The Bachelor
Season 10

s10e01 / Week 1 (S10)

3rd Apr '07 - 12:00am
Week 1 (S10) Summary

Naval Officer Andy Baldwin is this seasons bachelor. He is instructed to give a rose to a rose to the contestant who impresses him the most upon arrival. Lindsay appears to be upset over his choice and asks the winner why she thought she had won the rose. The others can see that Lindsey is a bomb ready to explode. Ten women will be eliminated by the shows end.

255 have watched this episode

s10e02 / Week 2 (S10)

10th Apr '07 - 12:00am
Week 2 (S10) Summary

This week includes two group dates and one individual date and one Bachelorette will get to stay and spend more time with Andy.

255 have watched this episode

s10e03 / Week 3 (S10)

17th Apr '07 - 12:00am
Week 3 (S10) Summary

The morning after the second rose ceremony, the Bachelorettes are rudely woken up by a drill sergeant. Host Chris says, \"Welcome to Boot Camp!\" and tells them that there\'s one rose on the line this morning and it\'s up to the drill instructor to decide. One of the contestants will be seriously injured by the shows end.

255 have watched this episode

s10e04 / Week 4 (S10)

24th Apr '07 - 12:00am
Week 4 (S10) Summary

The nine remaining Bachelorettes will participate in two group dates and an individual date, with one Bachelorette getting to go with Andy by private jet to Lake Tahoe.

255 have watched this episode

s10e05 / Week 5 (S10)

1st May '07 - 12:00am
Week 5 (S10) Summary

With just six Bachelorettes remaining, Host Chris announces that this week there will be one group date and two individual dates. No roses will be handed out on the dates but at the end of the week, there will be four women left, who will all be getting a hometown visit from Andy. But first, Andy will be taking them all out on his yacht.

255 have watched this episode

s10e06 / Week 6 (S10)

8th May '07 - 12:00am
Week 6 (S10) Summary

Andy goes on the first of his four hometown visits with Bevin in Seattle. She greets him enthusiastically by jumping into his arms. Andy says that the chemistry he feels with her is the strongest of any of the remaining women. She\'s brought him to Snoqualmie Falls, about 30 minutes east of Seattle, because it\'s one of her favorite places. One member will reveal a secret that may get her eliminated.

255 have watched this episode

s10e07 / Week 7 (S10)

15th May '07 - 12:00am
Week 7 (S10) Summary

Three bachelorettes visit Andy\'s current home state of Hawaii; Andy takes the women on a tour of the USS Arizona Memorial; two women go to meet Andy\'s family.

255 have watched this episode

s10e08 / Week 8 (S10)

22nd May '07 - 12:00am
Week 8 (S10) Summary

Finale. Andy seeks guidance from his family in making his choice; Andy and the final two women return to Hawaii; Andy gives out his final rose, along with an engagement ring.

255 have watched this episode

s10e09 / After the Final Rose (S10)

23rd May '07 - 12:00am
After the Final Rose (S10) Summary

Andy appears with his fiancee and faces some of the bachelorettes he did not choose; the couple\'s plans for the future.

255 have watched this episode
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