Sky Rojo
Season 3

s03e01 / Getting Into Heaven Through the Back Door

14th Jan '23 - 4:59am
Getting Into Heaven Through the Back Door Summary

After opening a bakery to launder their stolen millions, Coral, Gina and Wendy are finally beginning to relax. But is this new life too good to last?

447 have watched this episode

s03e02 / The Line That Separates Us

15th Jan '23 - 4:59am
The Line That Separates Us Summary

Unaware that Moisés is heading their way with Romeo's deadly new hire, Darwin, the women host a dinner party that leads Coral to a painful realization.

438 have watched this episode

s03e03 / The Lucky Cat

16th Jan '23 - 4:59am
The Lucky Cat Summary

Gina reflects on her past and her baby's future. Darwin and Moisés devise a plan to get eyes on their targets, leading to an unfortunate casualty.

436 have watched this episode

s03e04 / Diesel, Saltpeter, and Gunpowder

17th Jan '23 - 4:59am
Diesel, Saltpeter, and Gunpowder Summary

Toni takes the ladies out on his boat for their first ocean diving trip, giving Romeo and his crew of assassins a dangerous opportunity.

437 have watched this episode

s03e05 / Jesus Was Right

18th Jan '23 - 4:59am
Jesus Was Right Summary

Determined to save her baby's life, Gina asks Greta for help. Coral and Wendy try to process the shock of their old life catching up with them.

437 have watched this episode

s03e06 / Ambushing the Embryo

19th Jan '23 - 4:59am
Ambushing the Embryo Summary

Wendy proposes a new plan to guarantee her and Coral's freedom. Greta makes a life-changing decision. Moisés finally faces the truth about Romeo.

434 have watched this episode

s03e07 / Helplessness and Ice Hockey

20th Jan '23 - 4:59am
Helplessness and Ice Hockey Summary

Coral turns to an unexpected ally to help her get through withdrawal, while Wendy and Greta try to stay one step ahead of their pursuers on the road.

433 have watched this episode

s03e08 / Gold, Frankincense, and Lead

21st Jan '23 - 4:59am
Gold, Frankincense, and Lead Summary

After hitting rock bottom, Coral and Moisés swim toward the surface. Romeo confesses his sins - but his former employees aren't in a forgiving mood.

433 have watched this episode
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