That 70s Show
Season 5

s05e01 / Going to California

18th Sep '02 - 12:00am
Going to California Summary

Eric does the most romantic thing Kitty has ever heard and goes to California to get Donna back.

2812 have watched this episode

s05e02 / I Can't Quit You Baby (a.k.a. Jackie and Hyde Get Busted)

25th Sep '02 - 12:00am
I Can't Quit You Baby (a.k.a. Jackie and Hyde Get Busted) Summary

Donna and Eric walk in on Hyde and Jackie making out.

2813 have watched this episode

s05e03 / What Is and What Should Never Be (1) (a.k.a. Kitty's Pregnant)

30th Oct '02 - 1:00am
What Is and What Should Never Be (1) (a.k.a. Kitty's Pregnant) Summary

Kelso spots Hyde and Jackie kissing is quite a shock but not nearly a shock as Kitty telling everyone that she is pregnant.

2811 have watched this episode

s05e04 / Heartbreaker (2) (a.k.a. Kitty's Parents Come to Visit)

30th Oct '02 - 1:00am
Heartbreaker (2) (a.k.a. Kitty's Parents Come to Visit) Summary

Kitty find out that she is not pregant after all to her dismay.

2812 have watched this episode

s05e05 / Ramble On (a.k.a. Promise Ring Redux)

13th Nov '02 - 1:00am
Ramble On (a.k.a. Promise Ring Redux) Summary

Fez goes for a job at the DMV. Donna buys Eric a ugly man ring.

2809 have watched this episode

s05e06 / Over the Hills and Far Away

20th Nov '02 - 1:00am
Over the Hills and Far Away Summary

Hyde won't let Jackie know that he will be faithful for the time she is gone or at all. Eric worry about Donna and him going to two different colleges.

2809 have watched this episode

s05e07 / Hot Dog (a.k.a. The Gifts)

27th Nov '02 - 1:00am
Hot Dog (a.k.a. The Gifts) Summary

Red gets Kitty a dog to get her mind off of other things.

2807 have watched this episode

s05e08 / Thank You

4th Dec '02 - 1:00am
Thank You Summary

Eric decides to tell everyone that Donna and him are engaged.

2806 have watched this episode

s05e09 / Black Dog (a.k.a. Ow, My Eye)

11th Dec '02 - 1:00am
Black Dog (a.k.a. Ow, My Eye) Summary

Hyde is not conforting to Jackie when her father goes to jail.

2805 have watched this episode

s05e10 / The Crunge (a.k.a. The S.A.T.s)

18th Dec '02 - 1:00am
The Crunge (a.k.a. The S.A.T.s) Summary

Everyone, including Kelso, did better on the SATs then Eric.

2805 have watched this episode

s05e11 / The Girl I Love

8th Jan '03 - 1:00am
The Girl I Love Summary

Kitty throw party for Fez so he can introduce Nina to his friends.

2804 have watched this episode

s05e12 / Misty Mountain Hop (a.k.a. Jackie's Cabin)

23rd Jan '03 - 1:00am
Misty Mountain Hop (a.k.a. Jackie's Cabin) Summary

Jackie has to move all her family's stuff out of the ski cabin on the same day Kelso, Hyde and Fez planned to get drunk.

2805 have watched this episode

s05e13 / Your Time Is Gonna Come (a.k.a. Get Off My Boyfriend)

30th Jan '03 - 1:00am
Your Time Is Gonna Come (a.k.a. Get Off My Boyfriend) Summary

To Jackie's dismay Kelso's new girlfriend comes to Point Place. Kitty's father passes away.

2804 have watched this episode

s05e14 / Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (a.k.a. Valentine's Day)

6th Feb '03 - 1:00am
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (a.k.a. Valentine's Day) Summary

Mixed feeling suround Kelso, Jackie, Hyde and Annette.

2805 have watched this episode

s05e15 / When the Levee Breaks (a.k.a. Eric and Donna Play House)

13th Feb '03 - 1:00am
When the Levee Breaks (a.k.a. Eric and Donna Play House) Summary

Donna and Eric 'live together' for the weekend that Bob is away.

2803 have watched this episode

s05e16 / Whole Lotta Love (a.k.a. The Silent Treatment)

20th Feb '03 - 1:00am
Whole Lotta Love (a.k.a. The Silent Treatment) Summary

Fez finally looses his virginity. Red disagrees with Eric and Donna's engagement so he ignores Eric.

2801 have watched this episode

s05e17 / The Battle of Evermore (a.k.a. Pioneer Days)

27th Feb '03 - 1:00am
The Battle of Evermore (a.k.a. Pioneer Days) Summary

Kitty sign Eric and Red up for a father and son competition to ge them to stop fighting.

2801 have watched this episode

s05e18 / Hey Hey What Can I Do (a.k.a. Job Fair)

13th Mar '03 - 1:00am
Hey Hey What Can I Do (a.k.a. Job Fair) Summary

Since Eric and Donna are still engaged Kitty and Red will not pay for his college tuition.

2803 have watched this episode

s05e19 / Bring It On Home (a.k.a. Jackie's in the House)

27th Mar '03 - 1:00am
Bring It On Home (a.k.a. Jackie's in the House) Summary

It is found out that Jackie has been 'living' with Hyde in the basement.

2801 have watched this episode

s05e20 / No Quarter (a.k.a. Jackie Moves In)

3rd Apr '03 - 1:00am
No Quarter (a.k.a. Jackie Moves In) Summary

Jackie moves in with Donna and Bob.

2800 have watched this episode

s05e21 / Trampled Under Foot (a.k.a. Fez Gets Dumped)

10th Apr '03 - 12:00am
Trampled Under Foot (a.k.a. Fez Gets Dumped) Summary

Kitty suggests to the gang to make some new friends since they seem bored.

2799 have watched this episode

s05e22 / You Shook Me (1) (a.k.a. The Nurses Are Coming)

17th Apr '03 - 12:00am
You Shook Me (1) (a.k.a. The Nurses Are Coming) Summary

Fez has a 'sexy' dream about Kelso.

2796 have watched this episode

s05e23 / Nobody's Fault But Mine (2)

24th Apr '03 - 12:00am
Nobody's Fault But Mine (2) Summary

After a long while, Laurie comes home.

2796 have watched this episode

s05e24 / The Immigrant Song (a.k.a. Fez Gets Busted)

8th May '03 - 12:00am
The Immigrant Song (a.k.a. Fez Gets Busted) Summary

Fez gets busted getting caught vandalizing the water tower as a senior prank.

2795 have watched this episode

s05e25 / Celebration Day (a.k.a. Graduation)

15th May '03 - 12:00am
Celebration Day (a.k.a. Graduation) Summary

As the 5th season closes Jackie has to make her decision between Kelso or Hyde. And Fez has to leave America since he graduated.

2795 have watched this episode
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