own. Later that night, Joe admits that he, too, wants kids and that he's interested in having one with her.
Nate smokes pot and goes for a run. Things get weird when, from out of nowhere, a dog starts running along side of Nate. In his drugged up state, Nate sees something in the dog's eyes that makes him think of Lisa. He follows the dog to the rundown house of a psychic who tells Nate, cryptically: She isn't dead. She's trying to get back to you. Nate is shaken by the experience and briefly entertains the possibility that Lisa is still alive.

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s04e05 / That's My Dog

19th Jul '04 - 1:00am
That's My Dog Summary

David worries about weathering a long-distance relationship as Keith prepares to go on a three-month tour with Celeste. Keith doesn't help matters when he calls David from the road to tell him the exciting details of his trip and then refers to David as "honey", still concerned about appearing gay in front of his fellow bodyguards.
Ruth encourages Nate to join a bereavement group to help him move on from Lisa. At the meeting, Nate has trouble connecting with the much older widows and widowers. When it's finally his turn to share, the building's fire alarm goes off and Nate decides to leave before the group files back inside.
Ruth gets the idea to set up George's son, Kyle, with the friendly checkout girl at her favorite fabric store. When she mentions her plan to George, however, he angrily accuses her of meddling. Claire doesn't like it when during an class critique of her latest art work, the teacher suggests that her self-portraits portray her as a "vacant vessel".
Rico receives an unexpected visit from Sophia at the funeral home. He tries to resist her advances but when she vulnerably admits to missing him, he agrees to meet her for dinner. Margaret is supportive of Brenda's desire to become a therapist, but has second thoughts about her having a child with Joe after Brenda reveals that their sex life is "interesting".
While on his way home from retrieving a dead body David stops to help an attractive man, who claims that his car has run out of gas. Things turn suddenly ugly, when the man brutally attacks David outside of a convenient store and threatens to shoot him if he doesn't comply with his demands. The man makes David withdraw all of his money from an ATM, then has David help him buy crack and forces him to take it with him. The frightening ordeal lasts hours and ends with David alone in a deserted alley, lucky to be alive.

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s04e06 / Terror Starts at Home

26th Jul '04 - 1:00am
Terror Starts at Home Summary

Though Keith expresses concern for David's still-fragile emotional state, David returns to work for the first time since his car-jacking. However, at a family dinner to honor his birthday, David struggles to remain composed as Ruth questions him about his recent ordeal. Then, during a funeral service, David suffers a sudden panic attack. When Claire chances upon him just after it happens, he confides in her and for the first time opens up about the more horrible details of his attack. Though still unstable, David urges Keith to go back to work so he won't miss his chance to go on tour with Celeste.
Federico accidentally leaves a message for Sophia on his home answering machine, but manages to successfully cover up the mistake to Vanessa. However, during David's birthday party Vanessa becomes suspicious when Ruth mentions meeting an "outgoing" female friend of Vanessa's who had stopped by the funeral home recently to see Federico. When they get home, Vanessa confronts Rico and doesn't seem quite convinced by his complicated explanation of Sophia as a "charity" case.
Anita moves in with Claire and the pair, along with Edie, begin planning an elaborate art installation. The following day, Jimmy and Russell join in the planning and the group takes drugs, resulting in Claire showing up high to David's birthday dinner. Later that night, still under the influence, Claire takes sexy pictures of Edie rolling around in the grass.
At George's faculty cocktail party, Ruth overhears a woman telling her friends about a bad cell phone break-up-in which a boyfriend of six months called to break up, lost cell reception and never called again. To Ruth's horror, the woman's boyfriend turns out to be George. When she confronts George about it later, he is infuriatingly vague and brushes off her questions, leaving Ruth sad and confused.
Brenda is surprised when Joe tells her he found a house for them, which has enough room for a baby if the need should arise. At Joe's suggestion, the two throw caution to the wind and engage in unprotected sex for the first time. However, while shopping for the new house, Brenda suddenly becomes overwhelmed by it all and seeks out Nate for comfort.
Nate finally makes an effort to get a new job and interviews for a low-stress position at a dog kennel. At the kennel, he embraces his new carefree life and flirts with a young-coworker. He is forced to give it all up, however, after Claire reveals how bad things are for David since the car-jacking. She asks him to return to work at the funeral home for their brother's sake and Nate reluctantly agrees.

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s04e07 / The Dare

2nd Aug '04 - 1:00am
The Dare Summary

Claire has been staying at David's house since learning the details of his carjacking. But David, embarrassed by his inability to conquer his fears, tells Claire he doesn't need her to stay over any more. At work he busies himself with mindless tasks and then goes home for a sleepless night alone. The following day, David joins Claire and Edie at the movies but leaves suddenly when a dramatic movie preview causes him to have flashbacks to his carjacking. A brief sexual encounter with a bartender only further sets off his irrational fears.
Claire is oddly thrilled with the finished result of her seductive portrait of Edie. At first she wants to keep the photo to herself, but Edie convinces her to show it at her next class critique. The picture garners accolades from the teacher, but Claire is embarrassed when a fellow student references Edie as Claire's girlfriend. After the pair see a movie together, Edie makes a move on Claire who, though she admits to having strong feelings for Edie, is confused about what those feelings mean. When Edie stops by the following day, Claire agrees to have sex with her friend in order to put her confusion to rest.
Federico breaks things off with Sophia, convinced that though their relationship isn't sexual it isn't fair to Vanessa and the kids. As a final parting gift, he drops off a package for Sophia's daughter on her doorstep. Unbeknownst to Federico, Vanessa follows him to Sophia's house and is infuriated when her husband's buxom "charity" case takes the package inside. Unable to get a sitter for the kids, Vanessa waits until the following night to confront Rico. She accuses him of cheating on her and kicks him out, sending him straight into the arms of Sophia.
Ruth continues to try to connect with George. At his casual invitation, she joins him on an exhausting fossil hunt in Topanga Canyon. Dehydrated and annoyed by George's flippant disregard for her comfort, Ruth insists they drop by her sister Sarah's Topanga home. Bettina is visiting Sarah as well and the three women enjoy each other's company, while George isolates himself in front of the TV. Ruth is surprised when Sarah remarks that George's private nature reminds her of Nathaniel. As Sarah puts it: "I guess it's true what they say. We all pick the same person over and over again".
Brenda and Nate meet for a casual affair in a seedy hotel as they have for the past few weeks. Brenda claims to want to commit to Joe and end things with Nate, but he pegs their on-going affair for what it is-Brenda's fear of intimacy with Joe. Nate: "You can't fool me. I used to be Joe". Nate tries to move on and begin a relationship with his former co-worker from the dog kennel and urges Brenda to try to make things work with Joe. In the end, Brenda admits her infidelity to Joe in the hopes that they can make a new start.
Keith finally admits to his fellow bodyguard, Javier, that he's gay. To his surprise, Javier tells Celeste and the other bodyguards and then sends Keith a mixed message by writing him a joke note that implies he wants to have sex with Keith. When Keith calls to discuss the note with David, David tells him he no longer wants an open relationship and suddenly breaks down, buckling under the pressure of trying to keep his post-traumatic stress at bay.

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s04e08 / Coming and Going

9th Aug '04 - 1:00am
Coming and Going Summary

Though Joe and Brenda appear to have patched things up since her recent admission of infidelity, there remains a hint of tension in the air. Nevertheless, once Joe leaves for work, Brenda can't resist calling Nate and inviting herself to join him and Maya for an innocent day trip to kid-centric Travel Town. The following day, Brenda invites Nate and Maya over to the house for another play date. But the encounter comes to an abrupt end when Joe returns home from work early to find Nate and Brenda in a compromising embrace on the living room couch.
Claire tries to set the mood for a night of passion with Edie, but even the most romantic setting can't turn her into a lesbian. When Edie again fails to give Claire an orgasm, the two finally agree that Claire isn't gay.
Federico wakes up in Sophia's bed still glowing from the previous night's escapade. The reality of what he's done suddenly hits him, however, when Sophia tells him that he can't stay with her and should go home and apologize to his wife. Federico's attempt to make amends with Vanessa is unsuccessful, especially after he admits to her that he slept with Sophia the night before. With no place else to turn, Rico spends the night in the prep room and is eventually discovered by Ruth, who offers to let him stay in Claire's old bedroom.
Keith comforts an emotional Celeste, who is suffering under the pressures of her rigorous tour. Though Celeste knows that Keith is gay, she asks him up to her room and seduces him into sleeping with her. Meanwhile, David cannot seem to put the trauma of his carjacking behind him. When he gets an unexpected call from Sarge, the man with whom Keith and David had their first three-way, David invites him over, desperate for some company. The two have sex and things get weird when a suddenly emotional David tries to forcibly prevent Sarge from leaving. In the end, David realizes he is still too vulnerable to be alone and asks Keith to come home. Keith reluctantly agrees. But when he goes to give his boss notice, he learns Celeste has already fired him for sleeping with her.
Ruth asks George to come to church with her but he opts to remain home, claiming he has work to do. When Ruth returns, however, she finds George in the middle of a flirty philosophical discussion with a scantily clad Anita. To add to Ruth's annoyance, George over prunes a treasured tree and is unapologetic when Ruth gets upset about it. The final straw is broken when George leaves without telling Ruth where he's going. Upon his return, George discovers a note from Ruth stating that she's going away for a while and doesn't know when she'll be coming back.

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s04e09 / Grinding the Corn

16th Aug '04 - 1:00am
Grinding the Corn Summary

David continues to suffer from post-traumatic stress, spending another sleepless night in front of the television. Keith confesses that he had sex with Celeste and David suddenly finds himself with a new fixation. Initially he appears to take the news well, no doubt feeling slightly relieved of his own guilt for having had sex with Sarge. But soon David finds himself obsessing over the fact the Keith had sex with a woman. The tension leads to an open discussion about their mutual indiscretions, but it does little to quell David's subconscious fears that Keith will leave him for a woman.
Despite Claire's attempts to reconnect with her friend, Edie continues to avoid Claire following their recent unsuccessful sexual encounter. At school Claire's photography teacher must take an emergency medical leave and Claire is pleasantly surprised to find that Billy Chenowith will be filling the vacated position. Later, Claire learns that Edie performed an embarrassing piece about her at an open mike night, highlighting the fact that Claire has never had an orgasm. However, when Jimmy volunteers to help give her one, Claire agrees and the end result proves enlightening.
Since leaving George, Ruth has been staying with Bettina. After spending yet another afternoon babysitting Maya, Bettina insists that Ruth come up with a fun activity for the following day. Ruth plans an overnight excursion to Rosarita, Mexico. The trip is liberating for Ruth, who embraces the not-so-perfect aspects of travel and pushes herself to be more adventurous. But during her first horse ride Ruth's horse unexpectedly dies, putting an abrupt end to her newfound wanderlust.
During sex, Brenda impulsively tells Nate she loves him. Her admission leads to a fight when Nate can't reciprocate the sentiment, claiming he's still adjusting to widowhood and being a single parent to Maya. At school, Brenda's teacher praises her for her insight with a therapy patient but the fight with Nate triggers Brenda's own psychosis, leading her back to her drug dealer. She quickly realizes her mistake and attends a support group meeting before things get too out of hand.
With Federico now living at the Fishers and Ruth away, George, Nate and Rico find themselves unlikely roommates. During dinner, the trio frightens away two burglars intent on stealing a valuable comic book from the casket of a deceased collector who had asked to be buried with the item. That night, Nate dreams Nathaniel comes to him as comic book incarnation of passing and takes everyone and everything that Nate holds dear, including Brenda. The dream helps Nate realize he wants to be with Brenda and he goes to her house where she welcomes him back with open arms.

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s04e10 / The Black Forest

23rd Aug '04 - 1:00am
The Black Forest Summary

Nate has second thoughts about attending the Kimmel family's memorial service for Lisa in Idaho. Brenda encourages him to go for Maya's sake and agrees to come along as a show of support, remaining behind in the hotel room during the service. The trip proves a unique bonding experience for the pair and is only slightly marred by an awkward encounter with Lisa's sister Barb who chances upon the happy couple and Maya at a local cafe.
Ruth finally reconciles herself to going home. Her return sparks an emotional discussion with George, who promises Ruth that he will be more open with her and more welcoming of his family. As a show of good faith, George agrees to have his son Kyle over for dinner the following night. George and Kyle spend the evening bonding over their mutual apocalyptic views of the earth's future and though Ruth is delighted by George's interest in his son, she rejects his pessimistic outlook of the world.
Keith and David attend a commitment ceremony for Terry, David's friend from the Gay Men's Chorus. At the reception David talks to a couple with an adopted child and is shocked when they mention that the adoption agency they used doesn't work with gay couples. David becomes oddly fixated by the injustice of this reality. At a sushi establishment, a rude male patron triggers David's anger resulting in his viciously attacking the man.
Federico thinks he's making progress with Vanessa after she offers to let him come over to the house for the afternoon to play with the kids. He gets a rude awakening however, when a former high school acquaintance drops by to visit Vanessa. Later, Rico impulsively returns to the house to confront Vanessa and she admits that she's officially dating again. The confrontation leads to an argument and ends when Vanessa threatens to change the locks if Federico ever comes by unannounced again.
Though Claire and Jimmy continue to sleep with each other, Claire still seems interested in Edie. At a party, Claire gets high and makes an unsuccessful attempt to seduce Edie. Later, Russell and Claire do more drugs together and experiment with Claire's camera. At school, Billy chances upon Claire in the dark room and she invites him out on a date. To her delight, Billy says yes.

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s04e11 / Bomb Shelter

30th Aug '04 - 1:00am
Bomb Shelter Summary

Brenda expresses her desire to have a baby and Nate is supportive, but vague as to when they should start trying to conceive. Mrs. Chenowith must undergo an emergency hysterectomy. While visiting her mother in the hospital's recovery room, Brenda is reunited with her estranged brother Billy.
Nate and Brenda receive a visit from Nate's former in-laws, Barb and Hoyt. Over dinner, Barb reveals that at Lisa's recent memorial service, the funeral director noticed that the ashes hadn't been properly pulverized and suspected that they were not Lisa's remains. When Barb presses Nate to look into the matter, he admits the truth about burying Lisa. The revelation upsets Barb, who is already suspicious of Nate reuniting with Brenda so quickly after Lisa's passing. Before leaving, Barb threatens to find a way to take Maya away from Nate.
Ruth wants to go on a couples' retreat in an effort to get closer to George who remains preoccupied with the notion that an apocalyptic event is looming. In preparation for the impending catastrophe, George buys an enormous supply of water; but finding a place to store it becomes a major issue. Luckily, Ruth remembers the home has an old bomb shelter and suggests that George move the water there. To Ruth's dismay, George opts to forgo the couples' retreat in lieu of fixing up the shelter.
In art class Claire presents a series of collage-like portraits loosely inspired by the pictures she and Russell had taken for fun while they were high on drugs. However when Claire is singled out for her unique concept, she is annoyed when Russell tells the class that he helped her come up with the idea. To Claire's surprise, Jimmy sends her photos to his gallery manager and the manager agrees to put them in his upcoming show.
Federico is upset when he learns Vanessa has been hiring her boyfriend's sister to baby-sit the children. The following night while Vanessa is out on a date, Rico comes to the house and sends the babysitter home. When Vanessa finds out, she threatens to call the police on Rico if he ever comes to the house unannounced again.
David is shocked when the attorney of Roger Pasquese, the man whom David attacked, threatens to press criminal charges if David does not pay an exorbitant restitution of 0,000. With bankruptcy looming, Keith and David invite Roger to dinner in the hopes that the three men can come to a more reasonable settlement. At dinner, Roger appears noticeably attracted to Keith. Seeing a possible bargaining foothold, Keith offers to have sex with Roger if he will agree to drop the charges against David. Roger agrees. The following evening Keith comes home to find David in tears and suspects Roger has backed out of the arrangement.In fact, David received news that the police caught his carjacker and would like David come to the station to identify him.

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s04e12 / Untitled

13th Sep '04 - 1:00am
Untitled Summary

George has a terrible nightmare connected to his apocalyptic fears; in the dream he is visited by a mysterious woman in a turquoise dress whom he seems to know. Ruth meets George's daughter, Maggie, and is pleased to find that Maggie and George share a close relationship. In a brief moment alone, however, Maggie makes vaguely alarming inquiries into her father's health and supplies Ruth with all her contact information in case Ruth should need to suddenly reach her. Ruth is confused by Maggie's insinuations but is prompted to call her when she chances upon George having a heated conversation with an imaginary person.
Federico can't adjust to life without his family. Unable to face another lonely night in his depressing little room at the Fisher's house, he spends the night in a parked car on the street overlooking his old house. Desperate to get things back to the way they were, Federico makes a heartfelt and tearful apology to Vanessa. Though Vanessa accepts his apology, she can't forgive him and asks for a divorce.
Claire prepares for her gallery opening. The stress of her instant fame at first overwhelms her, but she quickly adjusts to being the center of attention. At the opening, a drunken Russell harasses Claire and Billy intercedes on her behalf. Afterwards, Claire and Billy go home together and share a romantic kiss.
David is traumatized after identifying his carjacker in a police line-up. He decides to confront his abuser in jail in the hopes that it will provide him some closure, but the visit only confuses him more. Keith gets an unexpected call from Roger Pasquese. Worried that Roger is going to renege on their earlier deal, Keith accepts his request to meet with him. To Keith's surprise, the meeting turns out to be a business proposition; Roger wants to hire him to be his personal bodyguard.
Nate finds a Polaroid of Lisa in a book that Barb's daughter, Michaela, had given to him shortly after Lisa's passing. The picture disturbs him, especially when he notices Lisa's outfit is relatively new and concludes that the photograph must have been taken the day she died. Nate drives to Santa Cruz to confront Michaela who directs him to her father. When Nate questions Hoyt about the photograph, he backpedals at first, and then admits that he and Lisa had an on-going affair. Barb overhears Hoyt's confession and when Hoyt realizes she is there, hehugs himself, leaving Nate with many unanswered questions. Upon his return home, Nate asks Brenda to marry him. She says yes.

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