Welcome To Sweden
Season 2

s02e01 / Flash Mob

2nd Apr '15 - 1:00am
Flash Mob Summary

Bruce is planning to propose to Emma but after a conversation with Viveka and Birger he becomes unsure of her attitude toward marriage. Emma becomes a celebrity when an unfortunate picture of her begins to spread on the internet. Viveka and Birger think it's time for Gustav to leave home.

553 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Searching for Bergman

9th Apr '15 - 1:00am
Searching for Bergman Summary

Bruce har fullt upp med att ta hand om stjärnan som dykt upp i Stockholm. Stjärnan vill gå i Ingemar Bergmans fotspår och vill träffa folk som arbetat med stjärnregissören vilket visar sig vara lättare sagt än gjort. Emma kämpar med patriarkala härskarmetoder på kontoret och sätter hårt mot hårt.

Bruce is busy when he is taking care of the celebrity star that have arrived in Stockholm. The star wants to walk in director Ingemar Bergmans shoes and wants to meet the people who have worked with the director, which seems to be easier said than done. Emma is struggling with dominance in the office and puts her foot down.

546 have watched this episode

s02e03 / Scrapbook

16th Apr '15 - 1:00am
Scrapbook Summary

The whole Wiik family goes on the yearly skiing vacation and Bruce is overestimating his ability to ski. Emma, however, is bragging about how good she is. Gustav doesn't join but instead goes out on apartment hunting. Something that seems to be harder than he thought.

Hela familjen Wiik ska åka på sin traditionsenliga skidutflykt och Bruce överskattar sin förmåga som skidåkare. Emma däremot skryter om hur duktig hon är. Gustav följer inte med på utflykten utan ger sig ut för att söka lägenhet i stället. Något som visar sig vara svårare än han trodde.

534 have watched this episode

s02e04 / Parental Guidance

23rd Apr '15 - 1:00am
Parental Guidance Summary

Bruce's parents come to Stockholm to celebrate the engagement but they also have a preference, that the wedding will be held in the United States. Birger has done everything to his beloved summer house not be sold but when Wayne offers to buy it, he faces a dilemma.

Bruces föräldrar kommer till Stockholm för att fira förlovningen men de har också ett önskemål, att bröllopet ska hållas i USA. Birger har gjort allt för att hans älskade sommarhus inte ska säljas men när Wayne erbjuder sig att köpa det ställs han inför ett dilemma.

526 have watched this episode

s02e05 / American Club

30th Apr '15 - 1:00am
American Club Summary

Bruce does not have many friends in Sweden strikes a fellow in the American Club in Stockholm. The only question is whether it is a real friend. Gustav has found a clever way to live almost free and Emma believes that Americans are using the phrase I love you too much.

Bruce som inte har så många vänner i Sverige träffar en landsman på den amerikanska klubben i Stockholm. Frågan är bara om det är en riktig vän. Gustav har kommit på ett smart sätt att leva nästan gratis och Emma anser att amerikanerna använder uttrycket I love you för mycket.

518 have watched this episode

s02e06 / Swedish Bachelor Party

14th May '15 - 1:00am
Swedish Bachelor Party Summary

Bruce meets up with actor Jack Black to show him around the city, but things take a turn when masked men abduct Bruce; Diane (Neve Campbell) plans a surprise bachelorette party for Emma.

487 have watched this episode

s02e07 / Hitting the Wall

21st May '15 - 1:00am
Hitting the Wall Summary

Bruce has a hard time overcoming the language barrier when he's tasked with coaching a local kids' basketball team.

485 have watched this episode

s02e08 / Drug Deal

28th May '15 - 1:00am
Drug Deal Summary

Bruce and Gustaf try to find marijuana for Amy Poehler, who's in town for a speaking engagement.

484 have watched this episode

s02e09 / Little Brucie

4th Jun '15 - 1:00am
Little Brucie Summary

Bruce and Emma bicker over the details of their wedding, leading them to question their compatibility.

520 have watched this episode

s02e10 / Sexy Dancing

4th Jun '15 - 1:30am
Sexy Dancing Summary

Emma has everyone dance down the aisle at her and Bruce's wedding but takes her part a little too far.

515 have watched this episode
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