Look Who's Talking Summary

Undercover reporter Woody is on the run after uncovering a plot which goes right to the heart of the British establishment. Woody's editor Frank is involved in the plot and sets Woody up, meaning he has to flee the British Security Services - fast. He escapes to a Spanish island to seek refuge with his former Fleet Street mentor Brutus - now retired from journalism and running a bar. Initially unhappy to see him, Brutus quickly realizes that Woody's unrivalled ability to go undercover in any guise can make them both money.

SunTrap Season 1 Episodes...

SunTrap Show Summary

Woody is a master of disguise and the world's number one undercover reporter. After his corrupt editor blows his cover though he's forced on the run but he has trouble staying out of the spotlight. Woody manages to find his former mentor Brutus who is now running a bar on a sunny Spanish island. Brutus soon realizes that he can make money by putting Woody to work on a series of investigations.

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