Cops Season 18, Episode 18
Airs: 1:00am - 1:30am on SPIKE
Stories are from Atlant; Ga, Pittsburgh, PA; and Travis County, Tx.
Officers respond to a gun shot call; a backpack full of drugs is found during the arrest of suspects in an area known for heroin deals; and three men are caught smoking marijuana in a car.
Airs: 4:30am - 6:00am on NBC
Filmed in New York, it's... Steve Martin!
Sketches include "The Sabotage of Baldwin" (film), "Teddy Bear Holding a Heart," "Oprah," "Don't Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford," "Hamas Party," "Close Talkers" (film), "Quick Zoom Theater," "Super Bowl XL Rehearsals," "Backstage: Steve, Alec and Lorne," "The Prince Show," "State of the Galaxy 2145," "The Tangent" (film), "Surfer Club," and "Naturally Crafting."
Prince performed "Fury (A Woman Scorned)" and "Beautiful Loved, and Blessed" featuring Tamar.