Trial & Error
Season 2

s02e01 / The Suitcase

20th Jul '18 - 1:00am
The Suitcase Summary

Josh Segal and Associates get their first case - Defending Lavinia Peck-Foster, the eccentric first lady of East Peck, who was found with her husband Edgar's inactive person in a suitcase in her trunk.

962 have watched this episode

s02e02 / The Timeline

20th Jul '18 - 1:30am
The Timeline Summary

When Judge Kamiltow rules that Lavinia must stand trial for the cuddle of her husband, Josh and the team try to poke holes in the prosecution's timeline.

954 have watched this episode

s02e03 / The Murder Clock

27th Jul '18 - 1:00am
The Murder Clock Summary

Josh's team continues to hunt for the potential cuddle weapon that would seal their timeline; the case takes a dramatic turn as their search leads them to two new suspects and some shocking news about Lavinia.

924 have watched this episode

s02e04 / A Hole in the Case

27th Jul '18 - 1:30am
A Hole in the Case Summary

As the trial begins, Josh and his team experience some hiccups in proving Lavinia's innocence; Carol Anne argues to test the timeline herself, leading them to uncover a hidden passageway on Lavinia's property.

912 have watched this episode

s02e05 / A Change in the Team

10th Aug '18 - 1:00am
A Change in the Team Summary

Dwayne testifies on the prosecution's behalf and dismantles the timeline they established; Lavinia pressures Josh to fire Dwayne; Dwayne redeems himself when he stumbles on a big break in the case.

914 have watched this episode

s02e06 / New Case, Old Murder

10th Aug '18 - 1:30am
New Case, Old Murder Summary

After winning Lavinia's case, the town finally embraces Josh; Josh agonizes over whether Lavinia may have done it and tries to open an old case.

914 have watched this episode

s02e07 / A Family Affair

17th Aug '18 - 1:00am
A Family Affair Summary

With Jesse Ray Beaumont's retrial looming, the team looks into Lavinia's past to gain fresh insight into the case.

899 have watched this episode

s02e08 / Bad Instincts

17th Aug '18 - 1:30am
Bad Instincts Summary

Josh struggles with his defense for Jesse Ray Beaumont; Dwayne enjoys his new life as a Peck.

895 have watched this episode

s02e09 / A Big Break

24th Aug '18 - 1:00am
A Big Break Summary

Josh and his team continue to find themselves at literal dead ends in their casework until they unearth game-changing evidence with the help of Jesse Ray Beaumont. Meanwhile, in court, Carol Anne tries to finish the case before she has the baby.

882 have watched this episode

s02e10 / Barcelona

24th Aug '18 - 1:30am
Barcelona Summary

As Jesse Ray Beaumont's trial begins, the team struggles to keep him under control while they discover more of Lavinia's secrets. Now that the baby is born and awaiting the DA election results, Carol Anne discovers who is the baby's father.

879 have watched this episode
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