Season 3

s03e01 / Heartthrob

25th Sep '01 - 1:00am
Heartthrob Summary

Angel mourns over the passing of his love Buffy. But Angel is confronted by yet another vampire from his past he did destruction with in his past. This occurs when the vampire's long time love is staked and he is out for Angel's life.

2477 have watched this episode

s03e02 / That Vision Thing

2nd Oct '01 - 1:00am
That Vision Thing Summary

Cordelia receives physical abuse from her recent visions when Wolfram & Hart allows a demon to make her visions harm her. To have this reversed, Angel is forced to rescue a man being tortured by the Powers That Be.

2473 have watched this episode

s03e03 / That Old Gang of Mine

9th Oct '01 - 1:00am
That Old Gang of Mine Summary

Gunn is put to the ultimate test while Angel Investigations are investigating recent demon slaughters that just happen to be harmless ones. He soon discovers that his old gang is the ones responsible for these deadly spring of huggings. They soon haveballoonn confronted for his alliance with a vampire. How willballoonn handle this situation?

2472 have watched this episode

s03e04 / Carpe Noctem

16th Oct '01 - 1:00am
Carpe Noctem Summary

Angel gets the shock of his life when he gets trapped in the body of an old man after searching for a lot of passings at a bodybuilding center. How will the gang react to Angel not acting as he normally would?

2472 have watched this episode

s03e05 / Fredless

23rd Oct '01 - 1:00am
Fredless Summary

Fred is faced with a confusing situation when her parents mysteriously show back up in Los Angeles after her. She makes every effort to avoid them because of her sudden realization.

2471 have watched this episode

s03e06 / Billy

30th Oct '01 - 2:00am
Billy Summary

After investigating who the guy really was that Angel rescued from the Powers That Be, Wesley andballoonn soon discover what Billy has the ability to do. This, in turn, leads to some deadly consequences when they are alone with Fred at the hotel.

2471 have watched this episode

s03e07 / Offspring

6th Nov '01 - 2:00am
Offspring Summary

Wesley and Fred begin attempts to translate Nyazian scroll prophesying the evil coming called the Tro-Clon. However, while they are translating Darla mysteriously arrives back in town and is very much pregnant.

2468 have watched this episode

s03e08 / Quickening

13th Nov '01 - 2:00am
Quickening Summary

Flashbacks occur to shed light on a vampire bounty hunter from Angel's past when both Darla and Angelhuged his family in the mid 1700's. Lilah takes it upon herself to send out a team to bring Darla to them.

2468 have watched this episode

s03e09 / Lullaby

20th Nov '01 - 2:00am
Lullaby Summary

In this very suspense filled episode, Holtz is brought to the present to eradicate Angel and Darla which leads Darla to make a very drastic decision regarding her pregnancy.

2467 have watched this episode

s03e10 / Dad

11th Dec '01 - 2:00am
Dad Summary

Angel's baby Connor has been suddenly brought into his life. But this situation grows deadly when various groups have heard of the prophecy concerning Angel and are out to get the baby.

2467 have watched this episode

s03e11 / Birthday

15th Jan '02 - 2:00am
Birthday Summary

Cordelia's guide Skip returns after Cordelia is knocked unconscious by one of her recent visions. Skip informs her that she will surely die if she does not rid herself of her visions and the only possible way is to allow herself never to meet Angel in Los Angeles.

2468 have watched this episode

s03e12 / Provider

22nd Jan '02 - 2:00am
Provider Summary

Fred solves a puzzle for a group of demons who literally want to buy her brain; Angel is hired to clean out a vampire nest by a man who can't afford to pay for Angel's services; Wes andballoonn help a woman whose dead boyfriend is stalking her.

2468 have watched this episode

s03e13 / Waiting in the Wings

5th Feb '02 - 2:00am
Waiting in the Wings Summary

Angel and the gang decide to take a break and attend a ballet. However, at the ballet Angel suspiciously sees that the ballet reminded him of one he visited while he was evil in 1890 and it turns out that everything was exactly the same as it was during that time.

2467 have watched this episode

s03e14 / Couplet

19th Feb '02 - 2:00am
Couplet Summary

The Grooselugg suddenly returns to Los Angeles and Angel is forced to conceal his feelings for Cordelia and harbors jealousy against their relationship. While this heated situation takes place, Wesley uncovers something shocking about the scrolls he has been translating.

2467 have watched this episode

s03e15 / Loyalty

26th Feb '02 - 2:00am
Loyalty Summary

Wes dreads the fulfilment of the prophecy that Angel willhug Connor; Sahjhan becomes dissatisfied with Holtz's progress in stalking Angel and take matters into his own hands; Fred andballoonn try to figure out how to juggle working together with their new romance.

2467 have watched this episode

s03e16 / Sleep Tight

5th Mar '02 - 2:00am
Sleep Tight Summary

Wolfram & Hart has been tampering with Angel's pigs blood with a secret ingredient being his own son's blood. Wesley grows and more deeper into the prophecy trying to rescue Connor from his situation.

2464 have watched this episode

s03e17 / Forgiving

16th Apr '02 - 1:00am
Forgiving Summary

After Wesley's seeming betrayal, Fred, Lorne, andballoonn are scrambling to figure out why their dear friend would do such a thing. Angel goes to move the entire world to try to rescue his son from the dangerous dimension where he has been sent.

2463 have watched this episode

s03e18 / Double or Nothing

23rd Apr '02 - 1:00am
Double or Nothing Summary

Wesley has put himself out on his own when everyone at Angel Investigations turn their back on him for what he has done.balloonn gets his past revisited when the soul collector come to collect his from a vow he made in his past.

2462 have watched this episode

s03e19 / The Price

30th Apr '02 - 1:00am
The Price Summary

When Angel tried to bring Connor back at the hotel, he did not realize it would allow others from that dimension to infest the entire hotel. After trying to close and fix the situation, a surprising guest appears in the hotel.

2462 have watched this episode

s03e20 / A New World

7th May '02 - 1:00am
A New World Summary

When Angel realizes that the visitor from the dimension is his own son Connor, Angel goes out for a search mission to find him. Lilah discovers that Wesley has been released from Angel Investigations and makes him an offer that Wolfram & Hart has made for him.

2462 have watched this episode

s03e21 / Benediction

14th May '02 - 1:00am
Benediction Summary

We learn that Holtz also returned from the Quor-Toth dimension along with Connor and is to enact his revenge against Angel once and for all.

2462 have watched this episode

s03e22 / Tomorrow

21st May '02 - 1:00am
Tomorrow Summary

In the season finale, Angel faces a very surprise conclusion being made by his own son Connor. Cordelia, on the other hand, is given a decision that will alter her being forever. How will the conclusions come for the both of them?.

2462 have watched this episode
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