In part one of this two-part season finale, Scott and Jordan face grave danger during a rescue mission at a rapidly spreading wildfire outside San Antonio. Tensions are high between Syd and TC as they find themselves in the middle of a humanitarian crisis on the Syria-Turkey border. Paul and Shannon argue over treatment for a patient. Meanwhile a major setback threatens Drew's adoption plans for Brianna, Topher struggles to find a buyer for the hospital and medication goes missing.
Welcome to the night shift, where every day is a fight between the heroic efforts of saving lives and the hard truths of running a hospital. At San Antonio Memorial, the men and women who work the wee hours are a special breed, particularly adrenaline junkie T.C. Callahan. After a grueling tour of duty in the Middle East, T.C. is about to learn that his toughest battles will be fought right at home. He and his irreverent team of late-night docs, including Topher and Drew, know how to let off steam with the casual prank or two, but when lives are at stake they are all business.
Unfortunately, the night shift is now under new management and boss Michael Ragosa is more interested in cutting costs than helping people. But T.C. has never met a rule he couldn't break, or a person he won't stand up to. And it's clear that not even Dr. Jordan Santos, T.C'.s ex-girlfriend and now Ragosa's second in charge, has a chance at keeping him in line. If Ragosa wants a war, he'll get one.