Airs: 12:30am - 1:00am on Nickelodeon
While on their way to the North Pole, Aang and his friends arrive at a giant canyon where two groups of refugees are bickering over who should get to go across. Aang decides to walk across with the two groups to ensure they dont fight one another. However, he soon learns that the two tribes have been feuding for one hundred years and they both believe their actions are justified. But when the predators inside the canyon start to come out, Aang is stuck trying to defend both tribes from each other and the vicious wildlife.
Airs: 6:00pm - 6:50pm on BBC One
After chasing an unexplained capsule through time, the TARDIS lands in London, during an air raid. Rose investigates when a small child wearing a gasmask, standing on a rooftop, continuously calls out for his mummy. After floating above the city on a barrage balloon, Rose is swept off her feet by another time traveller - Captain Jack Harkness. Meanwhile, The Doctor follows a teenaged girl to a meeting of the homeless children of the Blitz. Here, the child in the gasmask is terrorising them with a parade of strange events, constantly asking for his mother.
Airs: 7:45pm - 8:45pm on BBC THREE
The adventures of The Doctor on BBC television have not always been renowned for the perfection of their visual effects, however, Doctor Who Confidential looks at how modern technology can now give us effective shots of Rose floating over 1941 London during the Blitz while hanging from a barrage balloon.