Tyler Perry's Ruthless
Season 2

s02e01 / The Outhouse

12th Mar '21 - 3:00am
The Outhouse Summary

Oliver covers his tracks, Dikhan confronts Marva, Ruth reassures The Highest, Andrew completes his mission, Brian urges the sheriff to visit the Rakudushis, and Joan questions Rivers plan.

47 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Over the Barrel

12th Mar '21 - 4:00am
Over the Barrel Summary

The Highest shares his plans for the Raku children with River, Marva looks for Lilo, Ruth and Tally clash over strategy, Brian tries to save his marriage, and Oliver confides in Andrew.

43 have watched this episode

s02e03 / Holding On by a Thread

12th Mar '21 - 4:59am
Holding On by a Thread Summary

Oliver turns to Andrew for help, Dikhan reveals shocking news to The Highest, tempers flare between Ruth and Tally, and Clark sets out on a mission.

44 have watched this episode

s02e04 / Duplicity

19th Mar '21 - 3:59am
Duplicity Summary

Yancy deceives Tally after getting what he wanted from her. Tally suspects that Andrew knows her secret and sends Ruth to investigate.

50 have watched this episode

s02e05 / Agitators

26th Mar '21 - 3:59am
Agitators Summary

Ruth continues her advances towards The Highest to get him right where she wants him; Dikahn learns that there's an infiltrator in the camp.

48 have watched this episode

s02e06 / Trust No One

2nd Apr '21 - 3:59am
Trust No One Summary

Andrew goes to extreme measures to convince Dikahn of his loyalty. William's words could lead him straight to his own demise.

48 have watched this episode

s02e07 / The Code

9th Apr '21 - 3:59am
The Code Summary

Andrew goes to great lengths to remain undercover; Marva seeks to find out if Ruth is being truthful; Ruth must deceive Dikahn to throw him off the scent.

48 have watched this episode

s02e08 / Small Little Lies

16th Apr '21 - 3:59am
Small Little Lies Summary

Dikahn and Marva share unpleasant banter about how far Melinda has been allowed to go with Deputy Poke. At Dikahn's behest River attempts to expose Andrew's deceit and prove he's not dedicated to the Raku.

45 have watched this episode

s02e09 / The Ritual Bath

22nd Apr '21 - 3:59am
The Ritual Bath Summary

Andrew and Dikahn report to The Highest that there's more to Andrew and River's fallout. Lacey and Paula seize an opportunity to flee but their plan is thwarted when Elder Agnes steps in.

44 have watched this episode

s02e10 / My Brother's Keeper

26th Nov '21 - 4:00am
My Brother's Keeper Summary

Dikahn catches Lacey and Paula trying to escape and punishes them along with Elder Agnes; the Highest becomes concerned that no one has seen Lilo, and he questions Joan.

25 have watched this episode

s02e11 / Secrets of the Garden

26th Nov '21 - 4:30am
Secrets of the Garden Summary

Zane reveals a secret about Elder Mother Marva to Ruth and Tally as well as what Lacey and Paula's plans are to escape; Clark tells Oliver he doesn't trust Andrew, and he wants to dig up dirt on him.

25 have watched this episode

s02e12 / Masquerade

26th Nov '21 - 4:59am
Masquerade Summary

Ruth meets with River to hear his plans on escaping from the compound.

25 have watched this episode

s02e13 / Evil Deeds

3rd Dec '21 - 4:59am
Evil Deeds Summary

River shares with Ruth his experience of what happens when The Highest gets angry.

34 have watched this episode

s02e14 / Prophecy

10th Dec '21 - 4:59am
Prophecy Summary

The Highest awaits Andrew's return to the compound with much anticipated news after carrying out an order.

38 have watched this episode

s02e15 / Caged Birds

17th Dec '21 - 4:59am
Caged Birds Summary

Joan voices her worries when Ruth reveals she does not know River's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Melinda endures a harsh rebuke for following orders.

38 have watched this episode

s02e16 / Retribution

23rd Dec '21 - 4:59am
Retribution Summary

River endures Elder Mother Marva's interrogation over his connection to Ruth. Meanwhile, Clark informs Dikahn about Lacey and Oliver's activities.

38 have watched this episode

s02e17 / Into The Woods

30th Dec '21 - 4:59am
Into The Woods Summary

Manny catches Zane in a compromising position and uses it to his advantage; Herbert and Liz become entangled with the Rakudushis when Tally finds a safe haven at their ranch.

36 have watched this episode

s02e18 / Precious Armor

7th Jan '22 - 4:59am
Precious Armor Summary

River leads Dikahn to an unsightly scene on Yancy's bus.

32 have watched this episode

s02e19 / The Raku Way

14th Jan '22 - 4:59am
The Raku Way Summary

Clark attempts to help The Highest when a struggle ensues. The Highest chastises Dikahn and expresses his disappointment in letting everything happen as it has.

33 have watched this episode
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