Season 9

s09e01 / Don Juan in Hell (1)

26th Sep '01 - 1:00am
Don Juan in Hell (1) Summary

The hourlong ninth-season opener finds Frasier in a romantic quandary. On one hand, he's attracted to the devoted and doting Claire, his companion on the Caribbean trip in last May's finale. Yet, he's also drawn to the "challenging, sexy" Lana, the enigmatic figure from his past. Now, the torn and agitated shrink seeks help with his plight from family members and even absolute strangers. But the most forthright advice comes from two even more unlikely sources: his former fiancée Diane and ex-wife Lilith, both of whom Frasier confronts in fantasy sequences.

782 have watched this episode

s09e02 / Don Juan in Hell (2)

26th Sep '01 - 1:30am
Don Juan in Hell (2) Summary

Still trying to decide whether to date Claire or Lana, Frasier is confronted by Diane and Lilith in a dream sequence.

781 have watched this episode

s09e03 / The First Temptation of Daphne

3rd Oct '01 - 1:00am
The First Temptation of Daphne Summary

Daphne discovers that one of Niles' patients is in love with him and although Niles tells her this is common with psychiatric patients and refuses to discuss it further due to doctor-patient confidentiality, Daphne becomes obsessed with discovering more about the woman. She rifles Niles' briefcase and discovers the woman's file, and then goes to see her.
Meanwhile, Frasier is being driven mad by a cricket in his apartment.

780 have watched this episode

s09e04 / The Return of Martin Crane

10th Oct '01 - 1:00am
The Return of Martin Crane Summary

Martin returns to work as a security guard, and recollects his last day working as a policeman.

779 have watched this episode

s09e05 / Love Stinks

17th Oct '01 - 1:00am
Love Stinks Summary

Frasier hosts a party for the staff at the radio station to improve his image. Meanwhile, Roz dates a garbageman and Niles recalls his childhood memories with Daphne.

779 have watched this episode

s09e06 / Room Full of Heroes

31st Oct '01 - 2:00am
Room Full of Heroes Summary

On Hallowe'en, Frasier holds a party where everyone comes dressed as their hero. Frasier is Sigmund Freud, Martin is Joe DiMaggio, Daphne is Elton John, Niles is Martin and Roz is Wonder Woman. As the night progresses, Martin feels that Niles is mis-portraying him, since everyone talks in character.

780 have watched this episode

s09e07 / Bla-Z-Boy

7th Nov '01 - 2:00am
Bla-Z-Boy Summary

Frasier is still being annoyed by Martin when he's trying to get peace and quiet, and the last straw is when Frasier is trying to watch television and Martin continues to make noise with his squeaky chair and packet of pretzels. This leads to Martin oiling his chair to help Frasier but he accidentally tips the oil on Frasier's carpet. Frasier however believes it was intended. This leads to Frasier getting a new carpet and placing all the furniture on his balcony. However Frasier accidentally knocks Martin's chair off the balcony and it gets destroyed when it lands on the street. This leads to Martin believing Frasier did this on purpose because Martin accidentally spilled oil on Frasier's carpet.

780 have watched this episode

s09e08 / The Two Hundredth

14th Nov '01 - 2:00am
The Two Hundredth Summary

When Frasier finds out that a tape from his collection of his radio shows goes missing, his everyday happenings comes to a halt because he is obsessing about his incomplete collection. After requesting on his show that if anybody has the episode, to call in he gets a call and goes to the persons house who has the episode. On visiting the house he finds out that the person is an obsessed fan of his.

781 have watched this episode

s09e09 / Sharing Kirby

21st Nov '01 - 2:00am
Sharing Kirby Summary

Frasier gets annoyed with Niles when he discovers that Niles has bought a crate of rare wine without telling him. To get even, Frasier convinces Niles to hire Kirby to sort out his collection of rare books, knowing that Kirby will make a mess of it. Frasier's plan backfires, however, when Niles discovers that Kirby's girlfriend's grandfather owns a prestigious wine collection and Kirby can arrange a guided tour for him.

779 have watched this episode

s09e10 / Junior Agent

28th Nov '01 - 2:00am
Junior Agent Summary

Frasier gets an annoying new agent in the middle of a competition between him and a rival radio broadcaster.

780 have watched this episode

s09e11 / Bully for Martin

12th Dec '01 - 2:00am
Bully for Martin Summary

When Frasier goes to visit Martin at his security job, he finds that Martin's boss is rude and abusive to Martin. Although Martin isn't bothered by this, Frasier decides he has to meddle, and tries to get the company to reprimand Martin's boss.

779 have watched this episode

s09e12 / Mother Load (1)

9th Jan '02 - 2:00am
Mother Load (1) Summary

When Daphne and Niles decide to move in with each other, Daphne's mother and Simon arrive on a surprise visit. Daphne and Niles decide to put off moving in together until her visiting relatives are gone. Meanwhile, Frasier feuds with Cam Winston, his neighbor, over where Cam parks his large vehicle.

779 have watched this episode

s09e13 / Mother Load (2)

16th Jan '02 - 2:00am
Mother Load (2) Summary

Daphne and Niles continue to try and hide the fact that they have moved in with each other from Mrs. Moon. She makes such a mess of things that the only way she will leave is if Simon takes care of her, but Simon has left for California. Meanwhile, Frasier's neighbor Cam drapes the American flag over his balcony, and Frasier cannot complain because it would seem unpatriotic.

779 have watched this episode

s09e14 / Juvenilia

23rd Jan '02 - 2:00am
Juvenilia Summary

Station manager Kenny talks Frasier into doing an interview on a teen programme in order to boost his ratings with younger listeners. Frasier is dismayed to discover that the three teenage interviewers have dug up some dirt from his past and start grilling him on air.

779 have watched this episode

s09e15 / The Proposal

6th Feb '02 - 2:00am
The Proposal Summary

Niles has finally decided to propose to Daphne and has secretly arranged an elaborate dinner, including musicians and a professional chef, in his apartment, in order to make it a special night. However, Daphne shows up with a bad case of the flu and wants to go straight to bed.

779 have watched this episode

s09e16 / Wheels of Fortune

27th Feb '02 - 2:00am
Wheels of Fortune Summary

Lilith's half-brother, Blaine Sternin, is a con artist with a long history of bilking Frasier out of his money and possessions. When he shows up at Frasier's apartment in a wheelchair, he claims that he has lost the use of his legs in an accident, but that he has seen God and all he wants now is for Frasier to forgive him. Frasier doesn't believe him and goes to outrageous lengths to prove he hasn't changed.

778 have watched this episode

s09e17 / Three Blind Dates

6th Mar '02 - 2:00am
Three Blind Dates Summary

Niles sets Frasier up with Lisa, a patient who owns a bookstore, but they never run into each other. Roz sets Frasier up with Suzanne, an artist, who ends up hating Frasier. Martin sets Frasier up with Kris, an attractive girl from his building, who seems to know every man at the bar. But Frasier later runs into and hits it off with Lisa.

778 have watched this episode

s09e18 / War of the Words

13th Mar '02 - 2:00am
War of the Words Summary

Frasier's son Frederick has reached the national finals of a spelling competition and wins the award on the night. The celebration at Frasier's apartment afterwards turns sour, however, when the competition organizer shows up to say that Frederick has been disqualified for cheating, since a video of the audience showed that Frasier had been miming the letters to Frederick during the competition.

778 have watched this episode

s09e19 / Deathtrap

3rd Apr '02 - 2:00am
Deathtrap Summary

When Frasier and Niles discover that the house they lived in as children is for sale, they visit it with a view to buying it for a B&B. When the current owner refuses to let them lift the floorboards to look for a memory box they placed there as children, they return that night to look under the floor. When they discover a skull, they believe the current owner cuddled his wife and call in the police, forgetting that they themselves put the skull there as children when they were putting on a production of Hamlet.

778 have watched this episode

s09e20 / The Love You Fake

10th Apr '02 - 1:00am
The Love You Fake Summary

Frasier's upstairs neighbour Cam Winston is causing more problems when his washing machine leaks into Frasier's apartment. Frasier gets the water to Cam's apartment shut off, causing their feud to escalate. Martin and Cam's mother believe the feud is childish, so they pretend to be having an affair in order to annoy Frasier and Cam. Meanwhile Niles has agreed to an experiment in which he must go everywhere on a Segway instead of walking.

779 have watched this episode

s09e21 / Cheerful Goodbyes

1st May '02 - 1:00am
Cheerful Goodbyes Summary

Frasier gets invited to a psychiatrists' conference in Boston, and takes Niles, Daphne and Martin with him. By chance they meet Cliff Clavin (from Cheers) in Boston airport, and Cliff thinks that Frasier has come to Boston for his retirement party. Not wanting to let Cliff down, Frasier agrees to go to the party, and drags the rest of the family with him.

779 have watched this episode

s09e22 / Frasier Has Spokane

8th May '02 - 1:00am
Frasier Has Spokane Summary

Frasier attempts to expand his radio show to Spokane, but discovers that the man he is replacing on Spokane's radio station is revered in the city, so the locals are hostile to Frasier.

778 have watched this episode

s09e23 / The Guilt Trippers

15th May '02 - 1:00am
The Guilt Trippers Summary

As a birthday present, Niles surprises Daphne with a trip to Hawaii for two. However, Mrs. Moon falls into a state of total despair about her failed marriage, and Daphne feels bad about leaving her alone for the weekend. Niles hatches a plan to reunite Daphne's parents and get Mrs. Moon out of the apartment. He convinces a reluctant Daphne to take her mother on the trip, and secretly heads to England to track down Daphne's father. Niles hopes to at least convince Mr. Moon to come to the U.S. and give Daphne away at the wedding. He finds him at a bar, but Mr. Moon doesn't take too kindly to the idea of reconciling with his wife. Roz, depressed about her break-up with Roger, stays at the apartment to hang out with Frasier after Daphne's party. They end up sleeping together. Roz leaves in a panic the next morning, but promises that they will get together for dinner to talk things over. She promptly skips town and nixes plans for Frasier to join her at her family reunion in Wiscon.

778 have watched this episode

s09e24 / Moons Over Seattle

22nd May '02 - 1:00am
Moons Over Seattle Summary

Niles eventually persuades the reluctant Mr. Moon to come to the U.S. and talk with his wife. He is prepared to leave immediately after Mrs. Moon rejects him, but Niles convinces him to stay for a while. Daphne is furious at Niles for interfering, as she feels her parents would eventually work out their problems on their own. She criticizes Niles for acting without consulting her. Niles and Daphne convince the Moons to join them for a romantic dinner. The plan works initially, but the couple soon gets into a brawl. Mr. Moon talks with Daphne and tells her that he and Gertrude are not going to reunite. A devastated Daphne fears that there is no point to marriage, but her father assures her that Niles is the right man for her. He cites the lengths Niles was willing to take to please Daphne as proof that he loves her much more than Mr. Moon ever loved Gertrude. Daphne realizes that he is right, and heads over to see Niles. She stuns him by telling him that she wants to marry imm.

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