Season 17

s17e01 / Grappling with My Life

28th Mar '24 - 9:00pm
Grappling with My Life Summary

Joanne McNally, John Robins, Nick Mohammed, Sophie Willan and Steve Pemberton are hoping they'll still have a career after tasks involving roller blinds, a floating primate and, as is traditional, eggs.

571 have watched this episode

s17e02 / Jumungo

4th Apr '24 - 9:00pm
Jumungo Summary

Nick Mohammed sheathes a water bottle with a sock, Sophie Willan attempts to take flight, and John Robins puts his faith in honey, as Taskmaster Greg Davies sits in judgement.

582 have watched this episode

s17e03 / Some Impropriety?

11th Apr '24 - 9:00pm
Some Impropriety? Summary

The answers to a great many questions will be answered in this episode. Will Steve Pemberton's no-vowels gamble pay off? Why does Sophie Willan love to balance items on her head? Can John Robins make formula milk? What does Nick Mohammed think is going to happen to those eggs? And, most intriguingly, why is Joanne McNally sniffing Little Alex Horne's beard?

577 have watched this episode

s17e04 / Apropos of Apoppo

18th Apr '24 - 9:00pm
Apropos of Apoppo Summary

All five contestants are forced to wrangle wild animals, with unpleasant results for Steve Pemberton and Sophie Willan. Plus: pickled onions, and a controversial cardboard tube.

572 have watched this episode

s17e05 / Snooker Cue Umbrella Chin

25th Apr '24 - 9:00pm
Snooker Cue Umbrella Chin Summary

Steve Pemberton experiments with G-force, Sophie Willan splatters a human pigeon and Joanne McNally rocks a traffic cone. In other news, Nick Mohammed gets trapped under a bed.

546 have watched this episode

s17e06 / A Three Ring Man

2nd May '24 - 9:00pm
A Three Ring Man Summary

As the bonce-battle intensifies, Steve Pemberton delivers a timely message of peace. Meanwhile, Joanne McNally invents a catchphrase, and John Robins gets creative with beans.

559 have watched this episode

s17e07 / Dream Date Territory

9th May '24 - 9:00pm
Dream Date Territory Summary

Sophie Willan shouts the name of a body part in Alex Horne's flustered face. John Robins demonstrates the power of his forearms. And can Joanne McNally act out the word 'beer'?

551 have watched this episode

s17e08 / The Umbrella Wink

16th May '24 - 9:00pm
The Umbrella Wink Summary

Taskmaster Greg Davies has witnessed many bizarre moments, but this episode ups the ante - from oars for arms to a beatboxing wolf. And why won't Nick Mohammed stop winking?!

544 have watched this episode

s17e09 / Assistantbury

23rd May '24 - 9:00pm
Assistantbury Summary

Alex Horne risks raising Greg Davies' hackles with a task in celebration of himself. Steve Pemberton has an expletive-laden row with a bin. Plus: a novel use for a cow's ear.

533 have watched this episode

s17e10 / Ambience and Information

30th May '24 - 9:00pm
Ambience and Information Summary

It's the grand final, which means one superior competitor will end this episode by clutching Greg Davies' gilded bonce to their proud chest. But before that glorious moment, Sophie Willan will impress on keyboards, Steve Pemberton will be surprised in a field, John Robins will refuse a biscuit, Joanne McNally will struggle with an anagram, and Nick Mohammed will make a magical prediction. And, of course, Little Alex Horne will diligently record every last moment for posterity.

500 have watched this episode
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