The Thick of It
Season 2

s02e01 / Season 2, Episode 1

20th Oct '05 - 10:00pm
Season 2, Episode 1 Summary

While visiting a factory, Hugh is subjected to a tirade from an irate worker. Junior Adviser Ollie warns Malcolm the outburst could lead to bad publicity, but the chief policy adviser is more interested in finding out about the opposition's schemes - courtesy of his hapless subordinate's latest girlfriend.

398 have watched this episode

s02e02 / Season 2, Episode 2

27th Oct '05 - 10:00pm
Season 2, Episode 2 Summary

A reshuffle of the Department for Social Affairs has been announced and a Number 10 advisor is investigating the structure of all government departments. Hugh wants a new policy announcement to gain ground with the PM and Malcolm and Julius (the government advisor) clash horns over their closeness to the PM and therefore what they can get away with. Hugh decides to throw a press party to make the department and himself look good, but there is a problem; and Malcolm tries to take down Julius.

394 have watched this episode

s02e03 / Season 2, Episode 3

3rd Nov '05 - 10:00pm
Season 2, Episode 3 Summary

The Department for Social Affairs has moved into a new multi-ministry building, but the new offices aren't as good as expected, and Hugh returns from holiday to find out that he has a meeting with the Education Select Committee on the next day. At his meeting Hugh accidentally lies to the Select Committee and mistakenly sends a rude email to an 8 year old girl, also named Glenn Cullen; it doesn't look good for Hugh once the press find out...

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