The return of the comedy sports quiz, hosted by James Corden, with team captains Jamie Redknapp and Andrew Flintoff, and regular panellist Jack Whitehall. Joining in the fun are comedian Jimmy Carr, Olympic skeleton champion Amy Williams and Dutch football star Edgar Davids.
Three members of One Direction and Radio 1 DJ Sara Cox are the guests joining James Corden, Jamie Redknapp, Freddie Flintoff and Jack Whitehall.
West Ham United manager Sam Allardyce, Paralympic cycling champion Sarah Storey and funnyman David Walliams join regular panellist Jack Whitehall and team captains Jamie Redknapp and Andrew Flintoff on the sports-based comedy quiz hosted by James Corden.
Marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe, England rugby union international Chris Ashton and comedy all-rounder Richard Ayoade join regular panellist Jack Whitehall and team captains Jamie Redknapp and Andrew Flintoff on the sports quiz hosted by James Corden.
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Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
Coming Soon...
The final whistle may have blown on the hit panel show's seventh series, but these unseen clips of James Corden and co are sure to keep the laughs coming.
More never-before-seen footage of James Corden, Jamie Redknapp, Freddie Flintoff, Jack Whitehall and their guests on the cheeky sports-themed panel show.
James Corden and the gang, including comedian Jimmy Carr and Olympian Amy Williams, go head-to-head in the standout challenge from series seven: the rally car race.