A British ex-special forces agent leads a rescue mission after a commercial flight crashes on an uninhabited island. The survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
The survivors find a satellite phone, Danny confronts his past, Todd learns about the passing of his child, and a discovery is made that could change everything.
The survivors face a difficult choice when they discover that they only have enough battery power to watch one of two DVDs: Dumb and Dumber To, or Selma. Meanwhile, Todd tries to track down a sex pervert among the passengers after finding a case full of dong... and not the Vietnamese money.
Pack goes on a vision quest, Danny helps Owen relax, Todd makes a power play to take control, and the survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
The survivors hold an election, Danny and Todd face off, and the survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
Todd adjusts to a life of solitude, Pack finds other crash survivors, and the survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
The survivors hold a trial after someone is seriously injured and the survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
Danny and Owen start a new camp, two survivors try to escape the island, and the survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
Owen has an encounter in the jungle. Todd, Florence, and Emma adjust to life off the island and the survivors make a discovery that could change everything.
It's the final showdowns, as Karen battles Todd and Owen fights Steve. Meanwhile, the chance of rescue looms large over the survivors but time is running out.