The Wire
Season 4

s04e01 / Boys of Summer

11th Sep '06 - 1:00am
Boys of Summer Summary

"Lambs to the slaughter here". - Marcia Donnelly

Four West Baltimore boys wrestle with what to do with the rest of their summer vacation as the new fall school year approaches. Bodie deals with his corner running slower than usual so he decides to take on a runner. Marlo believes he has finally solved the problem that Stringer could never figure out. Freamon, Greggs, and Sydnor go to Pearlman to see if she will issue City Hall subpoenas. Meanwhile, the mayoral race heats up as Mayor Royce and his primary challenger, Tommy Carcetti each hit campaign trail. Prez begins preparing for his new career in higher education, while McNulty ends up turning down a promotion.

3705 have watched this episode

s04e02 / Soft Eyes

18th Sep '06 - 1:00am
Soft Eyes Summary

"I still wake up white in a city that ain't". - Carcetti

In the hopes of possibly saving her job, Pearlman and Freamon continue arguing over the subpoenas, as the election draws closer. Carcetti drops a bombshell on Royce during their televised debate, while Herc makes a shocking discovery about the Mayor himself. Marlo decides to help the young kids in their preparation for school. Namond gets some advice from his father, Wee-Bey. Bubbles decides to bring in an apprentice to help out his business, while Cutty continues his two jobs; landscaping and boxing mentor.

3697 have watched this episode

s04e03 / Home Rooms

25th Sep '06 - 1:00am
Home Rooms Summary

Prez learns a difficult lesson during his first week at school; Bunny mulls an offer for a crime-research study; Rawls sabotages Freamon's unit; the mayor reacts to Carcetti's debate bombshell; Proposition Joe suggests reaching out to Marlo; Bunk gets a taste of McNulty's domesticated life.

3694 have watched this episode

s04e04 / Refugees

2nd Oct '06 - 1:00am
Refugees Summary

"No one wins. One side just loses more slowly". - Prez

Freamon and Greggs move to Homicide, while Herc and Dozerman join Marimow in the lackluster Major Crimes Unit. Cutty gets a "custodial" job at Tilghman School picking up truants, but struggles to make progress while trying to mentor Michael. Bubbles works to get Sherrod back in school as an 8th grader. Burrell finds a way to sabotage the state-witness cuddle investigation before the election, impacting Greggs. Prez's struggles as a teacher continue while Bodie finds himself working for a new "company". Meanwhile, Colvin pitches his pilot program to the middle school and Carcetti meets with a constituency when he knows that they won't support him regardless of what he says. Randy is faced with a dilemma after being busted for his candy scam and Proposition Joe plays Marlo in a high-stakes heist.

3691 have watched this episode

s04e05 / Alliances

9th Oct '06 - 1:00am
Alliances Summary

"If you with us, you with us". - Chris Partlow

Commissioner Burrell loses Royce's support; Chris Partlow tries to recruit Michael to become a soldier in Marlo's unit; Dukie shows Randy and the boys that the missing are really dead; Odell Watkins drops his support for Royce and considers an offer from Councilman Carcetti.

3690 have watched this episode

s04e06 / Margin of Error

16th Oct '06 - 1:00am
Margin of Error Summary

Election Day brings out last-minute campaign tactics; Herc thinks he can catch Marlo red-handed; Colvin gets his first class of recruits; Omar's name echoes through the squad room, but McNulty is skeptical of the reason; Prez tries to keep Randy from heading down the wrong path; Namond is reluctant to become a breadwinner.

3688 have watched this episode

s04e07 / Unto Others

30th Oct '06 - 2:00am
Unto Others Summary

"Aw yeah. That golden rule". - The Bunk

Omar calls in a favor to the police; Carcetti gets advice from the ex-mayor and then Mayor Royce and his team; Cutty finds out why Spider has been avoiding him and explains to the rest of his boxers that it won't happen again; Prez makes a break through with his students; Herc loses his camera; Greggs solves the Braddock case with soft eyes; Bubbles gets robbed repeatedly and searches for Sherrod; Namond begins to work a package and finds it hard to get suspended from school; Daniels catches Carcetti's eye.

3685 have watched this episode

s04e08 / Corner Boys

6th Nov '06 - 2:00am
Corner Boys Summary

"We got our thing, but it's just part of the big thing". - Zenobia

Prez wants to teach off curriculum. Carcetti visits the Homicide Department and goes on ride-a-longs for drug busts. Colvin and Dr. Parneti's class discuss the Corner Boy rules. Bunk convinces Holley to take another look at the Old Face Andre/Omar Little case. Herc and Dozerman begin shaking down Marlo and his crew as they try to have their surveillance camera returned. Chris Partlow and Snoop look to send the New York crew a message. Marlo asks Proposition Joe to look into Herc. Michael's father comes home, while Namond recruits a lieutenant.

3684 have watched this episode

s04e09 / Know Your Place

13th Nov '06 - 2:00am
Know Your Place Summary

"Might as well dump 'em, get another". - Proposition Joe

Herc and Dozerman search for Little Kevin; Omar gets out of jail; Carcetti has his first meeting with the City Council; Prez and the teachers begin teaching the test; Proposition Joe lets Marlo know Major Crimes is after him; Bubbles looks to Kima and Herc to help him out; Bubbles delivers Little Kevin to Herc; Old Face Andre goes into hiding but Proposition Joe sells him out; Bug's father gets in Michael's face; Michael takes his problems to Marlo; Daniels and Valchek gets promoted; Omar and Renaldo monitor Marlo's activities.

3678 have watched this episode

s04e10 / Misgivings

20th Nov '06 - 2:00am
Misgivings Summary

"World goin' one way, people another". -Poot

Walker catches Donut boosting cars and teaches him a lesson; Commissioner Burrell gets advice from Senator Davis; Little Kevin has a talk with Marlo and regrets it; Herc ignores Bubbles call and regrets it; the Area Superintendent questions the success of Colvin and Parenti's project class; Senator Davis attempts to con Carcetti; Carver arrests Namond but keeps him out of baby booking; Burrell has the police force juke the numbers with street sweeps; Marlo puts the word out that Randy is a snitch; Elena sees McNulty as a grown up; Chris Partlow and Snoop target Bug's father for Michael.

3677 have watched this episode

s04e11 / A New Day

27th Nov '06 - 2:00am
A New Day Summary

Herc's harassment of a black minister becomes Carcetti's first public-relations problem; Daniels turns to Freamon to reopen the major-crimes unit; Michael hatches a scheme to get back at the bullying Off. Walker; Omar gains the upper hand in dealing with Proposition Joe; Randy's predicament prompts a swift reaction from Prez.

3675 have watched this episode

s04e12 / That's Got His Own

4th Dec '06 - 2:00am
That's Got His Own Summary

"That all there is to it- - Bubbles

While searching for the missing bodies, Freamon goes around the chain of command after being rebuked by Landsman. Carcetti finds that his promises of raises could be undermined by the school debt, forcing him to consider groveling before the Governor for money to pay it off. Colvin tries to keep his experimental class funded. Bubbles considers taking extreme measures to get rid of the man who continues to steal from him. Prez is concerned about Dukie's academic promotion. Omar orchestrates another big sting while Namond and Cutty get a first-hand taste of the "new" Michael. Carver's promise to look out for Randy ends up looking empty.

3671 have watched this episode

s04e13 / Final Grades

11th Dec '06 - 2:00am
Final Grades Summary

The police are overwhelmed by the vacant houses' yield. Meanwhile, Bubbles takes a protégé's fate hard, Colvin asks Wee-Bey for a big favor, Omar looks to rob Joe's co-op once again, Marlo gives Michael his first assignment, McNulty mulls a return to his old unit, Bodie voices his displeasure with the current regime and Carver runs out of time trying to help Randy.

3670 have watched this episode
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