While Quark prays to the Grand Exchequer to allow him prosperous business and to see his dream of being with Ezri come to fruition, he receives a visit from a very different Ezri. Unfortunately for Quark, this isn't Ezri Dax, and she isn't here on a social call. The Grand Nagus, who has been missing for some time, greets Quark from a message tube, and goes on to say that he tried to open negotiations for trade with the Mirror Universe's Alliance. However, the venture is in jeopardy unless Quark is able to smuggle a cloaking device into the Mirror Universe. Should he fail, the Nagus will be meeting the Grand Exchequer in person.
When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, the mining space station Terok Nor was left abandoned, its systems ripped out. By invitation of the Bajoran provisional government, Starfleet stepped in to oversee the rebuilding and day-to-day operations of the newly christened Deep Space Nine.
The years of Starfleet's nonintervention into Cardassian matters, however, had taken its toll on relations with the Bajorans. Consequently, Starfleet's position was a tenuous one; many Bajorans, suspicious and hostile as a result of decades of Cardassian oppression and brutality, did not greet the Federation's presence with open arms. The Federation's assistance is put to the test as DS9 becomes a center of travel and commerce that stretches into the Gamma Quadrant.