Star Trek: The Next Generation
Season 4

s04e01 / The Best of Both Worlds, Part II

25th Sep '90 - 12:00am
The Best of Both Worlds, Part II Summary

Stardate: 44001.4 Now that Capt. Picard has been assimilated by the Borg, and is now known as "Locutus", acting Capt. Riker must fight the Borg with new strategies that Locutus/Picard would not expect from his knowledge of Riker. Riker must also temper his new headstrong 1st Officer, before she endangers the ship and crew.

2286 have watched this episode

s04e02 / Family

2nd Oct '90 - 12:00am
Family Summary

Stardate: 44012.3In the aftermath of his assimilation by the Borg and subsequent recovery, Captain Picard returns home to his family's ancestral French vinery to consider his future as a Starfleet Captain, facing an estranged older brother and the bitter in-fighting that their rivalry has caused to distance them.

Meanwhile, Lt. Worf's human foster parents come to visit him on the ship, much to his trepidation and discomfiture.

2281 have watched this episode

s04e03 / Brothers

9th Oct '90 - 12:00am
Brothers Summary

Stardate: 44085.7 Data takes over control of the Enterprise, and takes the ship to his creator, Dr. Soong. This action endangers a child on Enterprise who must be quickly treated at a Starbase, or he will die from a deadly poison he ingested earlier.

Data is unaware of his actions until he meets his creator. Dr. Soong has called Data back to receive an emotion chip which will make him more human. However, in a strange twist, Lore turns up too, as he also had the recall program.

Lore finds it strange that his creator has not worked on a fix for him, and decides to take an action which will lead to great future repercussions for Data, and the crew.

2279 have watched this episode

s04e04 / Suddenly Human

16th Oct '90 - 12:00am
Suddenly Human Summary

Stardate: 44143.7 Enterprise receives an emergency hail from an alien ship in distress. One of the crew turns out to be a human youth. Although he is the grandson of a Federation Admiral, he refuses to leave his new alien family. Capt. Picard must decide the best course for the youth, while balancing a possible conflict with the alien race that has raised him.

2272 have watched this episode

s04e05 / Remember Me

23rd Oct '90 - 12:00am
Remember Me Summary

Stardate: 44161.2 One of Wesley Crusher's experiments inadvertently sends his mother into a bubble universe, where more and more people she knows keep disappearing, until there is no one remaining but her.

2275 have watched this episode

s04e06 / Legacy

30th Oct '90 - 1:00am
Legacy Summary

Stardate: 44215.2 An escape pod from the U.S.S. Arcos has landed on Turkana IV, the home of the late Lt. Tasha Yar. As the planet no longer has a stable government, it has become a veritable warzone, controlled by two factions, the Alliance and the Coalition. The former captured the survivors in the pod while the latter is endeavoring to assist the Enterprise crew with their recovery. However, all is not as it seems, particularly when a young woman named Ishara Yar comes on the scene.

2273 have watched this episode

s04e07 / Reunion

6th Nov '90 - 1:00am
Reunion Summary

Stardate: 44246.3 Before the Klingon High Chancellor K'mpec dies, his final act is to name Captain Picard the Arbiter of Succession. As a result, the responsibility of choosing his successor, either the traitorous Duras or Gowron, falls on Picard. However, the elderly chancellor was poisoned, and one of his potential successors was the one responsible.

Meanwhile, the half-human/half-Klingon ambassador K'Ehleyr returns with a surprise for Worf... their son, Alexander.

2276 have watched this episode

s04e08 / Future Imperfect

13th Nov '90 - 1:00am
Future Imperfect Summary

Stardate: 44286.5 On his birthday, Riker leads an away mission to Alpha Onias III in search of a suspected Romulan outpost. While on the planet, the away team loses consciousness due to noxious gases. When he awakens in sickbay, sixteen years have passed and he is now captain of the Enterprise. Not only that, he has a young son named Jean-Luc, a Federation-Romulan peace treaty is imminent, and he is expected to be the chief negotiator.

2273 have watched this episode

s04e09 / Final Mission

20th Nov '90 - 1:00am
Final Mission Summary

Stardate: 44307.3 Wesley Crusher is accepted into Starfleet Academy. However, when he joins the Captain on one final mission, their spacecraft crashes. Now the would-be cadet must care for the critically injured Picard, after their crash on a barren desert moon.

2271 have watched this episode

s04e10 / The Loss

1st Jan '91 - 1:00am
The Loss Summary

Stardate: 44356.9 After suffering an intense headache, Deanna Troi discovers that she has lost her telepathic and empathic powers; the Enterprise is pulled not only off-course but to the brink of destruction by an unknown force.

2269 have watched this episode

s04e11 / Data's Day

8th Jan '91 - 1:00am
Data's Day Summary

Stardate: 44390.1 On a particularly eventful day, Data records his daily duties and experiences. Among the challenges he faces are convincing an apprehensive bride to go ahead with her wedding, uncovering a Romulan plot and... learning to dance.

2273 have watched this episode

s04e12 / The Wounded

29th Jan '91 - 1:00am
The Wounded Summary

Stardate: 44429.6 A highly respected and decorated Starfleet captain, Benjamin Maxwell, has turned renegade without explanation. With his ship, a Nebula-class science vessel called the Phoenix, he is attacking numerous Cardassian vessels and outposts along the border. His actions are threatening the fragile peace that exists following the Federation-Cardassian war.

However, transporter chief Miles O'Brien served with Maxwell on the Rutledge. Both Picard and Starfleet Command hope that O'Brien can convince his former commanding officer to stand down before it become necessary to destroy his ship.

2271 have watched this episode

s04e13 / Devil's Due

5th Feb '91 - 1:00am
Devil's Due Summary

Stardate: 44474.5 The Federation science team on Ventax II has been taken hostage. Alerted by the science station's distress call, the Enterprise arrives to investigates. There it finds the Ventaxians in a state of panic. According to their mythology, their ancestors made a deal with Ardra, a figure reminiscent of the Devil, one thousand years ago. Having seemingly fulfilled her part of the bargain, Ardra returns to lay claim to the planet.

2270 have watched this episode

s04e14 / Clues

12th Feb '91 - 1:00am
Clues Summary

Stardate: 44502.7 Data seems to be the key to the strange events that occur after the Enterprise passes through a small wormhole, after approaching a previously undiscovered planet. Is he telling the crew the truth about what occurred at the planet?

2270 have watched this episode

s04e15 / First Contact

19th Feb '91 - 1:00am
First Contact Summary

Stardate: Unknown The inhabitants of Malcoria III have recently developed warp technology. While the warp project is still in its infancy and largely experimental, the Federation believes it is a sufficient reason for first contact between their two cultures to take place. However, their efforts on contact are hindered by the fact that Riker is lost on the surface, and a xenophobic attitude is prevalent among some Malcorians.

2269 have watched this episode

s04e16 / Galaxy's Child

12th Mar '91 - 1:00am
Galaxy's Child Summary

Stardate: 44614.6 Geordi gets to meet the real woman behind the one he became enamored with during a holodeck simulation used to save Enterprise in the past. The meeting goes way different than expected, but the two once again are called upon to save the Enterprise, when a space born alien baby begins feeding on the ship's power.

2268 have watched this episode

s04e17 / Night Terrors

19th Mar '91 - 1:00am
Night Terrors Summary

Stardate: 44631.2 When Enterprise goes to the rescue of a science vessel adrift for days, they find themselves in the same dilemma. Their trapped state is worsened by the fact that they are being "dream sleep" deprived, which they know can cause their passings, and has caused all but one of the science vessels crews' passings. An unaffected Troi becomes the key to their salvation.

2267 have watched this episode

s04e18 / Identity Crisis

26th Mar '91 - 1:00am
Identity Crisis Summary

Stardate: 44664.5 Members of a past pre-Enterprise away mission that Geordi was on to locate missing crewmen on a planet, are apparently going AWOL. Lt. Leijten, who lead the away team at the time, and Geordi are the last known members of that mission still around. Capt. Picard and the crew must find out what is happening, before they go missing themselves.

2265 have watched this episode

s04e19 / The Nth Degree

2nd Apr '91 - 1:00am
The Nth Degree Summary

An alien probe transforms Barclay from a shy, awkward character into an arrogant super-genius who is able to interface with the Enterprise's computer through the holodeck.

2266 have watched this episode

s04e20 / Qpid

23rd Apr '91 - 12:00am
Qpid Summary

Stardate: 44741.9 Q puts several of the Enterprise crew through a medieval "Robin of Loxly" role playing situation, after seeing Capt. Picard's interaction with the visiting Vash. However, in this scenario the crew members' lives are really at jeopardy.

2269 have watched this episode

s04e21 / The Drumhead

30th Apr '91 - 12:00am
The Drumhead Summary

Stardate: 44769.2 The discovery of a traitorous visiting Klingon crewman leads a witch hunt for more conspirators among the crew. However, when a famous Federation prosecutor soon oversteps reasonable bounds in her prosecution of her search, she soon begins to focus on Capt. Picard's involvement, much to her detriment.

2263 have watched this episode

s04e22 / Half a Life

7th May '91 - 12:00am
Half a Life Summary

Stardate: 44805.3 Lwaxana Troi, while visiting the Enterprise, becomes smitten with a visiting alien scientist, only to learn his culture requires him to soon die, as he has reached the required limited age in their culture.

2261 have watched this episode

s04e23 / The Host

14th May '91 - 12:00am
The Host Summary

Stardate: 44821.3 Dr. Crusher's romantic involvement with a Trill goes wrong when the Trill's host dies. Riker agrees to act as a substitute host till the new host can arrive. However, can Riker's body handle the Trill long enough till the new host arrives?

2260 have watched this episode

s04e24 / The Mind's Eye

28th May '91 - 12:00am
The Mind's Eye Summary

While en route to Risa for shore leave, Geordi is abducted by the Romulans and brainwashed into becoming an assassin.

2260 have watched this episode

s04e25 / In Theory

4th Jun '91 - 12:00am
In Theory Summary

Stardate: 44932.3 Data finds himself in an unusual situation. He enters into a romantic relationship with crewmate Ensign Jenna D'Sora. Meanwhile, random objects keep getting knocked off their perch, as the Enterprise experiences what a more primitive culture would call a "poltergeist".

2260 have watched this episode

s04e26 / Redemption, Part I

18th Jun '91 - 12:00am
Redemption, Part I Summary

Stardate: 44995.3 As Picard attends the ascension of Gowron to the leadership of the Klingon Empire, Duras' illegitimate son Toral challenges Gowron for leadership. This leads to a Klingon civil war. Worf must decide if he should join the struggle, and should he elicit the help of Kurn's, his brother, forces.

2266 have watched this episode
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