Tonight, former adviser to Benazir Bhutto and promoting Bhutto's book
Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West, Mark Siegel.
A Daily Show ends and The Daily Show returns as Jon marks the return of the writers. The writing staff waste no time as Jon reports on a first ever in history using every dog pun in the book; a beagle won the Westminster dog show in a segment called "Westminster Labbey".
Next, "Indecision 2008" with Jon reporting on the Potomac primaries or as some may call them, crabcake primaries. Obama and McCain were the victors for the night and as Jon notes, the media waste no time trying to hype up the contest. Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore talks with Jon about how Black History Month help Obama win the primary's last night.
Finally, "Torture Talk" continues with Jon reporting on the investigation surrounding the CIA's destruction of videotapes of detainee interogations. But no fear, Senator Arlen Specter is on the case, not on the detsruction of the CIA tapes, but of tapes the New England Patriots used and then destroyed to spy on a competing team.