The Boreal forest of Northern Canada is a vast tract of wilderness stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. It is home to moose and beaver, crisscrossed by rivers and lakes and frost-free for only about three months of the year. Les intentionally tips his canoe in mid-stream and crawls from the icy waters onto shore where he does a quick inventory of his supplies. A handful of cashews and beef jerky, a solitary match, a multi-tool and 50 lbs of camera equipment to document the next seven days in the bush.
Canadian filmmaker and survival expert Les Stroud, uses survival skills and knowledge to survive alone for up to ten days (seven days during the first three seasons and ten days during seasons four and five), in remote locales where he brings with him little or no food, water, or equipment. Each location was scouted and planned extensively by Stroud and his team who consulted with survival specialists and natives of each area. The fact that Stroud films the episodes himself and endures the challenges of the wilderness, while dealing with the concomitant mental, emotional and physical stresses, is a major focus of the show.
Survivorman - Canadian Boreal Forest Synopsis and Schedule