An animated series following the asinine antics of inept forest rangers at Brickleberry National Park begins with Steve worrying that Ethel's arrival will jeopardize his stranglehold on Ranger of the Month. Meanwhile, Malloy's love of chocolate puts him in an uncomfortable position.
Steve's failure at speed dating leads to a tryst with a prostitute, a sexually transmitted disease and a prognosis of two weeks to live. Meanwhile, Ethel starts a camp for blind people.
Steve and Denzel go undercover to catch marijuana growers in the park, but get in over their heads with the Russian mob by promising more than they can deliver.
Competition with Yellowstone prompts Woody's plan to spotlight cute animals, so Steve hatches an idea for a squirrel-rabbit hybrid.
Secretary of the Interior Kirk Sanders visits the park and in an effort to impress him, Woody sets the park on fire.
A controversy-courting church gathers at Brickleberry with Woody's permission, but Connie makes herself scarce due to her history with the group's policies, and in the process discovers a secret military installation.
Fed up with conditions at the park, the rangers begin making demands. Woody, impressed with the workers at the computer help desk in India, decides to outsource the ranger positions to 'dot-bots'.
The rangers discover that Steve wears a toupee while they prepare for the annual Ranger Ball; in an effort to re-grow his hair and feel better about himself, Steve becomes Bigfoot which makes him a celebrity.
When Steve volunteers to track down the person who has been leaving the park littered with half-eaten goats, he finds his father - the greatest park ranger Brickleberry ever knew - living in a cave.
The dam that holds back Brickleberry River is destroyed by fireworks set off in honor of Woody's birthday. The park floods and the rangers, along with the rest of the survivors, must re-form society on the island.