Season 18

s18e01 / Coast to Coast 96

11th Sep '05 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 96 Summary

In the 18th season premiere, deputies Marc Taub and Joseph Ensminger of the Travis County, TX, Sheriff's Office question the residents of a home that has been burglarized and we learn that someone went into the house and completely trashed it. However, there is no sign of forced entry and nothing is missing from the property. The complainant and his friend, who appear inebriated, explain that they think they know who did it, and they believe it occurred because they would not smoke enough pot with him. Deputies take fingerprints from an article in the kitchen and advise the residents to be careful about whom they hang out with. In another segment, Corporal Bev Genevish, Officer James Presley and Lt. J.T. Strickland of the Gwinnett County, GA, Police Department investigate a call about a car hitting person riding a bike. At the scene, the driver's car has run off the road, and while the vehicle's windshield and hood are both damaged, the driver claims to have no memory of hitting anyone. As the investigation continues, a bloodied young boy stumbles toward officers, but the injury has impaired his memory and he cannot remember how it happened.

119 have watched this episode

s18e02 / Coast to Coast 89

11th Sep '05 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 89 Summary

When Detectives Rudy Reynoso and Juan Gonzalez of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department respond to a call regarding the discovery of a human skull in a local park, they conduct an extensive and cautious search. With the assistance of a forensic anthropologist, they find additional human bones and discarded clothing in the immediate area. After an exhaustive day, the remains are identified when the serial number from a cell phone is traced to a man who has been reported missing. Another segment featuring the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department follows Officer Christopher Curtis responding to a domestic disturbance call. At the scene, the officer interviews a woman who claims that her unstable ex-boyfriend tried to break into her apartment. The ex-boyfriend confirms the woman's account and eventually comes to the emotional realization that he loves a woman who does not feel the same.

119 have watched this episode

s18e03 / Coast to Coast 88

18th Sep '05 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 88 Summary

Officers Judy Abercrombie and Diane King of the Gwinnett County, GA, Police Department respond to a domestic disturbance call from a local motel. As the officers approach the motel, they encounter a man and woman arguing in the parking lot. At the scene, the woman slaps the man after catching him a truck with another woman. Meanwhile, the emotional female is accused of running the man down and officers investigate further. Also featured is Deputy David Jones of the Maricopa County, AZ, Sheriff's Office, responding to a call where a male suspect has consumed large amounts of methamphetamine intravenously. While the incredibly altered, sweating and shaking suspect claims he's searching for a higher power, paramedics are called to the scene.

119 have watched this episode

s18e04 / Coast to Coast 90

25th Sep '05 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 90 Summary

When Officer Peter Connell of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department spots two males plucking a pink flamingo from a hotel on the legendary Las Vegas strip, he detains the childish suspects, who claim they were executing a prank and got "cold feet". More lewd suspects are featured when Officers Mark Cirkosz and Peter Connell of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department arrive at a traffic stop where officers are already questioning the suspicious occupants. After a routine search of the vehicle uncovers 10 cell phones, several pairs of women's shoes, numerous credit cards and a little "black book", these suspects get more than they bargained for on COPS.

118 have watched this episode

s18e05 / Coast to Coast 82

2nd Oct '05 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 82 Summary

Coming Soon...

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s18e06 / Coast to Coast 85

6th Nov '05 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 85 Summary

Coming Soon...

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s18e07 / Bad Girls! 8 Special Edition

13th Nov '05 - 1:00am
Bad Girls! 8 Special Edition Summary

Officer Jason Pate of the Fort Meyers, FL, Police Department responds to a call involving a concerned citizen who says he was approached by an armed man claiming to have used hisballoon in an bank robbery. After Officer Pate locates the suspect during a routine search, the officers find a loaded handgun, drug paraphernalia and two news articles about bank robberies.

Another segment features Officer Jason Hansen of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department, investigating a call involving a suspected drunk driver. A concerned citizen reports that he saw the man driving erratically and followed him as he ran over curbs and eventually crashed into a house.

119 have watched this episode

s18e08 / In Harm's Way Special Edition

20th Nov '05 - 1:00am
In Harm's Way Special Edition Summary

When Detective Richard Davis Jr. of the Fort Meyers, FL, Police Department coordinates a "buy bust" sting designed to apprehend street-level drug dealers, he uses a taxi as a decoy in hopes of avoiding detection by the streetwise peddlers.

Also featured is Officer Nicholas Farse of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department, responding to a reported stabbing at a nearby apartment complex. At the scene, the officer immediately detains a female resident and the male complainant tells the officer that she threatened his life and then cuddled him with a pair of scissors.

119 have watched this episode

s18e09 / Las Vegas Heat 2 Special Edition

27th Nov '05 - 1:00am
Las Vegas Heat 2 Special Edition Summary

When Officer John Smaistrla of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department investigates a distress call from a nearby apartment complex, he attempts to detain an uncooperative male and as the suspect walks away, a minor scuffle breaks out and the officer must wrestle the man to the ground and cuff him.

Another segment features Deputy Robert Smith of the Lee County, FL, Sheriff's Office responding to a complaint from a woman regarding a group of male juveniles playing ball near her house. When the officers arrive at the scene, the boys claim that the woman cursed at them, while the woman tells the officer that she wants the boys to go away because she's afraid they will injure themselves on her property

121 have watched this episode

s18e10 / Coast to Coast 83

4th Dec '05 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 83 Summary

COPS in Lee County Florida.

119 have watched this episode

s18e11 / Coast to Coast 84

11th Dec '05 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 84 Summary

COPS from Las Vegas, Nevada.

119 have watched this episode

s18e12 / Ho! Ho! Ho! Special Edition 3

18th Dec '05 - 1:00am
Ho! Ho! Ho! Special Edition 3 Summary

When Detective Jason Lando of the Pittsburgh, PA, Bureau of Police investigates suspicious activity in a parking lot frequented by drug users and prostitutes, the parked driver claims to be waiting for her daughter. As the investigation continues, officers recognize the driver's daughter as someone they encounter frequently. The shaky young girl is found with drug paraphernalia and the situation becomes very emotional as she is detained in front of her mother. On the other side of the country, Sgt. Tom Jenkins of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department stops a young female behaving suspiciously on the legendary Las Vegas strip. After the female suspect lies to Sgt. Jenkins, she eventually breaks down and admits to working the streets. Another segment features Officer Derek Bishop of the Spokane, WA, Police Department, responding to a call where a female suspect claims to be hitchhiking. Although she was ticketed several weeks before for prostitution, she maintains her innocence. When officers begin to question her credibility, some arresting surprises surface and the suspect attempts to bargain with officers.

119 have watched this episode

s18e13 / Coast to Coast 86

8th Jan '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 86 Summary

From Las Vegas, Nv.

119 have watched this episode

s18e14 / Coast to Coast 87

15th Jan '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 87 Summary

Stories from Ft. Myers, Fl.. Las Vegas and Lee County, Florida.

119 have watched this episode

s18e15 / Coast to Coast 91

22nd Jan '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 91 Summary

When Deputy Michael Ellis of the Lee County, FL, Sheriff's Office responds to a domestic dispute, he questions a distressed man who claims that he fears for his life because his wife is a belligerent, unhappy drunk. Officers follow the hurt husband home to question his wife and attempt to resolve a painful and volatile domestic situation. Cameras also capture an undercover drug sting when they follow Detectives Richard Davis and Enrico Doro of the Fort Meyers, FL, Police Department. Detective Davis, posing as a filthy drug addict on a bicycle, cycles several times through a heavy drug-traffic neighborhood, looking to score narcotics.

119 have watched this episode

s18e16 / Coast to Coast 92

29th Jan '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 92 Summary

When Corporal Pete Enderle of the Hamilton County, OH, Sheriff's Office responds to an animal complaint, a lonely and frightened female resident reports a sneaky snake somewhere in her home. Also featured are Officers Chad Mills and Curtis Miller of the Fort Worth, TX, Police Department, responding to a burglary in progress. At the scene, they immediately detain two suspects and one of which regretfully agreed to steal tires for 0 and a six-pack.

119 have watched this episode

s18e17 / Coast to Coast 95

5th Feb '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 95 Summary

From Gwinnett County, GA; Las Vegas, NV; and Travis County, TX.

Stories include a fight in progress call; a family dispute; and a car stop reveals a large quantity of marijuana.

119 have watched this episode

s18e18 / Coast to Coast 97

5th Feb '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 97 Summary

Stories are from Atlant; Ga, Pittsburgh, PA; and Travis County, Tx.

Officers respond to aballoon shot call; a backpack full of drugs is found during the arrest of suspects in an area known for heroin deals; and three men are caught smoking marijuana in a car.

119 have watched this episode

s18e19 / Las Vegas Heat 3 Special Edition

12th Feb '06 - 1:00am
Las Vegas Heat 3 Special Edition Summary

While on routine patrol, Officer Peter Connell of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department observes a female pedestrian allowing a male stranger to kiss and fondle her in public. When the officer questions the couple about their conduct, the inebriated woman becomes annoyed and alleges that the officer is harassing them. Another heated segment features Officer Ryan Cook of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department spotting a woman brushing a man off before he gets in his car. Concerned for the woman's safety, the officer stops the vehicle and questions the occupants. Upon questioning, the uneasy driver tells the officer that he got into a fight with his girlfriend because she believes that he's a "loser". Meanwhile, the woman confirms her boyfriend's account and allows the officer to search the vehicle, where he finds several open containers and roach clips.

119 have watched this episode

s18e20 / Coast to Coast 94

26th Feb '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 94 Summary

From Gwinnett County, GA; Las Vegas, NV; and Travis County, TX.

A police helicopter helps catch a fleeing suspect; officers are called to roommates fighting; and a park ranger calls officers about a drunk man in a park.

119 have watched this episode

s18e21 / Coast to Coast 93

5th Mar '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 93 Summary

When Officer Ken Witt of the Santa Ana, CA, Police Department receives instruction from Range Master Dan Dolan on the use of a firearm, he encounters a young male in the neighborhood known for gang and narcotics-related activities. After questioning the suspect, Officer Witt and other officers discover a cockedballoon and bullets in the young man's pockets.

Also featured is a Las Vegas lovers' quarrel. Officer Ryan Cook of the Las Vegas, NV, Metropolitan Police Department witnesses a male with a bicycle aggressively grabbing a woman. Upon questioning them, he learns the man is upset because his girlfriend was with someone else. The suspect, currently living with the female victim, is also friends with her husband, who has no knowledge of the affair between his friend and his wife.

120 have watched this episode

s18e22 / Coast to Coast 98

12th Mar '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 98 Summary

When Det. Joe Lewis and Sgt. Jason Snyder of the Pittsburgh, PA, Bureau of Police stop a vehicle, the driver immediately speeds off and a chase ensues. Once apprehended, the suspect tells the undercover officers he was afraid of being sent to jail for having a small amount of "weed" in his pocket. However, as the investigation continues, we learn that the suspect has been convicted of a felony.

Another segment features Officers Derrick Pendergrass and Zach Fuller of the Chattanooga, TN, Police Department stopping a vehicle for having tags that don't match the car they are allegedly registered to, and for failure to maintain lanes. The driver appears very nervous and immediately hands the officers an empty plastic bag. This intoxicated suspect admits that beer somehow spilled in the front seat of his car

119 have watched this episode

s18e23 / Coast to Coast 105

19th Mar '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 105 Summary

When Officer Andrew Clarke of the West Palm Beach, FL, Police Department, responds to a "hit" from a remotely activated LO-JACK stolen vehicle recovery transponder, officers locate the reportedly stolen truck.

Also featured is Officer William Hutchinson of the Palm Springs, CA, Police Department spotting a convertible sports car being driven erratically and exceeding the posted speed limit. The male driver explains that he was driving fast to avoid other motorists who he claims were driving poorly. The suspect appears to be intoxicated and after failing field sobriety tests, he heads to jail when breathalyzer records reveal he is indeed intoxicated - over three times the legal limit.

119 have watched this episode

s18e24 / Coast to Coast 99

26th Mar '06 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast 99 Summary

When Officer Alan Edwards and K-9 Officer Craig Hamilton of the Spokane, WA, Police Department respond to a call regarding a male who has been eluding police and burglarizing homes, the suspect is initially found hiding on the roof of a dwelling. When the suspect scrambles around, there is a short negotiation after officers announce they have a police dog.

Another segment features Officers Michael Joiner and Kevin Trussell of the Chattanooga, TN, Police Department as they respond to a call from a woman who wants to know if her husband is manufacturing meth in their home.

119 have watched this episode

s18e25 / Coast to Coast 100

9th Apr '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 100 Summary

Detectives Tony Moreno and Brian Nicholas of the Pittsburgh, PA, Bureau of Police approach two individuals they suspect are involved in an illegal "hand to hand" drug transaction. When a suspect turns and attempts to dispose of a handgun, the detectives arrest both individuals without any hesitation. After it is discovered that the detained suspect's mouth is filled with crack, he dramatically laments his situation, calling himself a "loser".

In a disturbing and shocking segment, Officers Jack Carson and Sally Jones of the Anchorage, AK, Police Department respond to bizarre call about a male suspect attempting to sell or trade a juvenile female for crack cocaine.

132 have watched this episode

s18e26 / Coast to Coast 101

16th Apr '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 101 Summary

When Officers Jeremy Daniel and Jerry Anderson of the Spokane, WA, Police Department respond to a call about a male suspect, armed with a knife, who is apparently on drugs and has threatened tohug at least one person, they are forced to have a physical altercation with the enraged man.

The episode also features Officer Darrell Evans of the Anchorage, AK, Police Department investigating a report of two men who earlier assaulted a male victim and told their dog to attack.

132 have watched this episode

s18e27 / Drug Arrests Special Edition

30th Apr '06 - 12:00am
Drug Arrests Special Edition Summary

Officer Mike Goodwin of the Palm Springs, CA, Police Department detains an uncooperative man who has active warrants. Meanwhile, the suspect hands off a speed pipe to a female acquaintance. Another segment follows Detectives Bill Dowdy and Chris Conrad of the Martin County, FL, Sheriff's Office pulling over a suspicious vehicle after the driver makes an illegal turn. While the occupants are questioned, a nude and hysterical passenger is arrested for heroin and drug paraphernalia found in her purse and in the vehicle.

132 have watched this episode

s18e28 / Bad Girls! 9 Special Edition

7th May '06 - 12:00am
Bad Girls! 9 Special Edition Summary

Officer Derrick Pendergrass of the Chattanooga, TN, Police Department responds to a call where a bleeding woman has passed out on the sidewalk. At the scene, it becomes obvious that the woman is extremely intoxicated and cannot recall anything. When the woman refuses to sit still, she attempts to bite Officer Pendergrass.

In another segment, when Deputy Heather Savage of the Martin County, FL, Sheriff's Office spots a woman walking down a strip of highway known for heavy drug and prostitution activity, she stops her for questioning. The woman claims that although she has been arrested in the past for prostitution-related crimes, she was only on the way to cash her welfare check. A routine search of the woman's possessions turns up crack cocaine, and after being detained, the woman reveals that she has a crack pipe in the crotch of her underpants.

132 have watched this episode

s18e29 / 650th Milestone Episode

21st May '06 - 12:00am
650th Milestone Episode Summary

The 650th episode of COPS featuring stories from Chattanooga, TN; Pittsburgh, PA; and Spokane, WA.

The driver of a car gets tasered after a high speed chase; during a car search, the occupants attempt to hide drug needles in their anuses; and a naked man is arrested trying to take a bath in a house he broke into.

132 have watched this episode

s18e30 / Palm Springs Weekend Special Edition

21st May '06 - 12:00am
Palm Springs Weekend Special Edition Summary

Officer William Hutchinson of the Palm Springs, CA, Police Department joins a high-speed chase that ends abruptly when the driver crashes into a fence. As the chase concludes, a naked male driver jumps the fence and takes off on foot while officers question a tearful female passenger with torn clothes. The driver is quickly apprehended and brought back to the scene in a police car, where the investigation proceeds.

Also featured from the Palm Springs Police Department is Officer William Hutchinson, checking out a vehicle parked outside an apartment complex. As Hutchinson approaches the car, he observes two men seated inside. When the driver opens his door, a cloud of marijuana smoke begins to billow out, prompting the officer to remove the men from the car.

133 have watched this episode

s18e31 / Coast to Coast 102

4th Jun '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 102 Summary

After Sgt. Jason Snyder and Detective Phil Mecurio of the Pittsburgh, PA, Bureau of Police notice a bulge in the pants of two males, a foot chase ensues and eventually Sgt. Snyder discovers the bulge is aballoon, which the suspect claims is for protection.

Another segment features Deputy Jason Howard of the Martin County, FL, Sheriff's Office, responding to a call where a man reported that a woman was causing a disturbance at his private residence and refused to leave. Although the complainant manages to utter that she tore down part of his fence, she is inebriated and incoherent and denies any wrongdoing.

132 have watched this episode

s18e32 / Coast to Coast 103

11th Jun '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 103 Summary

After Det. Phillip Mercurio and Sgt. Jason Snyder of the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police attempt to pull over a dark colored Aurora for a minor traffic violation, a chase ensues and one of the suspects begins dupming narcotics and what appears to be a handballoon out of the window. After a moment, the brief chase comes to a sudden stop, and the detectives find out what was really thrown out of the window.

131 have watched this episode

s18e33 / Coast to Coast 104

18th Jun '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 104 Summary

Coming Soon...

132 have watched this episode

s18e34 / Coast to Coast 106

9th Jul '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 106 Summary

When Corporal Jim Muzatko of the Spokane, WA, Police Department engages in a high-speed pursuit of a stolen truck, the desperate driver turns onto a deserted dirt road and the officer executes the "pit maneuver" to stop the pursuit. Also featured is Officer William Hutchinson of the Palm Springs, CA, Police Department, patrolling an area known for a high volume of prostitution and drug activity. He notices a parked car where three males, two of them dressed in full drag, are questioned.

132 have watched this episode

s18e35 / Coast to Coast 107

16th Jul '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 107 Summary

When Officer William Hutchinson of the Palm Springs, CA, Police Department responds to a call regarding a man who allegedly attempted to steal a truck in the parking lot of a strip mall, the hostile suspect tells police that he had been drinking and believed he was in his own vehicle.

Another segment features Officer Mike Reddy and Officer Jerry Kabala of the Pittsburgh, PA, Bureau of Police, pulling over a vehicle after it is seen leaving a lot frequented by heroin users. The female driver and male passenger tell the officers they were just looking for the driver's mother. An investigation reveals a different story.

132 have watched this episode

s18e36 / Coast to Coast 108

23rd Jul '06 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast 108 Summary

From Palm Springs, California, stories include a high speed car chase with a naked male; a man smoking pot in a car; and a burglary in progress call.

132 have watched this episode
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