'Allo 'Allo!
Season 3

s03e01 / The Nicked Knockwurst

5th Dec '86 - 8:00pm
The Nicked Knockwurst Summary

After the Colonel makes Renandeacute; promise not to hang out with the Randeacute;sistance anymore, Herr Flickandacute;s sausage (containing the forgery of the Fallen Madonna) is kidnapped by the Communist Randeacute;sistance. The Colonel and the Captain are anxious that it doesnandacute;t come out that they have switched the paintings, and order Renandeacute; to come up with the ransom, which Edith gets from Monsieur Alphonse.
The ransom is to be left by Renandeacute; and his staff, dressed as German soldiers. But the whole thing is watched by German soldiers dressed as French policemen, the Gestapo dressed as French Randeacute;sistance girls, and the Colonel and the Captain dressed as trees. And of course, Lieutenant Gruber stumbles upon the meeting, and his dog canandacute;t help but chase the sausage.

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s03e02 / Gruber Does Some Mincing

12th Dec '86 - 8:00pm
Gruber Does Some Mincing Summary

The sausage containing the painting of the Fallen Madonna, which was taken by Lieutenant Gruberandacute;s dog, is minced by the Lieutenant - but fortunally he discovers it first and saves it. At the same time, the missing knockwurst means that Monsieur Alphonse cannot get back the money which he leant to pay the ransom of the kidnapped sausage. The randeacute;sistance pays him back with Monsieur LeClercandacute;s badly forged money. But after everything seems to getting back to normal, the sausage is sent to Lieutenant Gruber to make another copy. Also, Michelleandacute;s latest plan to get the airmen back is by an old plane with the motor from general von Klinkerhoffenandacute;s lawn-mower.

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s03e03 / The Sausage in the Wardrobe

19th Dec '86 - 8:00pm
The Sausage in the Wardrobe Summary

After Maria is sent to Lieutenant Gruber with the sausage containing the real painting of the Fallen Madonna for copying, she is caught by General von Klinckerhofen, who places the sausage in his wardrobe and helds Maria hostage until his lawn-mover engine is returned by the Randeacute;sistance.
Herr Flick, the Colonel and the Captain, and Renandeacute; hears about this and decides to go to the chateau through the secret passages and steal the sausage from under the General's nose, using Helga, Yvette and Lieutenant Gruber as erotical bait.

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s03e04 / Flight of Fancy

26th Dec '86 - 8:00pm
Flight of Fancy Summary

With Renandeacute; again in the possession of the sausage containing the painting of the Fallen Madonna, the attention turns to getting the two British airmen out of France. Michelle proposes a steam engine tour through Nouvion. Michelleandacute;s newest hairbrained scheme of getting the airmen out will of course need 80 meters of suspenders, and it's Renandeacute;'s job to get them from every Frenchman in Nouvion. Herr Flick and Helga arrive in his staff car to spy on the show.

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s03e05 / Pretty Maids All in a Row

2nd Jan '87 - 8:00pm
Pretty Maids All in a Row Summary

After the plot to get the two British airmen out failed, a frustrated Renandeacute; returns to the painting of the Fallen Madonna. He hides it behind an ugly painting in his cafandeacute; which is immediately recognized by General von Klinkerhoffen as a Van Gogh and requisitioned for his office in the chateau. He also requistions the two new maids in Cafandeacute; Renandeacute; - or as they are better known: the two British airmen in disguise.
Realizing that the two airmen will be recognized right away, Michelle of the Randeacute;sistance comes up with another hairbrained scheme of digging a tunnel from Monsieur Alphonse's morgue into the prisoner of war camp and smuggling in the two airmen into the camp.

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s03e06 / The Great Un-Escape

9th Jan '87 - 8:00pm
The Great Un-Escape Summary

While the Captain is sitting in the cafandeacute;, Herr Flick from the Gestapo is listening when Renandeacute; is talking to London on the wireless. He soon cracks the code surrounding the message with the plan to dig a tunnel from the mortuary to hide the British airmen.
But it's soon apparent that the two airmen and Monsieur Alphonse need help with the digging, and the cafandeacute; staff are called in, leaving Madame Fanny and LeClerc in the cafandeacute;. But the Colonel and the Captain follow Renandeacute;, discover the tunnel, and are captured in the prisoner of war camp.

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