Gene Simmons Family Jewels
Season 2

s02e01 / Under the Knife?

26th Mar '07 - 1:00am
Under the Knife? Summary

Season two starts off with Gene and Shannon preparing for facelifts. Shannon thinks she is pregnant and sends her sister, Tracy, and her son, Nick, to the store to get her a pregnancy test. Gene gets word that his publicity tour has changed as is off to New York to appear on MTV's TRL. Somewhere along the way, Gene's Demon costume gets lost, and he sends the hotel's assistant manager on a hild goose chase to find it before the show airs.

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s02e02 / A Bun in the Oven?

26th Mar '07 - 1:00am
A Bun in the Oven? Summary

Gene and fellow KISS band member Paul Stanley have been honored to be asked the be the Grand Marshals of a NYC Halloween Parade. While they are away, Shannon takes her pregnancy test. Everyone anxiously awaits the results, especially Gene when he returns home.

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s02e03 / Gene's Big Mouth

2nd Apr '07 - 1:00am
Gene's Big Mouth Summary

After learning that Shannon wasn't pregnant, Gene brings up the idea of adopting a child. Shannon doesn't want to have to wait a year to adopt a child though. Gene loses his little black book and runs wild trying to find it. Shannon attempts to teach Gene to think before his opens his big mouth to speak.

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s02e04 / Nice Day For a Facelift

2nd Apr '07 - 1:00am
Nice Day For a Facelift Summary

Gene and Shannon both undergo cosmetic surgery and then prepare for the recovery process.

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s02e05 / Face Off

9th Apr '07 - 1:00am
Face Off Summary

A very graphical episode of Gene and Shannon's facelifts in which Shannon has to stay in the hospital due to the pain. Nick and especially Sophie can't really handle the initial results of their parents makeover.

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s02e06 / Stir Crazy

16th Apr '07 - 1:00am
Stir Crazy Summary

Shannon is finally allowed to come home and ends up driving the kids wild. Gene thinks the doctors don't know what they are talking about and ingores there advise. Nick and Sophie turn to their Aunt Tracy for some help in escaping the madness.

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s02e07 / Snowblind

23rd Apr '07 - 1:00am
Snowblind Summary

Shannon tries to escape to Aspen for some real R & R, but Sophie talks the rest of the family into heading up their as well. Gene soon learns that Sophie wanted to go up there because of a boy she likes and Gene tries to find out all about him and ends up getting in trouble. Soon he has to be rescues by the mountain's ski patrol.

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s02e08 / Coming Out Party

30th Apr '07 - 1:00am
Coming Out Party Summary

Gene plans on making a "Rent-A-Bachelor" charity event his coming out party, but being as he didn't follow the doctors orders he is unable to attend. He sends Nick in his place and the bids go wild. Gene must now find a way to heal himself before he accepts the first ever "Golden Tongue" award at the Adult Video News Awards.

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s02e09 / The Wingman

7th May '07 - 1:00am
The Wingman Summary

Gene decides to take his business partner's thirty year old nephew out on the town in Las Vegas to help cheer him up after learning about his divorce. Gene soon finds out that getting game isn't as easy as it used to be.

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s02e10 / Uncle Gene Wants You

21st May '07 - 1:00am
Uncle Gene Wants You Summary

Gene decides to take Sophie to San Diego's Camp Pendleton to help her do some research for a school paper she has to write on the armed forces. After a lot of smack talking back and forth, they are thrown into a few brutal basic training exercises. No one is laughing now.

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s02e11 / Growing Pains

4th Jun '07 - 1:00am
Growing Pains Summary

Nick's friends persuade him to move out of the house. Nick decides to check out a college. Sophie, Shannon and Gene go shopping to buy items for Nick to bribe him into staying home. Nick has a terrible experience at the weekend orientation. Sophie asks Nick not to tell their parents about his experience so that his parents will continue to bribe him into staying home.

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s02e12 / Master Gene Theatre

11th Jun '07 - 1:00am
Master Gene Theatre Summary

A look at some hilarious outtakes, Bad jokes, and never seen before couch interviews from season one. Including a few new segments of Gene and the family.

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s02e13 / British Invasion

18th Jun '07 - 1:00am
British Invasion Summary

Gene and Nick take a personal tour of London's musical landmarks for Nick's 18th birthday. One of their stops was The Beatles' Abbey Road Studios. The vacation almost ends on a sour note when a young exec from Gene's English record label tries to turn their trip into a publicity tour. Gene and Nick get some good father and son time on this trip.

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s02e14 / All Grown Up

9th Jul '07 - 1:00am
All Grown Up Summary

Gene takes Sophie to Paris, France for a photo shoot with a professional photographer. Of course, being his only daughter, Gene makes sure nobody takes advantage of his 14 year old daughter. Meanwhile, Shannon and Nickremain in London, Nick spend the day with a girl friend he made on the earlier episode (British Invasion) and thinks of staying in London for College.

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s02e15 / Rich Dad

16th Jul '07 - 1:00am
Rich Dad Summary

Gene helps out a mother and son with their strip club while he is in Las Vegas. He rushed home after that to play volleyball with Sophie in a Father/Daughter game she never told him about because she doesn't want to bother him and his busy schedule. Gene thinks she just doesn't want him there and wants to be a proud dad.

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s02e16 / Alpha Male

23rd Jul '07 - 1:00am
Alpha Male Summary

Sophie wants to go camping with the family on her birhday to prove that she and Sharon are the Alpha Males in the family, not Gene.

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s02e17 / Sucker Bet

30th Jul '07 - 1:00am
Sucker Bet Summary

Sharon and Aunt Tracy are off to the Kentucky Derby and Gene insists on tagging along. A problem at the hotel leaves Gene wishing he would have stayed home. Tracy talks Sharon into betting 0,000 on a horse.

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s02e18 / And They're Off!

30th Jul '07 - 1:00am
And They're Off! Summary

In a panic over Shannon's 0,000 bet on a horse she knows nothing about Gene frantically tries to sell her ticket at a discount to anyone he comes in contact with.

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s02e19 / Trapped in Paradise

6th Aug '07 - 1:00am
Trapped in Paradise Summary

Gene, who hates the sun and sand, travels to Turks & Caicos in an attempt to bring an Indy car race there. But as usual, things don't go as planned.

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s02e20 / Genetopia

13th Aug '07 - 1:00am
Genetopia Summary

Gene toys with the idea of buying his own island with his own rules and calling it "Genetopia." While Gene is away, Shannon tags along with Tracy as she goes to a speed dating event. Tracy soon learns that the guy she thinks she hitting it off with great, is only trying to get to Shannon, who is after all "happily unmarried."

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s02e21 / Fact or Fiction?

20th Aug '07 - 1:00am
Fact or Fiction? Summary

In the second-season finale, Gene appears on Adam Corolla's radio show and is challenged to take a lie-detector test to verify his boasts regarding his sexual exploits. Afterwards, he is joined by Shannon for lunch with Hugh Hefner. Gene and Shannon then travel to Las Vegas for her sister's wedding.

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