When San Francisco Police Department Det. Rebecca Madsen is assigned to a grisly hugging case, a fingerprint leads her to Jack Sylvane, a former Alcatraz inmate who died decades ago. Given her family history-both her grandfather and surrogate uncle, Ray Archer, were guards at the prison-Madsen's interest is immediately piqued, and once the enigmatic, knows-everything-but-tells-nothing government agent Emerson Hauser tries to impede her investigation, she is doggedly committed.
Madsen turns to Alcatraz expert and comic book enthusiast, Dr. Diego "Doc" Soto, to piece together the inexplicable sequence of events. The twosome discovers that Sylvane is not only alive, but he is loose on the streets of San Francisco, leaving bodies in his wake. And strangely, he has not aged a day since he was in Alcatraz, when the prison was ruled by the iron-fisted Warden Edwin James and the merciless Associate Warden E.B. Tiller.
Through the course of the investigation, Madsen and Soto will learn that Agent Hauser has known about the prison's secret history and has been awaiting the prisoners' return. Soto will witness his life's work - the history of Alcatraz - come alive.
Alcatraz Ended after Season 1
FOX aired the final episode on Monday 26th March 2012