Return to Kamino (1) Summary

Hunter is taken to Tipoca City on Kamino, where the Empire has evacuated critical personnel and eliminated the rest. Crosshair activates Hunter's comm-link, luring the rest of the Bad Batch into a trap. Omega shows the others a hidden entrance into Nala Se's secret laboratory, where they were all originally created and where they find the friendly droid AZI-3 in hiding. They find Hunter, who tries to convince Crosshair to have his inhibitor chip removed, but Crosshair reveals that it has already been removed and he is willingly working for the Empire. Hunter stuns Crosshair as Rampart, under the orders of Tarkin, begins destroying Tipoca City with the Bad Batch and Crosshair still inside.

The Bad Batch Season 1 Episodes...

The Bad Batch Show Summary

Clone Force 99, the elite and experimental Clones of the Bad Batch, find their way in a rapidly changing galaxy in the immediate aftermath of the Clone Wars. Members of Bad Batch - a unique squad of clones who vary genetically from their brothers in the Clone Army - each possess a singular exceptional skill that makes them extraordinarily effective soldiers and a formidable crew.

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