Samantha Who?
Season 2

s02e01 / So I Think I Can Dance

14th Oct '08 - 1:30am
So I Think I Can Dance Summary

Regina's old enemy is in a dance competition, and Regina desperately wants to beat her, but she needs Sam's help. There's only one problem, the new Sam has two left feet, unlike the old Sam who could dance. Meanwhile, Todd weasels his way back into Sam's apartment, just as she was looking to start her new independent life.

656 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Out of Africa

21st Oct '08 - 1:30am
Out of Africa Summary

Sam chickens out of going to Africia, when she finds out what all is required to go. She won't tell her family though, because from the start, they said she chicken out. Instead she is hides away with Dena and Andrea to make appear she is gone.

654 have watched this episode

s02e03 / The Pill

28th Oct '08 - 1:30am
The Pill Summary

Desperate to regain her memory, Sam opts to join a clinical trial and starts taking pills for her memory. Sam's memories start coming back, but she doesn't like what she learns about her former self. Elsewhere, someone confuses Dena and Andrea as being a gay couple, which frustrates Andrea and sends her on the hunt to find someone hotter than Dena.

651 have watched this episode

s02e04 / The Building

4th Nov '08 - 2:30am
The Building Summary

Sam and Andrea open up a real estate business. Sam wants to do things fairly, but her first client could change her mind. In an attempt to gain a basketball player's phone number, Andrea flirts with Todd's friend, Seth.

651 have watched this episode

s02e05 / Help!

11th Nov '08 - 2:30am
Help! Summary

After being given community service for her altercation with a cop, Sam tries to help out Natalie, a wayward young woman, despite pleas from her friends not to. Howard tries to give Todd advice on how to win Sam back, even though he told Howard he wasn't interested anymore.

650 have watched this episode

s02e06 / The Ex

18th Nov '08 - 2:30am
The Ex Summary

Sam breaks the news to Owen, that Todd is not only her roommate, but also her ex-boyfriend. Owen is understanding because his ex-girlfriend, Willow, lives with him as well. Ironically, Todd and Willow know each other from high school.

649 have watched this episode

s02e07 / The Farm

25th Nov '08 - 2:30am
The Farm Summary

Sam and Owen head over to Regina and Howard's for dinner. Everything is going fine until Owen starts in on the horror of chicken farms, not knowing that Howard owns one. Dena oversteps her boundaries, when she undermines Chapman's authority with his employees. Todd enjoys the apartment alone after not telling Sam his mother isn't coming after all.

648 have watched this episode

s02e08 / The Park

2nd Dec '08 - 2:30am
The Park Summary

Sam tries to make herself appear to be an environmentalist, so Owen might like her more. Andrea doesn't fare well when the basketball player, Tony Dane, is looking for a date.

648 have watched this episode

s02e09 / The Family Vacation

2nd Dec '08 - 2:30am
The Family Vacation Summary

After the breakup between Owen and Sam, The Newlys, Dena, and Andrea decide to pack it up and head out for an overdue family vacation to a lodge. Sam is met by an unexpected friend at the lodge, Brad, who was her childhood sweetheart. Things get turbulent when Andrea makes a pass at him.

648 have watched this episode

s02e10 / My Best Friend's Boyfriend

27th Mar '09 - 12:30am
My Best Friend's Boyfriend  Summary

Andrea has a new boyfriend and Sam wants the couple to actually go on a real date for once. Todd doesn't like being just the roommate. Dena has a new penpal in Iraq, but she wonders if it means she's cheating on Chase.

648 have watched this episode

s02e11 / The Dog

3rd Apr '09 - 12:30am
The Dog Summary

Sam wants a baby, but she settles for a babysitting one of Dena's dogs to see if you has any motherly instincts. Howard and Regina inherit a plane, which causes Regina to take flying lessons.

647 have watched this episode

s02e12 / The Amazing Racist

10th Apr '09 - 12:30am
The Amazing Racist Summary

Sam tries to become friends with Frank, once she thinks her old self was a racist. Andrea doesn't want to lose all the glamour of dating a celebrity, after Tony is outed as being gay.

647 have watched this episode

s02e13 / The Debt

17th Apr '09 - 12:30am
The Debt Summary

Sam runs into financial troubles with at the craps table in Vegas with her parents. Could her old boss, Winston Funk, be just the person she needs to help her out of her jam? Andrea pulls a fast one on Dena after she reluctantly agrees to help improve Andrea's image in the media.

647 have watched this episode

s02e14 / The Rock Star

26th Jun '09 - 12:30am
The Rock Star Summary

Sam dates a rock star to whom Dena and Andrea take a liking. Their unruly behavior toward Sam's new beau causes Sam to inch farther and farther away from her friends.

326 have watched this episode

s02e15 / Todd's Job

3rd Jul '09 - 12:00am
Todd's Job Summary

Thinking she already ruined one job for him, Sam tries to secretly help Todd out by distracting the competition up for the same job as Todd. Unbeknownst to Dena, Regina tries to sell Dena's house, so that she can still work with Sam.

326 have watched this episode

s02e16 / The Sister

3rd Jul '09 - 12:30am
The Sister Summary

Sam discovers that a family heirloom is the reason why her mom was in a feud with her sister and a mother, that Sam didn't know she had. Andrea is viewed as a jinx to Tony's team, after they start losing when she is there.

326 have watched this episode

s02e17 / The Dream Job

10th Jul '09 - 12:00am
The Dream Job Summary

Sam becomes the head of the charity foundation for Winston Funk and hires Andrea as her vice president of legal affairs. She soon regrets this idea when Andrea shirks her duties in favor of planning her wedding.

326 have watched this episode

s02e18 / The First Date

10th Jul '09 - 12:30am
The First Date Summary

Sam decides to give Todd a second chance by going out with him on another "first date", but Todd doesn't trust Winston Funk, believing he and Sam may continue the affair they were having before the accident. Meanwhile, Andrea appears on a reality TV series about celebrity weddings, along with her gay basketball star Tony Dane.

326 have watched this episode

s02e19 / The Other Woman

24th Jul '09 - 12:00am
The Other Woman Summary

Samantha vaguely remembers something about Winston Funk's ex wife Gigi before the accident. Chapman tries to ask Dena to marry him. Andrea tries to lure Tony Dane into bed. Regina is caught in a love triangle as she prepares to leave on vacation with Howard.

326 have watched this episode

s02e20 / With This Ring

24th Jul '09 - 12:30am
With This Ring Summary

It's Andrea's wedding day! While Andrea has chosen her life partner, Samantha has to make a decision as to who she wants to be with. Will it be debonaire millionaire Winston Funk or her not-rich-but-ever-reliable ex-boyfriend Todd. Even Sam's parents are at a crossroad as Regina and Howard begin to take separate paths.

326 have watched this episode
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