In Utopia, 15 contestants leave their current lives to create their own ideal mini-society while being followed by hundreds of cameras. They will spend one year in a place where no rules or laws exist. All the participants - aka "inhabitants" - in the show have been given is an empty barn on an undeveloped piece of land, some cows and chickens, water and electricity connections, one phone and a sum of cash to create their environment and survive for the first few months.
Like in Big Brother, the Utopia participants nominate fellow inhabitants for elimination in a process in which the viewers also vote to nominate a contestant for elimination. After the vote, three inhabitants land in the danger zone and two aspiring new contestants arrive. One of the two newcomers will quickly have to leave, but the one who gets to stay receives exceptional power; he or she decides which one of the three nominated inhabitants will definitively be eliminated. Also like with Big Brother, viewers can sign on to get full access to an exclusive 24/7 live stream from the show.
Utopia FOX Ended after Season 1
FOX aired the final episode on Friday 31st October 2014