Season 16

s16e01 / The Natural Friends

21st Sep '23 - 9:00pm
The Natural Friends Summary

Greg slaps Alex because of peas. Lucy Beaumont marvels at a canned blindfold. And everyone tries to put a big duck in a lake.

613 have watched this episode

s16e02 / Hell Is Here

28th Sep '23 - 9:00pm
Hell Is Here Summary

Julian Clary finds a former Taskmaster champion hiding behind a door, Susan Wokoma does something unexpected with mice and fish, and Sue Perkins demonstrates her love of portcullises.

587 have watched this episode

s16e03 / Languidly

5th Oct '23 - 9:00pm
Languidly Summary

Poor Alex Horne gets insulted by a panpipe-playing Sue Perkins. Meanwhile, Julian Clary destroys a table and Lucy Beaumont munches on a tree.

615 have watched this episode

s16e04 / Dynamite Chicks

12th Oct '23 - 9:00pm
Dynamite Chicks Summary

Assistant Alex finds himself having to choke down some vaguely cylindrical meals created by the five contestants. Greg Davies watches in awe, delight and sometimes disgust as Lucy Beaumont gets her flowers mixed up.

607 have watched this episode

s16e05 / Skateboard Division

19th Oct '23 - 9:00pm
Skateboard Division Summary

Susan Wokoma finds something hidden in a flower, Lucy Beaumont gets handy with loo roll, and Julian Clary makes some kitchen receptacles look a bit sinister. Meanwhile, Alex Horne gets intimidated by Sam Campbell.

601 have watched this episode

s16e06 / Brother Alex

26th Oct '23 - 9:00pm
Brother Alex Summary

Sue Perkins makes an extraordinary noise, Julian Clary gets on his hands and knees, and Lucy Beaumont creeps everyone out. Sam Campbell proves adept at identifying colourful birds, and Susan Wokoma is grateful for her formal acting training.

583 have watched this episode

s16e07 / I'm Off to Find a Robin

2nd Nov '23 - 9:00pm
I'm Off to Find a Robin Summary

Lucy Beaumont wonders if she should risk flicking a forbidden switch. Julian Clary wonders if he needs more than one pie. Sue Perkins wonders if a deer head is preferable to a boundary line. And Sam Campbell rips off his own head.

598 have watched this episode

s16e08 / Never Packed a Boot

9th Nov '23 - 9:00pm
Never Packed a Boot Summary

Excitement reaches volcanic proportions as the mystery of the secret task is finally revealed to the baffled cast of comics. And who will get to wear the Special Hat?

593 have watched this episode

s16e09 / Fagin at the Disco

16th Nov '23 - 9:00pm
Fagin at the Disco Summary

Julian Clary makes smart use of a fishing rod, Sue Perkins reimagines Botticelli, Sam Campbell collects some coins and Lucy Beaumont asks Alex Horne to sit on a sled.

584 have watched this episode

s16e10 / Always Forks and Marbles

23rd Nov '23 - 9:00pm
Always Forks and Marbles Summary

The series reaches an exhilarating climax as Sam Campbell designs a small bikini, Sue Perkins forgets about the milk, Lucy Beaumont feeds her young, Susan Wokoma pairs cornflakes with hot sauce and Julian Clary gently assaults an innocent Taskmaster Assistant.

574 have watched this episode
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