Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Season 1

s01e01 / Rise of the Turtles (1)

29th Sep '12 - 3:00pm
Rise of the Turtles (1) Summary

On their fifteenth birthday, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rise to the surface of New York City with the permission of their sensei Master Splinter. Once topside, the Turtles encounter their first taste of pizza and meet a teenage girl named April. Unfortunately, a robotic menace known as the Kraang abduct April and her father. Now the Turtles must jump into action in order to save the day.

643 have watched this episode

s01e02 / Rise of the Turtles (2)

29th Sep '12 - 3:30pm
Rise of the Turtles (2) Summary

In search of the whereabouts of the recently abducted April O'Neil, the Turtles investigate the base of the robotic Kraang army. Meanwhile, newfound leader Leonardo struggles to lead his rebellious brothers to victory. The Turtles will have to overcome their differences or else leave April and her father in the hands of the Kraang.

624 have watched this episode

s01e03 / Turtle Temper

6th Oct '12 - 3:00pm
Turtle Temper Summary

Raphael loses his temper when he is insulted by a caustic New Yorker (Vic). The ensuing yelling match results in the Turtles being ambushed by the Kraang and blowing their mission. Worse, Vic caught the whole thing on video, thus raising the frightening possibility of the existence of the Turtles becoming widely known. Raphael must learn to control his rage and endure insults in order to help the others retrieve the video before it falls into the wrong hands.

640 have watched this episode

s01e04 / New Friend Old Enemy

13th Oct '12 - 3:00pm
New Friend Old Enemy Summary

Michelangelo accidentally befriends Chris Bradford, a henchmen who's secretly working for Shredder!

621 have watched this episode

s01e05 / I Think His Name Is Baxter Stockman

20th Oct '12 - 3:00pm
I Think His Name Is Baxter Stockman Summary

The Turtles meet a devious inventor named Baxter Stockman. But is this man all that he appears to be?

608 have watched this episode

s01e06 / Metalhead

27th Oct '12 - 3:00pm
Metalhead Summary

Chaos ensues when Donatello creates Metalhead, a robotic turtle to fight alongside the rest of the group.

603 have watched this episode

s01e07 / Monkey Brains

3rd Nov '12 - 3:00pm
Monkey Brains Summary

While searching for a missing scientist, Donnie and April find a psychic monkey instead.

615 have watched this episode

s01e08 / Never Say Xever

10th Nov '12 - 4:00pm
Never Say Xever Summary

Leonardo struggles with his past when an old enemy, Xever, comes back to attack a noodle shop.

600 have watched this episode

s01e09 / The Gauntlet

17th Nov '12 - 4:00pm
The Gauntlet Summary

The Turtles spring into action when April receives a distressing phone call from her father. Now it's up to the team to stop the Kraang from detonating a bomb in the city.

594 have watched this episode

s01e10 / Panic in the Sewers

24th Nov '12 - 4:00pm
Panic in the Sewers Summary

When their home is attacked by Bradford, the Turtles must step up and defend the only home they've ever known.

579 have watched this episode

s01e11 / Mousers Attack!

8th Dec '12 - 4:00pm
Mousers Attack! Summary

The Turtles must divide and conquer when the Purple Dragons and Baxter Stockman team up to introduce a new threat, the mechanical Mousers.

580 have watched this episode

s01e12 / It Came From the Depths (FKA Leatherhead)

15th Dec '12 - 4:00pm
It Came From the Depths (FKA Leatherhead) Summary

Michelangelo befriends Leatherhead, an unstable mutant alligator who possesses a strange piece of Kraang technology, but the other Turtles aren't sure whether Leatherhead is a friend or a foe.

573 have watched this episode

s01e13 / I, Monster

26th Jan '13 - 12:00am
I, Monster Summary

The Rat King threatens to take control of the city and also Splinter's mind.

573 have watched this episode

s01e14 / New Girl In Town

2nd Feb '13 - 12:00am
New Girl In Town Summary

Raphael takes charge of the crew while Leonardo gets acquainted with a dangerous female ninja.

589 have watched this episode

s01e15 / The Alien Agenda

9th Feb '13 - 12:00am
The Alien Agenda Summary

Leo and Raph fight over Leo's crush on Karai, and whether or not they can trust her. Meanwhile, the Turtles get their first look at high school when April's school project draws attention from the Kraang.

573 have watched this episode

s01e16 / The Pulverizer

16th Feb '13 - 12:00am
The Pulverizer Summary

The Turtles meet their first fan when a teenager decides to dress up and fight crime as "The Pulverizer."

566 have watched this episode

s01e17 / TCRI

2nd Mar '13 - 12:00am
TCRI Summary

While breaking into the hostile environment of TCRI headquarters, the Turtles discover the true intent of the Kraang and resolve to stop the alien invasion once and for all.

575 have watched this episode

s01e18 / Cockroach Terminator

15th Mar '13 - 11:00pm
Cockroach Terminator Summary

A huge, powerful cockroach pursues the turtles as they attempt to sabotage a Kraag invasion scheme.

560 have watched this episode

s01e19 / Baxter's Gambit

5th Apr '13 - 11:00pm
Baxter's Gambit Summary

Baxter Stockman seeks revenge on Fishface and Dogpound as well as the Turtles, and lures them all into a deadly labyrinth.

574 have watched this episode

s01e20 / Enemy of My Enemy

12th Apr '13 - 11:00pm
Enemy of My Enemy Summary

After witnessing the Kraang in action, Karai realizes the seriousness of the alien threat and proposes an alliance with the Turtles... unless the Shredder finds out.

559 have watched this episode

s01e21 / Karai's Vendetta

27th Apr '13 - 3:00pm
Karai's Vendetta Summary

The Foot Clan attempt to abduct April, who must try to outsmart Karai on her own while the turtles are on an undersea operation.

555 have watched this episode

s01e22 / The Pulverizer Returns!

11th May '13 - 3:00pm
The Pulverizer Returns! Summary

When Shredder plans to create an army of mutants, the Turtles must rely on the help of the Pulverizer, who was recruited into the Foot (to be expendable) and volunteers to gather information on the inside on their behalf. When he agrees to be a test subject for a stolen supply of Kraang Mutagen, the Turtles rescue him, but not before he recklessly gets himself mutated.

552 have watched this episode

s01e23 / Parasitica

29th Jun '13 - 3:00pm
Parasitica Summary

When his brothers fall under the control of a parasitic wasp, Michelangelo has to fight them.

524 have watched this episode

s01e24 / Operation: Break Out

27th Jul '13 - 3:00pm
Operation: Break Out Summary

Donatello breaks into a secret Kraang detention center in order to rescue Kirby O'Neil, but ends up trapped inside with a deadly prisoner called the Newtralizer.

522 have watched this episode

s01e25 / Showdown, Part 1

8th Aug '13 - 12:00pm
Showdown, Part 1 Summary

The turtles engage in a difficult battle, as they make a desperate assault on TCRI to shut down the Kraang portal.

529 have watched this episode

s01e26 / Showdown, Part 2

8th Aug '13 - 12:30pm
Showdown, Part 2 Summary

With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that the Turtles complete their mission. No matter what ...

527 have watched this episode
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