Tensions are beginning to run high in DoSAC. It is the launch day for 'Silicon Playgrounds', the Coalition's new digital youth policy master-minded by Junior Minister Fergus Williams.
Helen is accidentally pictured holding some embarrassing notes from Nicola's ideas meeting and Nicola and Malcolm are less than pleased. Nicola is already feeling stressed as an eight foot pork chop is following her about and she is being attacked by the rest of the shadow cabinet for endorsing unpopular policies. Her rival Dan Miller seems to be getting on great with Malcolm.
No. 10's spin doctor Stewart Pearson is running 'a Thought Camp' at a country house hotel, as a way to re-engage the party with the creative cloudscape. No phones or iPads are allowed.
Nicola gets on a train to Bradford to attend a party event, along with a television news crew. Malcolm attempts to take advantage of the situation by moving ahead with his plan to remove her as leader of the opposition. Olly is stuck in hospital though and his efforts to persuade Ben Swain to help him end up proving tricky.
When the plan to sell key-worker housing goes awry, both Peter Mannion and Nicola Murray must strive to avoid scandal, whilst vigorously pointing the finger of blame at one another.
Everybody has a lot of questions to answer about the sleeping of a key-worker after his flat was sold off. Lord Goolding is known as a fair man, but he isn't going to stand for any nonsense. and his team of expert inquisitors wont either.
With the Home Office having cut police numbers and created a huge backlog of paperwork, they manage to shift the blame to DoSAC for the problems. Malcolm believes that Dan Miller has been sent on a fact-finding mission to a police station as it will make the Government look unresponsive.