That 70s Show
Season 2

s02e01 / Garage Sale

29th Sep '99 - 12:00am
Garage Sale Summary

With Red no longer working, the Formans hold a Garage Sale. To help out, Hyde makes Brownies and 'Special Brownies'. By accident, Hyde leaves his 'Special Brownies' in the oven in which Red, Kitty, Midge, and Bob bite into. Meanwhile, at the movies Fez believes that Jackie reaching into a popcorn bowl in his lap is a innuendo that she wants him. And on impulse kisses Jackie and gets a punch by Kelso.

3012 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Red's Last Day

6th Oct '99 - 12:00am
Red's Last Day Summary

The plant is closed and now Red is out of work. Instead of heading home, Red goes to a bar. After so long, Kitty sends Eric after Red. Kelso snags a 'Shaggin' Wagon' complete with shag carpet.

3009 have watched this episode

s02e03 / The Velvet Rope

13th Oct '99 - 12:00am
The Velvet Rope Summary

The gang heads off to a dance club. After Donna gets in, the guys are held off by a bouncer. Meanwhile Red goes job hunting but is plan is the same being used by everybody from the plant. Back at Jackie's house, Kelso is being used as a Barbie complete with lipstick and a dress.

3004 have watched this episode

s02e04 / Laurie and the Professor

20th Oct '99 - 12:00am
Laurie and the Professor Summary

After being kicked out of the University, Laurie is visted by a former Professor who wants to bring her back to college. But Eric finds out that the Proffesor has an additional thing on his agenda with Laurie. Meanwhile Fez looks for a girl while Hyde looks for his own place to sleep.

3003 have watched this episode

s02e05 / Halloween

27th Oct '99 - 12:00am
Halloween Summary

It's Halloween night and Fez has just discovered the joys of American Halloween by dressing up as Batman. Later the gang heads of to their old Grammar School only to find each other permanent records and discover some shocking things about each other.

3005 have watched this episode

s02e06 / Vanstock

3rd Nov '99 - 1:00am
Vanstock Summary

This time, the gang is going to Vanstock in Kelso's van. Kelso invites Laurie since Jackie decides not to come but is mortified when Jackie shows up in the van. Now, he's stuck with both of his girlfriends who he must try to keep separated. Though, Hyde isn't making it easy. Donna is upset with Eric when she finds out he knew the Kelso was cheating on Jackie.

3001 have watched this episode

s02e07 / I Love Cake

10th Nov '99 - 1:00am
I Love Cake Summary

When Donna says the magic words 'I love you', Eric has a loss for words and says 'I love cake' and must try to fix his mistake. Meanwhile, Midge locks Bob out of the house. So Red and Kitty have to get him back inside his house before they get stuck with him. Then Jackie dresses up Kelso up in a leather jacket that everyone claims makes him look like The Fonz.

3002 have watched this episode

s02e08 / Sleepover

17th Nov '99 - 1:00am
Sleepover Summary

One night, Eric woke up from a dream about him and Donna to find out that Donna is sitting next to his bed. The next day, the guys laugh at Eric because all they did that night was cuddle. Meanwhile, Kitty is working double shifts at the Hospital and leaves Red to tend to cooking. Hyde also gets a job at The FotoHut.

2998 have watched this episode

s02e09 / Eric Gets Suspended

1st Dec '99 - 1:00am
Eric Gets Suspended Summary

Donna starts smoking and Eric is suspended after taking blame when is caught with her cigarette. However Donna dosn't seem to appriciate this. Meanwhile Eric and Fez go on a double date while Jackie and Kelso fight over Jackie's stuffed animals in Kelso's van.

2996 have watched this episode

s02e10 / Red's Birthday

8th Dec '99 - 1:00am
Red's Birthday Summary

It's Red's birthday but for him, nothing is going right. Starting off with the roof falling in that morning. As a gift, Bob and Midge bring Red and Kitty out to eat but Bob and Midge have seperate dates. Meanwhile, Eric is upset with Donna for talking to Hyde about her problems and not him.

2994 have watched this episode

s02e11 / Laurie Moves Out

15th Dec '99 - 1:00am
Laurie Moves Out Summary

To Eric's enjoyment, Laurie moves in with a girlfriend. Though Red turns red when he finds out this girfriend is a man. Meanwhile, Jackie begins to clue together that Kelso is cheating on her.

2995 have watched this episode

s02e12 / Eric's Stash

12th Jan '00 - 1:00am
Eric's Stash Summary

Eric's Candy land box of cash goes missing. Eric has suspicions that Hyde took the money. Meanwhile, Kelso and Fez help Jackie prepair for a beuty contest.

2995 have watched this episode

s02e13 / Hunting

19th Jan '00 - 1:00am
Hunting Summary

Eric, Hyde, Fez, Kelso, Bob, and Red head out to the great outdoors. Though everyone better watch out for Kelso and hisballoon. Red and Eric at the same time hunt for deer. Meanwhile Donna, Laurie, Jackie, Midge, and Kitty stay home and play poker.

2989 have watched this episode

s02e14 / Red's New Job

2nd Feb '00 - 1:00am
Red's New Job Summary

Red waits for a job at Pricemart as a supervisor while Eric now has a job as a cashier. Kelso tries to turn over a new leaf and tries to break up with Laurie, But Laurie threatens to tell Jackie of their affair if he dumps her.

2988 have watched this episode

s02e15 / Burning Down the House

8th Feb '00 - 1:00am
Burning Down the House Summary

Jackie's parents are away so she decieds to throw a small dinner party. However, Kelso invited everyone and turns it into a huge party that Jackie didn't want and accedintaly starts a fire! Meanwhile, Red and Kitty discover that Bob wears a rug.

2987 have watched this episode

s02e16 / The First Time

15th Feb '00 - 1:00am
The First Time Summary

Donna is chosen to write the vows for her parents marriage renewal.

2987 have watched this episode

s02e17 / Afterglow

15th Feb '00 - 1:00am
Afterglow Summary

Eric thinks the first time with Donna went very well untill her hears that Donna is telling a different story about it.

2985 have watched this episode

s02e18 / Kitty and Eric's Night Out

29th Feb '00 - 1:00am
Kitty and Eric's Night Out Summary

Kitty and Eric try to bond by having a night out together. Fez begins to date Patty, who is Hyde's ex-girlfriend. Hyde and Leo contemplate Hyde's problems with the situation while playing a game of Life. Jackie doesn't like Patty, but refuses to admit that she likes Fez.

2984 have watched this episode

s02e19 / Parents Find Out

8th Mar '00 - 1:00am
Parents Find Out Summary

Eric and Donna get caught having sex in their car by a cop.

2982 have watched this episode

s02e20 / Kiss of Death

21st Mar '00 - 1:00am
Kiss of Death Summary

Jackie catches Kelso kissing Laurie, and breaks up with him. Eric runs over Donna's cat, Mr. Bonkers, but before he finally admits it to her, he lies about it. Fez has an appendectomy.

2986 have watched this episode

s02e21 / Kelso's Serenade

28th Mar '00 - 1:00am
Kelso's Serenade Summary

Kelso tries to win Jackie back but now she has the hots for Hyde.

2982 have watched this episode

s02e22 / Jackie Moves On

4th Apr '00 - 12:00am
Jackie Moves On Summary

Eric and Laurie compete by telling eachother's secrets.

2979 have watched this episode

s02e23 / Holy Crap!

2nd May '00 - 12:00am
Holy Crap! Summary

Eric and Laurie stop going to church.

2977 have watched this episode

s02e24 / Red Fired Up

9th May '00 - 12:00am
Red Fired Up Summary

Red is forced to fire an employee but he does it his own way, and Eric disaproves.

2978 have watched this episode

s02e25 / Cat Fight Club

16th May '00 - 12:00am
Cat Fight Club Summary

Hyde teaches Jackie how to be Zen.

2974 have watched this episode

s02e26 / Moon Over Point Place (1)

23rd May '00 - 12:00am
Moon Over Point Place (1) Summary

Eric finds out (and is NOT happy about it) that Donna mooned in a picture that ended up in the yearbook.

2974 have watched this episode
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