TV Episode Summaries for
30th May 2010

MasterChef Australia Season 2, Episode 36

Mystery Box & Invention Test

Airs: 11:30am - 12:30pm on Network Ten

Pasta theme. After a trying Mystery Box challenge featuring lambs' brains, Marion emerged as winner and picked seafood as the core ingredient for the Invention Test. Most contestants thrived in making their own pasta, leading the judges to award a Top 6, with Aaron wowing with his remarkable invention.

Underbelly Season 3, Episode 9

Dog Eat Dog

Airs: 12:30pm - 1:30pm on Nine

Under pressure from the Royal Commission, Trevor Haken's paranoia reaches new heights. Drug boss Benny Kassab suspects a rat in the ranks, with deadly results. Police cadet Kim Hollingsworth is haunted by her past employment choices when she is approched to run a brothel and reports this to the royal comission team.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Season 1, Episode 59

Lost Light

Airs: 8:00pm - 8:30pm on Tokyo Broadcasting System

Following Riza's eye signal, Roy refuses to perform a human transmutation. May arrives with Zampano, Jerso, and Darius and heals Riza's wound. However, Bradley and Pride also appear and force Roy to perform a human transmutation anyway, using the gold-toothed doctor as a sacrifice. Roy passes through the Gate of Truth and reappears in Father's lair with Pride, Father, and the other sacrifices, and finds he has lost his eyesight in exchange. Scar battles Bradley above, and May crashes through the ceiling of Father's lair to find Al unconscious. Al stands before the Gate to find his body, but despairs that he will be unable to use it to fight alongside the others because it is so frail. He promises to return for his body and goes through the Gate, regaining consciousness in Father's lair and completing Father's count for the five sacrifices.

Lewis Season 4, Episode 4

Falling Darkness

Airs: 9:00pm - 10:00pm on ITV

On Halloween night, a university friend of pathologist Laura Hobson is found staked through the heart. During their investigation, Lewis and Hathaway are approached by a medium who claims that they are in grave danger. The following day a student is murdered in the house that Hobson shared with her university friends, and a clue at the crime scene leads Lewis and Hathaway to a third victim. As the body count rises Lewis and Hathaway are forced to acknowledge that Hobson might know more about the deaths than she is letting on.
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