After the devastating alien attack, disparate pockets of survivors emerge into a shattered world. They quickly realise they must put their differences aside if they are to stand any chance of survival. For they are not alone. Something sinister lurks in the shadows and whatever it is, it won't consider its victory complete until it hashuged every last human. But who are these attackers and why are they hell-bent on destruction?
When astronomers detect a transmission from another galaxy, it is definitive proof of intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Earth's population waits for further contact with bated breath, but does not have to wait long. Within days, mankind is all but wiped out, with just pockets of humanity are left in an eerily deserted world. As alien ships appear in the sky, the survivors ask a burning question - who are these attackers and why are they hell-bent on our destruction?
War of the Worlds - Season 1, Episode 2 Synopsis and Schedule