Season 2

s02e01 / Portland, OR 1

24th Sep '89 - 12:00am
Portland, OR 1 Summary

(North Precinct Street Patrol) Officer Harry Jackson says this time of the year people come from all parts of the country, the Navy brings in a bunch of ships and prostitutes come from all across the country because business is up. He spots a young girl, Samantha Wilson, on the corner he knows and sees a guy pick her up. Harry asks where she's coming from and she says it was Union, doesn't know the cross street. He says she should know the cross street by now. It's Jessup, she remembers. He sees money in her bra and she says it's her boobs, then admits it's . She says she knows the guy, he was giving her a ride and has known him for 6-7 months. Then she admits he was giving her for a BJ, he's a regular on Sundays. Today is Sunday, he's usually off, but is sneaky and is working today. He goes over and questions Mr. Larkin to see what he says. He mirandizes him and says he knows she's doing business. He says he has the right to remain silent and it's his mom's car. He's 26, still living at home and has no registration, so Harry will call his parents to see if they know what he's up to. Larkin says he's known her six months, they met in January. He hasn't arrested Sam before, but has given her a hard time though. Larkin has never taken her home because his parents are always there. Harry says he has no problem doing it on the streets and can't take a nice lady home. Then he tells Sam to tell him what she told him. Harry says he went to school 2 blocks from there, he's lived there 45 years and wants to clean up the community. Harry says he'll throw money at her, but won't take her home to mom. (9:15 AM) Multnomah Co. Narcotics Task Force Briefing - Sgt. John Bunnell says it's going to be a long day, search warrant for heroin , 4 cars, Pat will do photos, Danny will do evidence and to suit up. There is a calendar on the wall with women's butts in bathing suits. They run up to the house, John says they are too far away. The old woman asks what the hell are the doing there, where's the search warrant, it's not here. They tell her it is. John talks to Ron, he says he wants to make it easy, there is no heroin, just what he's using. He gets the heroin from Mike Williams. John says he knows where he gets it. He used to get it from Jerry, but he's in Las Vegas, on vacation. John calls Celeste in and arranges for Ron to call Mike to make a deal. He calls him from his car phone in the Camero to make a deal for 2 o'clock. (2:02 PM) Mike is an older white guy who walks up with his two kids, they bust him and he says not to scare his children. The boy says he goes to school half day, the girl says all day. Mike's been dealing 5-6 days, but never sold it before. He's shaking and John says they aren't playing games, answer the questions and sign the papers. Mike says he'll take them to it and give it to them. He lost his wife 2 years ago and wants them to tell the kids he's OK. He buys from Miguel in Hillsboro. They want him to call Miguel and set up a deal, but he doesn't want to lose his kids. The girl says her mom died when she was 33 and is up with the angels now. John says sometimes that's a better place. They are going to Mike's house to get the heroin and have him call Miguel and start the game all over again. (4:15 PM) John says they can take everything of Mike's - his cars, house, everything. The car doesn't interest them though, it doesn't meet their requirements. It's a nice old colonial house though. Mike limps around, says he lived there 11 years and is going to have to sell it. He takes him to the safe where the combo is right 3 times to 73. John opens it and asks, "it won't blow up in my face will it- There is a bunch of money, some rocks, not much. Mike calls Jose to make a deal. John says he has to make a decision to take his kids to a foster home and is it the best things for the kids? They just lost their mom, maybe they'll take the kids for a little while to wake him up. John is upset and can't even count the money. It's a tough call. It's not the normal house of a heroin dealer. John asks Max the neighbor to watch the children while Mike is in jail for a few hours. (8:09 PM) John draws a diagram of the house where the main dealer is. They want to get everyone secured fast and then search the place. There are a couple Mexican guys who don't speak English and they find 2balloons. They also find a .30 caliber rifle and aballoon under the mattress. The guy admits the dope is his and has a notebook with phone numbers and Mike is in it. They charge him with drugs, dealing and call immigration.

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s02e02 / Portland, OR 2

1st Oct '89 - 12:00am
Portland, OR 2 Summary

(11:47 AM Warrant Served) Multnomah County - Narcotics Task Force Briefing. Cops are in a parking lot and Sgt. John Bunnell says he'll knock and announce and Bob will use the shotgun because the suspect is armed. They pull up to the yellow house with the blue Chevelle in the driveway with Bunnell driving. They are going in fast and slam the door open and run in. Mike is taken down on a bed with a giant Harley flag on the wall. He makes lots of woo woo noises. They tell him to rest his head on the door panel, he doesn't want to tell them anything. They tear up his bed and pillows and find crystal meth and lots of .357 bullets. The meth tests positive. They finds tons of stolen property there. Bunnell wishes people would etch their license or social security number on their items to make them easy to ID. The garage is full of stolen VCRs, stereo equipment, cameras, car radios & cable boxes. (2:15 PM Stolen Property Returned) They found a mans name on some tools and call him. He arrives and says the tool drawer is his and he had 2 antique gold watches in there. Bunnell says they have bags of watches. One man shows up with serial numbers for his power saws. One man finds his stolenballoon, but the holster isn't his. The guys mom pulls up and wonders what is going on. She says she knows nothing about what Mike did. Bunnell says it's hard to believe since it is all over the house. She doesn't know about the drugs either. Inside she says he paid for all this stuff. They found no paperwork and he didn't turn any over. Central District - Foot Patrol. Two officers walk through an area under an overpass and say they found body parts there and lots of people trying to hide. (9:45 AM) they go in to remove the homeless people who are doing drugs. Officer Barry Cook finds two Mexican guys living in a hole under a concrete slab. He has black tar heroin and they only speak Spanish and the one guy is all smiling and goofy. They arrest him and have arrested him before at least 10 times. He says the jacket he's wearing isn't his. Barry searches him and gets stuck with a needle. He frantically tries to push the blood out as fast as possible hoping he doesn't have AIDS. He puts the guy in his car and gets the first aid kit out of the trunk. He wipes down and cleans up with hand sanitizer. The other guy is booked on criminal trespass. Barry says he'll have to worry about it for the next 10 years. Back at the station he calls the clinic for information on the needle prick. They tell him the changes of getting AIDS are a couple 100 to 1, he's got a better chance of getting hepatitis, but he's gotten shots for that. It's an officers worst nightmare. Rose Festival Fun Center - Foot Patrol - two officers patrol at a carnival. They say that the less crime, the more likely people are to show up. Officer Mark Murawski spots a metalhead dancing idiotically with a bottle in his hand. He grabs the bottle and him and leads him away. No alcohol is allowed so he pours it out. Officers spot a black man with a large knife. They are ejecting him from the park and find two other knives on him. Officer Rick Hegrenes spots a mullet head with a Budweiser hiding in his Coke cup, he also gets banned from the park. They have to make an example of him. Back to the black guy, James, they find pot residue on him. He denies having enough to make residue, not even sure what it is. The officer laughs and just bans him from the park. Officer Frank Klejmont says they've had the fair since 1970 and people go nuts and act stupid. They exclude people from the park and they come back and get charged with trespassing. Officer Norman Sharp questions a guy with a concealed knife. The guy says he just came there for fun. He's not allowed there because he's drunk and has a weapon. They search another guy who won't tell them his last name and starts to get loud. They tell him to quiet down or else there'll be a problem. They stopped him because a bulge in his clothes might've been aballoon. Two guys are drunk and fighting and a bunch of cops jump and arrest them. A third guy is busted for interference. He mouths off in the back of the paddy wagon and they pull them out and cuff him and he screams and bang the walls.

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s02e03 / Portland, OR 3

8th Oct '89 - 12:00am
Portland, OR 3 Summary

(9:45 PM Warrant Served) Multnomah County Sheriff's Dept. Narcotics Task Force warrant briefing. Sgt. John Bunnell has a map of a house interior drawn on a dry board. The neighborhood is in an uproar so they are going to show the flag. They are going to go in and do a normal entry since they bought drugs there before. They have testimony from CRI and Officer Biles that he's a belligerent weightlifter type, so they are going to take appropriate action. Bob will do the back bedroom and he'll follow with a key to get in whatever is locked. The job when they get upstairs is to grab people. Bunnell clears the upstairs and they find the old man who is the owner downstairs who fights them and won't go down. During the struggle his toupee comes off. There are 4 kids inside. Deputy Jerry Hill reads him the warrant that they have the right to search. Other officers wait outside to see if anyone else shows up. One of the kids inside is 16 and says he's visiting. Outside Bunnell stops a car with 17 year olds. The driver says he was just turning around. Bunnell says it's a lie and he'll take him in. He admits he was coming to the house to see who was there. The owner inside says he only served alcohol to his kids. There is alcohol out, but his kids aren't even there. He says his son is at the doctor. All the kids are 16 and just visiting. He says he wouldn't if he were them and they shouldn't be there. Jerry says this goes on every weekend. He says he was just off from work this night, it never happened before. Outside they pull a man out of a red truck atballoonpoint. He's holding a bag and says it isn't his house. Deputy Lane Sawyer questions him inside and tells him that giving beer to minors is just as bad as giving them drugs and the neighborhood parents are upset. The son says he won't let anyone in from now on. If anyone else buys after tonight they are all going down. At the end cops tell a group of metal heads if they can run all the way off the street in 10 seconds they won't get busted. One kid has a Danzig shirt as they make a mad dash. A man calls 911 who says that the next time his female neighbor, Lynn, sees him talking to a cop she'll burn his house down. They go out to his house where the man repeats the story and has his two daughters there as witnesses. She cursed him out and fought with her boyfriend. The officer knows the woman, they know she has a drug problem. He won't have to go to court if he needs to avoid a problem. They go to a nearby bar and find the woman. She's a tiny, skinny skank who denies making threats. He says the first person they'll look for is her if they have a problem with him. He says they are tired of her. She says she's sick of them. He says he's never talked to her before, but arrested her when she was driving drunk doing 75mph down the road. She doesn't remember it because she was drunk. He says next time they'll just arrest her. She goes back in saying it's fine. (10:12 PM Return Call) A neighbor saw her back at the house with a Molotov cocktail. The man and the kids saw her. Cops say they need to sign a complaint and it's time to stop with the games, they need to arrest her. One of the girls cries. The man says he's going to have to move. The cop says he'll be out there 5 days a week for the next 7 years so he'll take care of it. Two female witnesses saw her too, they say she's dangerous and there are kids around. They find the woman walking down the road in a red bathing suit and arrest her for attempted arson. She mouths off and says she'll talk to the judge. They say to also charge her with reckless endangerment and trespassing to keep her in jail longer. She curses them out. He asks if she knows how serious this is. She says she isn't going to start fires and she didn't go over there. She's drunk again and they says that's the problem. The man wants to know how long she'll stay in jail, he has to think of his daughters. He wonders if she'll get her drug friends to come after him. The cop can't guarantee that won't happen, but he's going to arrest her every time. Bureau of Police. North Precinct Street Patrol - Officer Harry Jackson questions some girls, then stops. (4:30 PM) he talks to a black girl Dominica, on the corner and asks her why she was getting in the car. She says she needed a ride. Harry asks her where she was going. She doesn't give a real answer. They question the old white male driver about what happened. He says she was hitchhiking and needed a ride. She asked him if he was a cop and wanted him to turn around and go a different way. He said no and wanted her to get out and she grabbed the keys. Harry says he's been working this area for the last 2 1/2 years and what she does is have them go around back, get their pants off and her boyfriend jumps out of the bushes with aballoon and robs them. (5:10 PM) He stops and talks to a white girl on the corner. Harry says she has a different pimp. She says Kevin is the same guy. He's a black guy and he walks away and pulls his pants off. He says they rode around before with her after the guy got her pregnant and beat her. She had her chance to get out of the life, but has come back. He tried to help her and now will arrest her. She says she is still there because her mom won't take her baby and he doesn't want it. Harry says he'll take the kid if she stays there. She says she'll prove him wrong. He says the baby can't make the choice. (5:16 PM) She is walking with Kevin and he stops him for pulling his pants down before. He says he didn't do it and doesn't want to go to jail, he was pulling his pants up. He apologizes and says the girl is his wife, she says no. He says soon to be and they are going to his moms house. Harry didn't see him pull his pants down so he lets them go, next time if he sees it he'll arrest him. It's a hard life, nobody says it would be easy.

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s02e04 / Portland, OR 4

15th Oct '89 - 12:00am
Portland, OR 4 Summary

4 (12:20 PM) Multnomah Co Sheriff's Dept - Deputy Lane Sawyer and Sgt. John Bunnell drive and explain about surveillance they have on a business in the southeast. They have a warrant on the business and the house and have Bob now on a traffic stop in a blue Camero. John says he won't cooperate. They talk to Bob Park, who has his kid with him. Lane tells him he works narcotics and has been watching him sell coke. He can say nothing if he wants, but Lane can go full bore on him, if he finds enough he can go federal and Bob can get 10 years. Bob says he isn't the guy, they should know who he is getting it from. Lane says he might know who he is, but needs his cooperation. They check his trunk, it's filled up by a large speaker. They find a shotgun inside and he says it doesn't work and is old. There is a handgun in the front, but no dope in the car. He has a wad of cash on him. (1:15 PM) They take him back to a hotel and have him make a call to his buyer. He wants a half and tells her to be careful. John tells him they will set the call up for 1pm tomorrow. If he doesn't show up he promises that he'll come down hard on him. He didn't show up and a warrant issued for his arrest. (11:00 AM Next Day) Deputy Dennis Fitz says a package came by UPS and it was ID'd for drugs. (Narcotics Task Force Briefing) They have the package and want to deliver to the house and arrest who accepts it (12:10 PM) They go to the house and there are two women inside. Deanna says the package is for her. John tells her to be very cooperative. She says she will. John says if she is truthful she can stay home, if she jerks them around, she'll be going to jail. In the back they find a drug scale and bags of coke. The women says they are not heavily involved in coke sales, the maximum she sells to is to 10 people a day, not 00s a day. John asks where she got the coke. She says a guy named Mike. John asks what would happen if she called him. She calls to make a meet for an ounce. John sets up a meeting - it never ends.(2:27 PM) John says the guy is en route. When he shows up, grab them both and he'll meet with Lane. The guy shows up in blue and black shorts. He and a woman go up to the house. Once they go inside the cops run to the house. The girl has a cigarette in a passing grip as they cuff her and take her out. They ask Mike where he gets it from. He says the guy they busted, Bob Park. Lane asks where he is. He says he doesn't know directly, but he'll make a deal (9:45 PM) They set up a meeting with Bob at a car wash. They jump him and he growls and says OK. John yells at him that they told him not to screw around and he learned his lesson. He has a bag of dope and a couple bags in the van. Bob gets a bloody lip in the struggle. John says he wants to search his van and apartment. Bob says there is nothing, same as last time, he wants to talk to his lawyer, then says to go ahead and look. The van is gross, covered in filth. John says it's 2:30 AM, it took 12 hours and 2 arrests later they are still going. John's favorite saying is, "You gotta be tough to live out west". (Street Patrol) Portland North Precinct - Officer Becky Wooten takes the call of a stolen bike that comes in to 911. She says a neighborhood boy stole it yesterday, she got it back, but now she doesn't want to mess with. She goes to the house, talks to the mom, says he did it before, but doesn't know the house where the bike belongs to. Becky has been there before and says if he comes back to call them and they'll take it. Call even if he doesn't have the bike. Kevin is a young black kid in a Nike soccer shirt who comes walking up. She cuffs him, says he's going to jail and he cries. She mirandizes him and puts him in the back of the police car until he calms down. She says she talked to his mom, she knows. He says Milton told him to take it. He can't take stuff because people tell him to. He'll be the one that goes to jail.. She tells him she'll think about taking the cuffs off. She closes the door on h m and leaves him there. Becky tells the mom she doesn't want him to know there isn't much that they can do to him. She keeps him back there and drives to a house looking for Milton. Becky goes to Milton's house on 18th, says he stole 2 bikes and took them apart. Mom goes in and finds Milton, he says Kevin isn't a close friend and tells him he doesn't want to hang around with him or go to his house anymore. They dare each other to steal. Becky says if they hang out together she'll arrest them both for whatever crime the one does. Milton asks if he's going to the judge and he'll be good. Becky says she isn't unarresting him, just giving him to the custody of his mom and the paperwork is on it's way. She takes him home and if it works, that's one less 7 year old off the street.

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s02e05 / Portland, OR 5

22nd Oct '89 - 12:00am
Portland, OR 5 Summary

(Bureau of Police) Officer Harry Jackson is #578 and patrols an area with prostitutes. He stops to talk to two of them on Stafford and Union. The young girl says she is 18, Harry says no. She says her birthday is 8/26 and that he knows her. The older woman tells her to shut up and answer the questions and she's going to get a 40, some Taco Bell and going home to eat. He asks why was she talking to a man in a car then. She claims it was her boyfriend and he doesn't buy it. The young girl turns out to be 15 years old and again says he knows her. He says he talks to 25 girls a night and doesn't remember their names unless he arrests them a bunch of time. She curses a few times so he arrests her. She says her mom is dead and the older one tells her to shut up. Harry wants to see her shoes and see if the older one has warrants. She just met her, didn't know she was 15, was with a friend and he can ask her. The 15 year old tries to get out the other side of his police car and he puts her back in. The older says she was with a retarded dude and is going to get him some tacos because he has nothing to eat. He asks if she is going to be back on the street. She says hell no, it'll take 15 minutes. He checks the 15 year olds' purse, finds condoms and wants to contact her parents to see if they know what she's doing out there everyday. He calls for a female officer because she crawls out of the car, up on the roof, her dress goes up and she curses out the cameraman for 10 seconds street. She's totally high and it takes a few cops to calm her down. Harry gives her to a female to transport her to juvenile. She fights, rolls, struggles, screams, says get off of me and they throw her in the back of car where she yells at them. Harry can't believe how strong she is. (Narcotics Task Force Buy-Bust Briefing) Multnomah County Sheriff's Dept - Sgt. John Bunnell says they are going to a hotel in the area with Hispanics fresh up from Mexico they want to get rid of. Special Agent Celeste Cowan is going in and he tells her to be calm, like she wants to party. Talk if you must, ask for coca or cheva. If they want to take them somewhere, take off across from the Bomber. The girls use a red corvette to make the buy as John watches from across the street hoping they can do this in one shot. The guys see them and approach and the girls make a buy for 0. It's their second buy of black tar. It's a lot of dope. They'll follow up tomorrow. (11:16 AM Next Day) John wants them to flash a lot and has ,000 cash. He wants them to ask for a pound, but to pay for half of it now, half later. Don't front the money, it doesn't leave the car or else they'll be working parking patrol in Butte Montana and they laugh. Celeste goes up to the house smoking as kids are around. John hopes she doesn't give the bust signal because he needs to see more of it. She asks to see a pound. John gets nervous she is going to blow it. The drugs are at the sister's unit where the little girl is, she's the drug runner. She counts it out, that's the bust signal. Undercover and uniformed cops pour into the first unit. John says he won't take the kids if she shows them where the rest of the dope is. If she won't tell then kids are gone. The woman agrees and leads them around back and the kids try to go in too. She goes into the room and then acts like she doesn't know what they want. They explain it's drugs andballoons. John finds a sack with 10 big bags of black tar, 0,000 - 0,000 worth. John tells Celeste she did a good job, but he was worried. Sgt. Loren Caddy goes to a bad accident. Traffic is blocked off everywhere, fire department has the jaws of life, EMS arrives, life flight takes one off and the second person is dead. There is also a young girl in the crash., she is 6, going by ambulance. There were four women in car, the driver is DOA and her feet were pinned under gas pedals. There is a set of teeth on the dash. A witness says he was behind the brown Toyota that got hit. It stopped at the stop sign and the second guy broadsided them doing 50mph. The husband shows up and says it was his wife, sister in law and two kids. He asks if his wife made it and Loren doesn't want to tell him. He says he doesn't know... did he see the cars? The 6 year old and 12 year old are OK, they need you more. The 12 year old was taken first, before they got there, they called, she is OK. They were out garage sale shopping and found clothes in the car. Loren asks him if he has someone to drive him or needs a ride. He says he can do it. He's not a doctor, but the guy needs some help to deal with it. Anything he can do, let him know and gives him his card. He has a friend in the truck and Loren wants the friend to drive. Jenny's in one hospital and the other kid is in another hospital. His friend Bud says to park his truck and he'll take him to the hospital in his truck. They all go to the hospital with Bud where they tell him his wife was fatally injured in the accident, it was instant. To encourage the use of seatbelts the husband allowed the footage in the segment to be shown.

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s02e06 / Portland, OR 6

29th Oct '89 - 12:00am
Portland, OR 6 Summary

6 (911 Call Domestic Violence) Multnomah, Co - 11:14 AM - Deputy Chris Peterson takes a call from a mother who says her 16 year old son is pushing her around and no weapons are involved. He gets there and talks to a couple of guys on the street who say the kid is over there under a car. Then Chris drives as they stand on the car two blocks looking for the kid. Mom says she has no idea why he's like this. Chris asks if he's on drugs. She says no, he flipped out ever since his dad went to jail. (9:22 PM) He's still chasing the kid and wants to arrest him for assault for beating up his mom. They finally catch him and a bunch of cops grab him. He has a long mullet and says they are hurting him and calls for his mom. His mom is right there and doesn't want them to arrest him. Chris yells at her not to call the police if she doesn't want their help. In jail he says he didn't run, didn't resist arrest and didn't know he was under arrest. He asks why do they think they were chasing him. (Neighborhood Dispute) Dennis says his kids saw a boy named Mike shooting a BBballoon last week and then today the window on his truck was shot out. Chris goes over there and the dad says no one saw him do it. Mike says he has a BBballoon and shoots it in the backyard, not at his house. He might've shot a tree, it bounced off and broke his window. Dad offered to pay for it and went to talk to him. The wife says he refused to pay for it and it's not true, that's why the police are here. He tried to plead with Dennis to pay for it and he declined. It's the wife. Chris says Mike admitted breaking it and they should pay. He says he tried. Dennis says he wants them to take the BBballoon away. Chris says they are all nice about it and Mike has probably learned his lesson. It's going to be a long, hot summer and they need to get along. (Tactical Detail 6:45 AM) Det Sgt. Tom Seipert says the car is the deal today, V1 is primary, V2 is stolen and has been gone a few days. They have mugshots of James E. Whipple. He was arrested for burglary a week ago and drives like crazy. If they corner him he'll get spooked and dump the car, rob 2-3 houses and has no fear of getting caught. They watch him get in a brown car, go into a pawn shop and come back with beer. (8:35 AM) Detective Pat McGuire calls a judge and wants to file a search warrant for James. He has seen him today, is an active residential burglar, has been arrested recently, he's seen him drive 2 cars, another guy drives the van for him, both cars are stolen and wants a search warrant to arrest them. (10:37 AM) They suit up to get him and all go in a van except for Tony & Gary who will go around the back. It's a drug house, so expect drugs and weapons, he might be armed, be careful. They smash the door in and get two guys and a girl on the floor. James is in the basement. He says he won't make any moves and has no weapons. Then they find another guy and take James outside to search him. He gets unauthorized use of a vehicle, two counts of auto theft and two counts against Stanley. He says they followed him around a couple days, so why did they allow him to continue, if he was breaking the law? So they could get him with bigger crimes. He says yes, but he makes it sound like he encouraged him to break the law. He didn't suggest he break the laws, he did it on his own. North Precinct Street Patrol - Officer Becky Wooten goes to a call of a guy with felony warrants running through a lot. She goes through huge bushes to get to the guy. He's a wild looking black guy with no shirt, says it's police brutality, it's not cool and to get his mother at 308 and to have her follow him. They say his mom's in jail and to get in the car. He asks why, because he's a chump? They have to clean up because of the bushes and the guy does drugs. (911 Call Domestic Violence) A woman calls that a man has a deep wound and hangs up. They go into the house since the door is open and a black mom says her son cuddled him. The mom says they aren't getting nothing until they see how Willie's doing. So does another woman. He has blood all over him and says Willie is her dad. He's about ready to pass out so they walk him outside and a girl runs by them and the two women flip out. Becky says he was the ambulance driver. The girl in blue is the daughter, she can't talk and cries. The one in yellow is the mom, she holds her and tells her she has to let go. He's the one who hurt her and they all got hurt in the long run. She says the kid is only 14, that's teenagers these days.

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s02e07 / Portland, OR 7

5th Nov '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 7 Summary

(12:48 AM Traffic Stop) Multnomah County Sheriff's Department - District 30 - Street Patrol - Deputy John Blackman pulls over a car for not signaling and the car won't stop. He runs all over, turns his lights off, pulls into a driveway and bails out. He is caught in a field and says he hasn't been in jail for a long time. His license was suspended and says he could be the Green Riverhuger. He is paranoid and was just trying to go over the Railroad Tracks and not bottom out that is why he was driving screwy. Sgt. John Bunnell hides a bag of heroin in a room to test a new K9 who is with Deputy Lee Houston. The dog finds it and is given a ball reward. Narcotics Task Force Briefing (8:00 AM Makes a Call to Middleman) - Deputy Lane Sawyer tapes it. At 9 AM he takes ,000 to make a buy. He meets with a guy and a girl in a truck to make the deal later. (11:45 AM Drug Buy) They meet for the buy and bust two Mexican guys at 125th and Division with a kilo of coke. (12:15 PM Middleman Arrest) They go back to the trailer to get the dirty, bearded man. He is pissed they arrested him in front of his kids. (10:22 PM 911 Call) A young boy comes out to meet Sgt. Loren Caddy to say his dad Bob pushed his mom. The woman is on the floor and not breathing and Loren gives CPR then one of the Cops grew gives CPR again and again until paramedics take over. They take her top off and defribulate. The husband is freaking out about being cuffed. He says she was drunk and came at him with a knife and he kicked her in the chest. Paramedics load her into an ambulance and see no wounds on her. She was pronounced dead at the hospital.

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s02e08 / Portland, OR 8

12th Nov '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 8 Summary

(911 Call Domestic Violence) Multnomah, Co - Deputy John Blackman goes to a house at night next to a school and walks up to knock on the door, but it is open. They find blood on the doorstep and a woman crying who says he's in the back bedroom. They arrest a man who said he didn't do anything. They say his wife is bloody and crying. She wants to press charges then he wants to press charges. He says it looks like she was screwing the neighbor to him. John yanks him out the door and the suspect says he's twisting his arm. He says after what he did to his wife he doesn't really care. He says he didn't do it. John supposes she fell down. The fire department arrives to check her out and she has lots of swelling, might have a concussion. She asks how bad she looks and wants to go over and slap him because he knows what he did to her. They says she can't, but he does know what he did. She cries and gets loaded into the ambulance. John says she needs to file a restraining order, get a divorce, its assault and to take care of it on Monday. (One Week Later) They are going back to the same place. John asks what happened this time. She says the same thing as last week and asks if he's the same cop as before. He is. The suspect is hiding outside. He says he'll go look for him and finds him hiding in the weeds. He's arrested , says he wants to press charges and has blood on his face. John dumps him over the fence and he crashes hard and moans. He told him to roll over, but he didn't listen. When he sees his wife he goes for her and they have to push him away and are tired of playing games with him. He says he wants a minute and they are getting involved in something they shouldn't be. She comes along crying and wanting to talk. A female cop tells her to get back in the house and has to lead her away. They put the guy in the car and he says maybe he can talk to her after. He still wants to talk to his wife. He ripped John's shirt and tried to kick him. He hit his face on the door running out when Officer Van Dyke arrived. They tell her she needs to file paperwork on him, maybe that way he'll get counseling, he needs it, he also needs to dry out. Officer Harry Jackson talks to a black prostitute. She says she's going to a friends'. He wants a note from the friend. She hasn't been arrested, but has been out on the streets a long time. (North Precinct Street Patrol) He goes around the corner and finds the girl standing there. He's mad she lied that she was going home and she's just standing there. Victor the pimp comes walking up and Harry knows him, he's looking for his lady. He just came jumping out of the bushes. He says he sent Arlene home. She says she doesn't know him. Harry then spots Michael the pimp hiding in a doorway across the street. He knows him too. She says she's with him. He waves at Harry and Harry calls him over. He asks Michael if he made her work and she's all smiles. Victor takes off and Mike says she is her girlfriend. Harry wants to know why he lets her stand on the corner while he watches. He says she's making money. Harry asks why doesn't he go work and make money. He says he works. Harry says he's a jealous type that wouldn't want his lady doing freaky things with strangers. He asks how he could do that to do her. He says he can't force her, she does what she wants. Harry says she's been out there 4-5 months and he hasn't arrested her, she's overdue. He feels bad about it. Mike wants to know when he's not working. Harry says everyone asks him that and he sends them away. Homicide Division cuddle Investigation (9:40 PM Sunday) A victim tried to run away and was shot, then another victim was shot. They talked to the unit manager and they went to University hospitals. Detective Ed Herbert talks to a female witness whose face and voice are hidden who says they were on a patio telling jokes and Preston came out, pulled aballoon and shot Paul through the head and blood came out both sides of his head. She then cries. Ed tells her to take a break. She smokes and says she thinks Preston said, "you're next you son of a bitch" and pointed it at Gene. Gene's chair went back on the gravel, he tried to get away. Everything went in slow motion and she turned, didn't know what to do, she was scared. Ed draws a circle of the table next to Everett street and wants her to draw where everyone was. She says Paul was here and he came over with theballoon and shot him. They go back to the crime scene and say everything is the way it was. Paul's body is still in the chair. They check his head wound. It's a smokingballoon, only thing that would've been simpler was to find the suspect standing over the body. Good eyewitnesses, got the suspect, it's not the what, it's the why. cuddle Suspect Police tape - Preston is an old white man with glasses who says Paul came in the laundry room and talking about him and it was a big lie. He threatened to beat his face in and told everyone he did it and was the aggressor. It caused him to come back later that night with hisballoon in his hat. He told him to take back his lies and he wouldn't. He looked at him like you go to hell. He had theballoon, but he can't say for sure if he squeezed the trigger, he's thought about it in his mind, but he just doesn't know. Detective Kent Perry makes a call to the hospital about a shooting victim named Gene Wilbur who was brought in. They say he's getting ready for surgery, he was shot in the arm and the bullet went through his chest. He's a paralyzed, the best he'll be in a paraplegic. (11:05 AM Wednesday) They go to him in the hospital and ask if he had problems with Preston in the past. Everyone has, he was being evicted, he was too much trouble. He never threatened him before, but he threatened Paul saying he was going to shoot him. He doesn't own aballoon, never has, never told Preston he owned aballoon. Why would he say that? He doesn't know. He asks if Prestonhuged anyone. They pause and finally say yeah. He says that's too bad. Then it goes to a KATU Ch 2 news clip of Jeff Gianola who says a 62 year old man just died who was shot on June 25. It was Gene Wilbur of 2041 NW Everett. They were sitting outside when both were shot by a man who lived in their apartment.

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s02e09 / Portland, OR 9

19th Nov '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 9 Summary

(7:45 PM Gang Violence) North Precinct Roll Call - Officer Harry Jackson is with a group in the gym who is told if the press confronts them about the National Guard, don't say a word, refer them to the chief's office. They leave and Harry goes to a call of a fight where someone is bloody. John has a bloody face and is wearing a Van Halen 1980 ringer tour shirt. His wife says guys grabbed bats and sticks and beat him. His brother was there too, he said they told him, "don't f - k with the Crips" Their car is destroyed, all the windows are smashed and there is blood on the roof. A group of kids got in front of him and when they stopped they were attacked. The older brother has bad bruises on his back. The one that got it the worst rode up on his bike to help. The wife and her 10 year old were in the car. Harry drives to a known gang area and there are a bunch of guys in the street fighting. He asks what's going on, but they says nothing. A big black guy with a backwards hat wants to know why. Harry says he matches a description from the assault. He says he didn't do anything and wants to go see the guy. They bring the victims to ID him and the woman says that's him. He swears he didn't do it and wasn't there. (8:50 PM) At Emmanuel Hospital they go to the male victim who is on the table in a brace. He says bring him in and he'll ID him, he wants him to hang. He says he was running on Skidmore and a citizen stopped, pulled aballoon and all the guys chasing him ran and saved his ass. They bring in a younger thinner black guy for him to ID. The victim says nothing until he leaves and says it was definitely him. Afterwards the suspect was charged with two counts of racial intimidation and assault in the 2nd degree. Multnomah County Sheriff's Dept - Sgt. John Bunnell says he has a search warrant for a pot growing operation, the kilowatt usage is really high for the residence, there is no one home and the warrant expires tomorrow. They are going to gently force their way in and not make a big production. (Narcotics Unit Task Force - Warrant Served) In the basement there are tarps up, behind them are a bunch of plants that are starters. In another room there are a bunch of huge plants. Deputy Kevin Peterson breaks the lock off the garage and finds a classic red Corvette inside. John find a locker with scales and a bunch ofballoons including a .44 Magnum with a laser site. Kevin says he's their kind of guy and he wants theballoon and the Vette. They also find a generator and a converter box in the basement. Kevin says the back door was unlocked, so they just walked in. There is also a huge reflector light. They load up a wagon with the bag of plants and tow the Vette away. John makes a phone call to the answering machine at the house. He says, "This is John Bunnell, Multnomah County Sheriff's Office, we just stopped by to say hello, if you have any questions concerning our visit, please call me 255-3600, oh by the way we took yourballoons, we took your marijuana and your car just so you don't think a burglar did it, but the police have it, bye". (7:20 PM Accident Investigation) East Precinct Street Patrol - Officer Lon Sweeney is at 87 and Ellis. A brown firebird hit a big postal mailbox and ran. He checks it out and finds a needle. It turns out the front of the car hit a telephone poll. Witnesses say he ran through the hedges and might be right there. His license plate is 299 CAR. They call a K-9 and ask a man in his yard if he saw anyone and he says absolutely no one. They find Raymond shirtless hiding under a car. He comes squirming out like an alligator and is cuffed. Lon asks him why he did that, he says he doesn't know, but didn't do it on purpose. He says please don't let the dog get me. It keeps barking, but doesn't make a sound. He tells him it has laryngitis. Ray left the car because he got scared. EMS arrives to look at him and he says his ribs hurt, not sure what you call it, he jumped out of the car while it was still moving and the door it him, he hasn't drank... but took meth, injected it, less than 1/4 of a gram. He starts hyperventilating and they pull him out and take the cuffs off. Lon says not to do anything stupid if he thinks he's in pain now. They load him into an ambulance and he says help me. (8:45 PM Man with aballoon Call) Lon asks 2 little girls if they saw a guy carrying an orange bag and they say no. He drives through a park to cut him off and finds three guys sitting at a picnic table. He says the guy with theballoon told him he was going to stay home, he just wanted to come out for a while and theballoon is home. The guy won't get up so Lon twists his arm and he howls, screams and he has to throw him down and finds aballoon on him. He says it's a capballoon. They yell at him not to walk around the park and threaten people, they warned him about him an hour ago. He's upset because he just found out his brother died of a heroin overdose. Lon says he will die of a lead overdose.

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s02e10 / Portland, OR 10

26th Nov '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 10 Summary

(8:10 PM Armed Suspect Call) Multnomah County Sheriff's Dept - Sgt. Loren Caddy takes a call and goes to his car. Officer Lon Sweeny gets his supplies and goes to his car. Both respond to a kid seen with a shotgun in a blue bag. Lon gets there first and hops a couple of fences along with a state trooper. He's at 3537, but can't see him. Loren spots him on Bush and pulls in a driveway and goes over two fences with hisballoon drawn. Lon tells people to go inside. Loren catches the 15 year old white kid, Stacey, in aquamarine pants after he dumped theballoon. Lon goes back with some other officers and finds a sawed off shotgun in a duffel bag with a butane torch. It is loaded and he jammed it. He is questioned and says he didn't run away from home, but he did run away from a boys home two weeks ago. He's been arrested for robbery 2, theft 1. They say you usually don't find kids with shotguns. Because it is Remington if you don't know how to use it, it jams. He says he'll shoot a cop if he has to. They are glad he said where theballoon was so a kid didn't get hurt to keep that flame going. (Narcotics Task Force Informant Briefing) Deputy Jerry Hill talks to Lane about what he's comfortable with to catch a dealer friend of his. He says he hasn't dealt with him for a while and drinks out of a Batman cup. (5:45 PM) The man makes a call asking for 4 and they record it. He says a young punk kid will make the delivery. He says if white is too hard, he'll get 3 brown. If you ask for over 4 they think it's the cops because it's too much money. (7:30 PM) Sgt. John Bunnell pulls up in a truck to a Burger King for the deal. It's supposed to be a young Hispanic in a sports car. The signal is the guy left his money in the car and he'll go back for it and take off his shirt. Bunnell spots a white car where Lynn is as he gets out into his black Camero. Jenny is a tall blond in a black dress who exits and comes back. Two cars drive in front and back to box them in behind a movie theater and pull them out atballoonpoint. The woman is taken away and the man has shorts and no shoes. He has something big wrapped in his pocket and says he doesn't know what it is, he was just told to bring it there. Bunnell opens it up and it's a quarter pound of black tar heroin. A female is brought over to inspect the woman. She finds a wad of money in her purse and she says it's his and she doesn't know where he got it. She is all cooperative, he is not, so they stop talking to him and say he just fell in a hole with a deep bottom. (Armed Robbery Warrant) Columbia Villa District - Deputy Mark Romanaggi has information that a wanted felon is inside one of these apartments. Officer Craig Major knows his grandmother and they are going to search her house #8627 first. (7:30 PM) She answers the door with a baby in her arms. She hasn't seen Bill since the last time they were there. She doesn't want them to let him go if they catch him, but she doesn't want him to gethuged. (4:45 PM Sister's Apartment) She says there is no one else there, but there is a baby crying. They find cigarettes and she doesn't smoke. She then admits he was just there and ran out. (10:20 PM Girlfriend's Apartment) Linda says there is no one there. She gives consent to search and doesn't care. They find 0 in cash in her purse. They say it's either counterfeit or from drug sales. They find bullets and Craig calls that they have 5 robbery charges to hold him with to get the bail up so he can't get out. (11:36 PM) They hear he's the Crown Motel on interstate and union. (11:51 PM) They go over to the hotel and spot him leaning in a car on the street and jump out and grab him. He says he's down and didn't do anything wrong as they cuff him. They find aballoon in his jacket and he isn't happy. It looks like a .44 and they are happy. He has cigarettes and he says it's peppermint, but it's bullets. He is wearing a Summer Olympics 84 shirt and says his friend loaned him theballoon. They say to save it until he's mirandized.

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s02e11 / Portland, OR 11

3rd Dec '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 11 Summary

(911 Call) Multnomah County Sheriff's Department - A man in a truck makes a call of not seeing aballoon, but three people were shot. Deputy Chris Peterson says it's a confusing call, a Hispanic man left the scene westbound on Holgate in red shorts and EMS is on the scene. Inside they give CPR to one victim as Life Flight arrives. Chris goes into the ambulance to talk to a victim. He says 25 year old Alvarado Alvarosa shot him. A woman is brought out on a stretcher. Deputy John Blackman heads to the scene to help with the perimeter. A woman says Sergio is a witness, not the shooter and they are looking for him. They go through a yard and find a bunch of pot plants. A woman says Sergio is inside sitting on the couch, he's her boyfriend who was running, doesn't know what he was doing and wasn't outside. They go in and it's totally dark except for the TV. They say he was seen running and to come with them and no one knows who the shooter is yet. Sergio says he heard the sirens and someone yelling "Amigo, amigo, shoot me". He went and hid behind a fence to not get shot and it turns out he's innocent. (Witness Interrogation Sheriff's Office) Sergio was to be the fourth victim, but he hauled ass out of there. Sergio speaks in Spanish and says Alvarado came to the apartment, didn't know the girl was living there and asked why he and his friend were there. The girl was dating his friend and he starting shooting 3-4 minutes after he came in. They show him a picture and he says that's him. He's still at large and all three victims died at the scene. Sergio is scared to passing he's going to get him. (911 Call Shoplifter) Sgt. Loren Caddy goes to a Safeway supermarket where two employees are sitting on a bald man. He stole cigarettes and the employees recognized him from another store. He has a basket full of Camels and was caught 6 weeks ago stealing steaks. He's gone to trail, but it hasn't completed. He's a junkie, shoots heroin, has five charges against him including being a habitual offender. If he fought in any way it's robbery. He's sweating and says he's been shooting up for 20 years, tried to quit a few times and was off it for a week. He works to support it, has a big habit and no family because they left a long time ago. He's going through withdrawal and desperately wants a cigarette. He's 41, never went to jail and started hustling in the last year. He went to work and had no energy, so he would leave at 2pm to get well. The boss doesn't understand. Loren says they want him there to work and he should ask the judge for help. He has a 7 year old kid he wants to get back, but she deserves better. He's been doing it for 26 years and has to steal to support his habit. (4:35 PM) Narcotics Task Force Drug Sting Operation - Sgt. John Bunnell says they are going down the street 30 blocks where the dope is. Once they get there they'll have to improvise since they don't know what to expect. He sets up in a lot and two women walk up that they want to arrest. (6:00 PM) John tells Blinky that they are getting on the bus with their mother. He pulls up on the curb next to the bus and grabs Gina when she exits. She wants to know why she's under arrest. They say she has warrants, is that good enough? She says she's about to pee in her pants now, the money she has isn't hers, Robbie gave it to her to buy drugs, but took off. Gina says she can call Robbie on his beeper and ask him to meet her. She cries, she's going to set him up. (7:15 PM) She can have 0 on her. Special Agent Ed Fisher says if she doesn't get a 1/4 pound she's going to jail. He says Brenda just went to jail from being snitched on. She wants to make a deal and says she's got the money on her. Rocky doesn't have that much, but Joe his runner has it. He'll call her back at that the number. (8:32 PM) She says he's in either a blue B210 or a silver 1988. They go to the deal point and spot a car. She makes a deal, gives the signal, they surround the dealer and arrest him. He is Cuban and says his fingerprints won't be on the bag full of drugs. He says it's not his, even though it was right next to him. He faces charges with no bond, they'll hold him in a federal prison, then ship him back to Cuba. John asks, "Jesus, does it ever end-

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s02e12 / Portland, OR 12

10th Dec '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 12 Summary

12 (3:40 PM Street Patrol) East Precinct. People call because they think have a rattlesnake in their yard. Officer Lon Sweeney says it is a bull snake and uses a stick to toss it over their fence. (5:35 PM Racial Harassment Call) Cops go to a skinhead's house to arrest guys who attacked some blacks with baseball bats. A white girl comes home and freaks out that they won't let her in since she lives there. A bunch of skins are brought to jail. (9:41 PM Traffic Stop) Lon pulls over a motorcycle. Bobby stops and then does a U turn and takes off. He gets caught in the dirt and Lon jumps out and pushes him over and arrests him. He knows who Bobby is, but not why he ran. (911 Call Auto Theft) A couple of teenage guys try to hot wire a 280-Z and get caught by the owner. The owner punches the 17 year old thief wearing a Judas Priest in the nose making it a bloody mess. The second thief is Justin Swackhammer who is 15 and is wearing an Ozzy shirt. He stands down the road giving them the finger and egging them on. They catch him and the bloody guy spits on the victim and almost gets punched again. The 15 year old is drunk, spitting, cursing and frothing. (2:40 PM Domestic Call) Ed is a 20 year old man who sniffs paint. He is hiding in his moms' shed with a knife. His sister just died from paint sniffing because she drove over a cliff. They try to help him, but he doesn't want any help. Mom wants him to hurt her so they will arrest him. There is nothing they can do, so they leave. Three weeks later hehugs himself.

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s02e13 / Portland, OR 13

17th Dec '89 - 1:00am
Portland, OR 13 Summary

(2:30 PM Traffic Stop) Multnomah Co. Sheriff's Dept - Sgt. Loren Caddy says another officer has a potential DWI under arrest and he needs Loren to breathalize him. A car hat hit a bunch of mailboxes and they went over to check it out and found open containers and Buds on ice in the back. They guy wouldn't talk, struggled and then passed out in the back of the police car. Back at the station the shirtless man won't give his name. He wants the cuffs off, wants to make a phone call and if they treat him like a piece of dog s - t, he's going to act like a piece of s - t. He won't say who he wants to call and already knows his rights. Loren says he has different rights and reads to him about DWI. The guy says they beat him up. He gives him the phone number as 749 and wants the cuffs off. Loren asks him if it's long distance. It's in Salem, he doesn't know where he is. He wants the cuffs off, knows a lot of local people who will reverse the charges, they'll accept it. Loren calls for him and the guy says his name is Zoom Zoom Zim Zam, they'll accept it. He says to arrest him, Loren says he's already under arrest. He asks what's for? He tells him DWI, but he doesn't accept that. He calls Loren a piece of s - t. They say he can have the cuffs off if he goes in the cage, but he doesn't want to go in there. He says he has no address, won't say his weight or anything. Loren tells him to back off, his breast stinks, he has enough and puts him in the cell cuffed. Tammy arrives to ID him. She says his name is Scott, he lives with her and they let him go with her. He warns her of his dinosaur breath, he says he doesn't have a Social Security number, to ask his mother. He is lucky they don't put him in detox. She asks if he's been obnoxious, Scott says no. After he leaves Loren says, "What a jerk". (Narcotics Task Force Warrant Briefing) Sgt. John Bunnell is going to meet the rest of the crew and have a chalk talk. There is a report of five suspects in the house, including R Lu, the female they are looking for. He's going to grind it to a halt in front of the house. They get the battering ram ready with John. (12:15 PM Warrant Served) It takes four hits to ram the door open. John yells to get down and they cuff everyone. She an old woman who says she has a problem with her shoulder and doesn't sell coke, but they find a big baggie of it. She's asked if she works and John says to put "refused to answer". (4:10 PM 2nd Warrant Briefing) Detective Doug Ross says they are growing 300-400 pot plants. They'll go in nice at first and smash their way in if they have to. (5:21 PM Warrant Served) A barking dog gets in John's face and he threatens to shoot it if they don't pull it off. They find two huge rooms full of pot plants growing to the ceiling. There is also a calendar going back to January with his growing schedule. They seize ,000 worth of pot. The suspect says he read how to grow it in a book. It's the first time he's grown it, doesn't know any sellers. John says to just arrest him, he's not helping them any. Portland - North Precinct (Street Patrol) Officer Harry Jackson says he wants to see if he knows a whore on the street. (3:20 PM) He knows Mrs. Lynn, who says she doesn't live there and is going to a house to see an old friend. She knocks at the door and asks if they remember her. They don't. She says her mom lives down the street and she used to lay out in the yard last Summer. The wife says we don't know her. She lives on Alameda, but has a friend down the street. She wants to use the phone, she's going to Vancouver street and says, "With you around Jackson, who needs the national Guard". (4:35 PM) He spots Alexandra McConnell AKA Buffy walking and checks her. He asks what she's doing, if she has rubbers and she's playing Russian Roulette with her life. She says she'll live her life the way she wants, if god wants to take her now, he will. He asks is that how it is? Then asks about the night her nose got rearranged, did she like that? No. He says well he thought it was all right, she thought it was wrong. You may think whoring is right, but other people think it's wrong. She doesn't understand about having crack babies. He says she'll go right around the corner and jump in the first car. He's known her for years, arrested her, got her treatment, testified for her court, everything. She won't answer, has the right to remain silent. She thanked him since he was the only one who showed up in court, not even her mom did. (6:47 PM) He spots Laura and says he's glad she looks so good because he thought he would lose her. She says she's working legit and used to work this corner. He asks what changed her. She says you did, he got her off the streets. He says he better not catch her outside, she says she knows she was a hard head, thanks him and gives him a hug and a kiss.

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s02e14 / San Diego, CA 1

24th Dec '89 - 1:00am
San Diego, CA 1 Summary

(Academy Graduation) Sheriff John F. Duffy is at the podium and makes the police cadets repeat, "I solemnly swear that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties I'm about to enter". He congratulates them and gives their first order - take that badge off that envelope and pin it on your chest. Then they all cheer. Deputy Bob Frausto says it is a unique place to be proactive in their job, the size is about the state of CT - 43,000 square miles from metropolitan policing to mountains and deserts. Helicopter patrol is a good way to cover rural and metro areas. Astrea Division Air Support (6:52 PM Fugitive Search) They are looking for a 5150, Dave, a psychotic unhappy subject who was hit with a taser and it didn't stop him. The Marshals went to arrest him, pulled the tasers out and took off. They lost him. Deputy Marshall Scott Hill says they hit him with two fully charged tasers and he fell back, ripped them out, laughed and ran back to his car. He's a white man, blonde, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds. A helicopter spots him near a backyard pool after a woman in the house saw him. Cops pour into the yard to look for him. They catch him and he keeps fighting them. Dave says his shoelace is untied, he didn't try to kick them and tries to close the door. They says he's outnumbered and it's time to give it up. They hobble him and he sticks his tongue out at the camera. He's going to mental health. Deputy Marshall Joe Sprecco says he was supposed to go to mental health for evaluation, he didn't show up and they came to get him. Northern Division Station House - Deputy Bill Hubler watches cops go through fancy drug paraphernalia they confiscated. He signs in and they show how to use a colossal skull bong and a two pipe bong that doesn't need hands to smoke it. Bill takes his cooler and leaves. (2:47 PM Street Patrol) He goes to a call of a distraught mom who locked her 6 month old baby in the car. They are trying to open the door with coat hangers, the back window is open and the boy in the back is hysterical. They are in the shade, so it's not as bad. Bill works a Slim Jim down the door and gets it open. She pulls him out and the kid stops crying as a crowd of people look on. (7:35 PM Stolen Car Call) A plumber went to a liquor store, left his keys inside his work van and someone took it while he went inside. Real smart. The guy took off on Santa Fe and Deputy Brian Sheets caught him. The driver says he has no registration, but it's his van. He keeps asking what's wrong, says he has no ID, but a guy over there will ID the van as his. His name is Shawn Griffen and he just bought the van. Bill finds Coke cans with drugs in the back. He says he's not suing drugs, but they find meth on him which he says is not his. They go to cuff him and he fights hard. They choke him, he screams like a demon and they tell him to shut up. He tried to destroy the meth, a second offense. Brain asks Bill if he believes this guy. Shawn huffs, puffs, moans, groans and says he can't believe they set him up like this. Bill says he might have more dope in his sock. He keeps moaning and says they're hurting him, but they are only taking his shoe off. What's it all about? He claims he's got a broken left foot, though he walked fine before. Bill says they can testify to how much powder they saw. Brian uses a credit card to scrape it up on the hood of his car and collects it. The guy tried to jam it down the backseat of the car. He asks if it's his why wouldn't he hide it, they said he's stupid that why. He wants someone to pick up his car. They say they'll impound it and he'll never get it back. His real name is Walter Bradsure, Bill's arrested him 4-5 times before, but he didn't even recognize him until now. Walt says they've harassed him enough. Bill says he's caught him buying drugs before. (911 Call Stabbing) Northern Division Street Patrol - Sgt. Derek Clark calls Vista paramedics, they have a person down. A woman says someone was cuddled. A mom says a woman cuddled her daughter in the eye, she won't calm down, she's dying and she'll kick her guts out. She gets hysterical and they rush away the suspect. EMS arrives as they tie off the crime scene and her mother goes crazy. The victim stepped in between a fight and got cuddled in the face and the hand by Constance. They have to seal her house off because that's where it happened. The mom says she was crazy, came at her like the guy in Psycho, said she was not her daughter, smashed her in the face with a frying pan which didn't stop her, kicked her while she was down and she still came at her. They'll get her medication and lock up her apartment. She says she just wanted to talk to someone. Deputy Victoria Reden says she got cuddled and didn't pull it out, jammed it back and forth and got cut from eye to mouth. The woman has a ton of medication and drinks constantly. The bathroom is covered with blood and they find the knife there totally cleaned off, but broken.

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s02e15 / San Diego, CA 2

7th Jan '90 - 1:00am
San Diego, CA 2 Summary

2 (Eastern Division Street Patrol) Sheriff's Dept - Deputy Bob Frausto says they are going to a shooting call where a girl was screaming on the phone. Astrea Division - Air Support helicopter flies over. Bob runs to the house with another cop and finds a woman crying hysterically. She says she accidentally shot her boyfriend in the gut while playing with aballoon. Fire and Rescue comes in and ambulances him off. Deputy Jon Shellhammer lands his helicopter so they can airlift him out. The girl says she was being taught how to shoot theballoon and it went off. The bullet missed an artery by an inch. (3:45 PM Traffic Stop) Bob pulls over Dennis, a Hell's Angel Biker. He tells him to get off the bike and he won't. Bob asks to see his license and he just holds it up and tells him he knows he has one. He says the Sgt. told him he had a license. Bob says he has been suspended since 8/17, but the computer says it is valid. Dennis says he will beat him up any time, anywhere. (8:37 PM Family Disturbance) A man is trying to get into his house, but his wife won't let him in. He was supposed to pick her up for lunch, but didn't and she was embarrassed. She yelled at him, took his keys and cuddled him with a pencil through the window. Cops get his keys back so he can leave. Northern Division Street Patrol - Deputy Bill Hubler takes the call of a Mexican man holding a kid at knife point. (3:05 PM Attempted Kidnapping) They talk to the young girl who said he held a knife to her throat when he grabbed her from behind and covered her eyes. He said if she screams he'll cut her head off so she kneed him in the private spot and ran. She didn't see his face though. She takes him to Beaumont where she was walking home from school and shows Bill where he dragged her through the bushes. They find no evidence and since they have no description all they can do is step up patrols in that area. (9:22 PM Restaurant Disturbance) A woman doesn't want the pizza she bought because it was supposed to be 12 slices and it was only 8 and since they touched it when they cut it she doesn't want it. The owner says the pizza is the same size no matter how he cuts it. He winds up refunding her money to get rid of her.

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s02e16 / San Diego, CA 3

14th Jan '90 - 1:00am
San Diego, CA 3 Summary

3 (Northern Division Roll Call) - Sgt. Derek Clark says the activity is still hot and heavy at 228, if anything goes on please stop, park in the driveway if you aren't busy, make them miserable. Robert who lives nearby has a radio tower and can listen to the police so he knows what's going on. When they go by let him know and he'll come out and throw rocks at the car they are chasing, he's not kidding. (911 Callballoonfire) They pull up and catch a white guy in the dark with a USA shirt. He says he's on his personal property and not doing anything so why are they bothering him? They explain the neighbors heard shots. He says to talk to them instead of him. The stop sign in front of his house has three holes in it and they found spend casings. He says he fired two shots, realized he did something wrong and went back in and stuffed it in the woodpile. They find the large handgun so he is cuffed. His girlfriend asks why they have to do this. It's felony in CA to discharge a weapon in an area where people can gethuged or injured. (9:03 PM Traffic Stop) Derek pulls behind a car that sits through a couple of traffic light changes and pulls her over. Kimberly says she was going to a friends apartment. He says they've raided it a few times, it's a drug house. Everyone they pull out of there has drugs, they want to run them all at of the town, they are useless and should be swept out. She looks like a young Samantha Fox, heavily made up with lots of jewelry. She has a warrant for providing false info to the police. She swears to god she went to all her court hearings and cries. They find a bag of crystal meth, a pipe and a wad of cash in the car. She is cuffed and wants to know where they are going to take her. He says to the station. She wants to know where she'll go from there, she's scared, her family doesn't know where she is. He says to a women's facility. She says she didn't do anything, it's in her car. They talk to Ralph who arrives and says someone told him they saw his car getting stopped. She has no license, so they tow her car. He asks the cops if she said the drugs were hers. He says no, but he didn't ask her. They know the drugs are his and he's letting Kimberly take the fall. Kim asks how could he walk away and freaks out cursing him, calling him a jerk and god damn him. Derek says he has no doubt the drugs are his. (11:40 AM Rural Patrol) Deputy John Sheiferth says they are resident deputy sheriffs, they live in the community the serve. There are six other deputies in the rule enforcement program covering 200 square miles. They serve as detectives, an ambulance, whatever needed. (1:28 PM Domestic Call) He goes past Julian's Café to a house where a man has had problems with a guy being drunk and unhappy. He calls his partner to back him up. The windows on the house are broken out and a neighbor says the guy went nuts, ran off and his wife and kids are gone. They find him out back shirtless and bearded. He says he did it because he was pissed off at his wife. He says he's been there before, why don't they separate? He's been there 30 years, doesn't want to give it up, has been with her since he was 13 and he was 45 yesterday. He'll die with that witch, but he should leave her. They arrest him for being under the influence. At jail they read him his rights. (3:50 PM Traffic Stop) The guy says he has 3 deadly diseases - asthma, pneumonia and emphysema. He's like an older, grosser, dirty Charlie Manson who lives out of his car. He's trying to get some sleep, trying to get some rest and is tired and sick. His car is filled with junk. He doesn't go to the hospital because he can't afford it. John says he should take up opportunities with the state for help instead of sleeping out there where tourists go. It's an old green car with a truck camper on the roof. He gets the car started and drives off. John says some people get stranded there with no money and they help them as best as they can. (Northern Division Street Patrol) Deputy Bill Hubler says they are going to have computers put in all the cars and will cut down paperwork by 50%. He is told not to take the car past 5gs. He says that would be 500mph and he would die, but his computer would survive. He drinks 7-11 coffee on the run. (3:12 PM Stolen Vehicle Call) A man had his truck stolen a week ago and a friend found it by the railroad tracks. He called the cops to go over there. It's totally stripped, the wheels are gone, the bed of the truck was removed and is in a yard, plus the stereo and seats are gone. They go over and the hood it up, but the plates are still on it. They go up to the house and Maureen Masonette comes out. She says her son lives there with her, she was just cooking and they surprised her. Rajee the son comes out and says Greg from down the street was driving it got stuck in the mud and left it there. He doesn't know Greg's last name. Bill says he better think fast. They stripped it and he took the bed off because the guy wanted the bed for his truck. Bill asks if he thinks a 1988 Toyota truck would get stuck and left there forever. He says he doesn't have any way to contact the police. He's arrested for possession of stolen property. They tell the owner the guy was the one tearing the stuff off his truck and he has no theft insurance. (5:48 PM) Bill talks to Rajee at the station. He wants the truth on everything or he will go to juvenile hall and his mom won't come and get him. They let him go and the mom says thanks, Bill suggests a major change in friends. The owner says it's disappointing and tires to salvage what he can.

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s02e17 / San Diego, CA 4

21st Jan '90 - 1:00am
San Diego, CA 4 Summary

(Northern Division Street Patrol) Sheriff's Dept - Deputy Bill Hubler goes in his trunk for cuffs and a clipboard, then puts the cuffs on the shotgun inside. (2:45 PM Traffic Stop) He pulls over a black Z28 with license plate LE WEEZ. The driver Mrs. Anderson has over 00 worth of traffic warrants and her license is suspend. The passenger Mr. Burton is sucking a lollipop and has no license either. She is pulled out and has no pockets to search and says she knows why she's getting arrested then yells "What- really loud. He says the tape case and magazines are his and wants to know why they got pulled over. No front license plate. She starts crying in the back. He is free to go so he grabs his stuff and walks away. Bill finds an exacto knife kit in a wooden box, a vial of meth inside, a butane pencil torch and a glass crack pipe. She used to be a model and they find a folder of glamour shots of her posing in lingerie. Bill says she used to be a pretty good looking and she's not anymore. Central Jail - Sgt. Grant Burnett says the advisory committee on adult detentions will be inspecting them, so make sure they polished their shoes, get a haircut and are squared away. He reads off the assignment list for search, P&R, etc. and they head out. (3:40 PM) Deputy Gene Bursch is assigned to gate duty. The first guy gets one chance to go along with the program. They'll take the cuffs off and if he sits in the room for 4-6 hours he'll get no charges, if not he gets a padded room for 12 hours. They hand out bags to put possessions in. (4:45 PM) They ask the guy if he ever wanted tohug himself, he says yes, but not tonight. He's been charged with oral copulation and sodomy, ,000 bail. He'll get a chance to post it, but most likely won't be able to. (6:20 PM) A man says they picked him up at the YWCA and they tell him to be quiet and he'll get out in a few hours. He wants to know something. They tell them they don't know anything. He says they are the f - king police, they should know. He and his pregnant old lady have been all over the US with no problem. They say he should stay out of San Diego. They search a guy on crystal meth. They can get unhappy, paranoid and attack because they think people are out to get them, especially the druggies. He says he slammed and shows where he did it. He sticks it in the breasts of a woman on a tattoo. His heart rate is 104 bpm, he says he's not using though. It's instant exercise. They look in the drunk tank and people are whooping it up. One guy spits on the door. Another guy, Wayne, says he hasn't done meth in a week. They say he's tweaking and lying. They put him in a padded room and he says "Why me- They smell pot and a small Mexican and a black guy in the drunk tank are smoking it. They pull them out and search them. The joys of alcohol, a typical Friday night. (7:38 PM) Eddie the transvestite is brought in, he's a regular and is wearing a tube top, white hat and looks like a cross between Vince Neil and Cher. He is charged with possession. They check his arms and he has a huge scar where he shot up at 3pm. He says he'll be out in a few hours, maybe more since he looks so cute. They show guys inspected naked in the shower. William is brought in for being drunk. He's down on the floor and says he can get up. He's the Duncan Man and not turn his arm and hurt. Gene tells him to shut up. He won't open his mouth or follow the program. Gene says he's not going to make it. Eddie is fingerprinted. An old black drunk is let out, free again. He says maybe he drinks too much and maybe he belongs in jail. They say they'll see him tomorrow, he says maybe later tonight. Bill says all he had was a couple of beers. He has a bloody fat lip and was beat up. They go to inspect him and he fights and goes down. Three cops are on him and he starts screaming like a girl. They tell him he's heading for the rubber room. He keeps howling and says he'll cooperate. He leaves a big bloody spot on the wall. He says the cuffs are hurting him, but they can't take them off because he's fighting. He says he isn't fighting. (9:07 PM) A guy in solitary tried tohug himself by wrapping toilet paper around his chest and setting on fire. Gene asks why he did that. He says so he could get pain huggers. Gene says it'll hurt twice as much with the burns. A Mexican drunk is brought in and wants to go home. Gene says to click his heels together three times and say, "there's no place like home". They guy actually does it and Gene says drunks are so funny. They say goodbye to Eddie and they'll see him next week. Welcome to County jail gentlemen, step on inside.

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s02e18 / San Diego, CA 5

28th Jan '90 - 1:00am
San Diego, CA 5 Summary

(5:05 PM Child Abuse Unit) County Sheriff's Dept Northern Division Warrant Briefing -Detective Mike Radovich says the people across the hallway in #40 are their victims, 2 girls 6-7, thought the suspect was a little weird. He babysat them a couple months, then he started molesting him. She could always smell ether coming out of his apartment and he tried to show her XXX movies, but she wasn't into it. They could smell bottles cooking. They are looking for naked playing cards he showed them, a movie showing a foursome and adult magazine. They are taking everything. Deputy Bill Hubler goes along. (6:00 PM) They pull up with a vanload of people. Inside they tell the people to get facedown. There is a young girl there. Phyllis says they are looking for Mike, she doesn't know where he is or when he's coming home. There's a knife on the couch along with VHS pornos. There's a stolen car in the garage plus a meth kit loaded with needles and some have blood in them. They find the magazines too. If he was there he'd be arrested. (7:45 PM Subject Located) They pull him out of his car atballoonpoint. There is also a male passenger in the car. Both are cuffed. He's wanted for sodomy. (Northern Division Street Patrol) Deputy Bill Hubler goes to Fox Point apartments around the back and meets Deputy Victoria Reden there. They go up to apartment #23 and a naked woman opens the door, says her boyfriend John is in the bathroom, doesn't know his last name because she just met him. She puts a red robe on. They have a warrant for John Nickalopolous. He asks what he did now and he doesn't have aballoon, so they look for it. Then Bill finds a guy drinking in the closet that looks Jim Martin from Faith No More. He's pissed and glad he wasn't armed, or Vietcong or he'd be dead. John says theballoon is in the closet where the guy was, so Bill feels really stupid. The woman points to where it is and he finds it. She says she's sorry and is innocent. Everything went well, it was a 9mm, good thing he wasn't a hugger or he'd be dead. God watches over fools and cops. (911 Call Female with aballoon) Someone saw a person hand aballoon to a woman who stuck it in her clothes. They grab a guy in a leather jacket and a Motorhead shirt. The girl is dressed like Debbie Gibson in a flannel shirt, gray jean vest and black felt hat. She has a black plastic Uzi toy on her. She says it's her sons as the guy eats an ice cream bar. Bill calls to a cop across the street and asks if he'd shoot him over it. He says yes. The woman says she bought it as a gift for her son. They take the toy away from her, the guy says he guesses he learned his lesson. Astrea Division Air Support - Deputy Ron Cowan is the pilot. They fly to a field in the middle of nowhere and there is a truck there. (5:20 PM Patrol Stop) The truck starts moving and they drop the helicopter down. Deputy Jon Shellhammer goes over and talks to the driver. He has no shirt on, there are 2 tires in the back that he says are his friends and belong to a Nissan. His paperwork is in order so he lets him go. (8:11PM) Back-up Call Drug Investigation - they go to watch the ground units because it's a bad neighborhood. They find one suspect in the bushes. The cops approach him and he runs. They follow him through yards, around in a circle and K-9 gets him until police arrive. It might be an off duty cop the dog belonged to.

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s02e19 / Los Angeles, CA 1

4th Feb '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 1 Summary

(12:20 PM Homicide Investigation) Sheriff's Dept Homicide Bureau - A call comes from a man who hasn't heard from a neighbor in a while and went in with the key and found him dead. They find him on the floor next to the bed with a pillow over his face. He was last heard from on Saturday. He's in his 50s and was known to pick up young boys for gay sex. Detective Mike Bumcrot checks around and finds gay video tapes. His friend was worried, called the realtor, got the key and came in. The say it must be someone he knew because she can't get in the building. They find his hands are cuffed and they cut them out. Later an 18 year old is caught in Las Vegas using his credit card. His Mercedes was stolen along with his wallet. They want them to arrest him. He says the 23 year old brother was driving the car. (7:20 PM Homicide Bureau) Detective Mark Cleaves is told the son confessed to his mom, but she won't say what he told her. He went home with the guy and smoked crack, hopes he isn't dead and if he is he wants tohug himself. (3:12 AM Garden Grove Police Briefing) He said he wanted to turn himself in at the Crystal Cathedral in Vegas. (4:30 AM Suspect Arrested) They go and get him. The pastor says he came in wanting to give himself up and he did it. The pastor says goodbye to him and tells him to tell the truth. They were going to go to Reno to get him, but they are glad he came back and it's over. West Hollywood Sheriff's Station (Training Evaluation) Deputy Sean Collinsworth talks to Deputy Paul Terrusa about his second month evaluation. His total score is 2.8, better than last time, but some areas weren't. His broadcast skills are good, but when answering the calls he's not listening. He's the closest unit and he doesn't hear it. The armed robber he took down 2 weeks ago was superb. Uniform and attitude are excellent, his saving grace. If it wasn't for his attitude he would've shot him a long time ago. (911 Man withballoon) The suspect was there before and the victim saw aballoon, left and came back. They play a video tape dated 10/19/89 and it shows the guy coming into the tow yard and when he turns to leave they see theballoon in his back. They wait outside for the guy to come back and they go in withballoons drawn. There are four Asian guys inside and they ask the guy in the white shirt where theballoon is. The other three aren't with him, so they let them out. Paul checks him out. The guy says it was a pipe, not aballoon. He was pissed because they towed his car. He came out and his car was gone and he looked for it for an hour. He says he threw the pipe out. Sean wants to look in his van. He says OK, but it's not his van. A second guy says he has a BBballoon in his car. They find it and it looks like a .45 caliber. The first guy wants to tell his point of view. Sean says his point is mute. They say a fakeballoon will get himhuged. LA County - Sheriff's Dept West Hollywood - Deputy Brian Nelson says he gets a lot of support from his family. They get excited when he gets certain jobs, but they worry too. He's brought his fiancé out with him to see what he does. She puts a lot of faith in him and trusts him because he's got good training. (11:49 PM Assistance Call) A call of 6 male blacks trying to beat up a transvestite comes in. He instead goes to a call of three men detained. Joshua is 19 and has a wool hat over his eyes. They want to see if they are the ones causing trouble. Deputy Brian Hickey is on the scene. His American Express Card says James. He says that was a card he just found a minute ago and was going to throw it away. Brian asks him why he would do that and not turn it in. They call in to find out if it is stolen. He says he didn't use it, but it's a misdemeanor to have it. They check him to see if he has others. Josh wants to know if he'll get in trouble for finding it. He says no, you should call it in or give it to the police. Common sense says he would try to get it back to the owner. Josh is on probation for second degree robbery, he did his time and is that going to be a problem? Josh is arrested for receiving stolen property and they'll contact his probation officer. Another Case solved. Dedicated to the memory of Deputy Jack Murphy 1954-1988.

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s02e20 / Los Angeles, CA 2

11th Feb '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 2 Summary

(9:00 PM Male Prostitution Stings) West Hollywood Sheriff's Station Special Problems Unit - Deputy Aldo Iturriaga says you know why we are all out here. The city, the gay and business community asked them to come out to arrest hustlers because of the crimes associated with them. They'll only make right turns and the signal is to put the blinker on. They are going to do it different then before by using a limo. Inside the signal will be to pick up the phone and say, "Let's go to the hotel". Deputy Jim Campbell says to give him time to play the guys as he'll have to string them along longer than normal. Aldo says once you do the passby turn your radio off and say, "You are going to try to go for it". They have to stay off Santa Monica and use Fountain until they get something to do it that way. (9:30 PM) Justin walks up asks what's going on. He says he's a man of the world, would you like to see a lot of it and get in. He does and says he's from Sicily. Jim says he comes and goes as he feels as they go on Detroit. He says he's a working man, charges and can get anything he wants for that. Jim asks what he likes. Justin likes BJs and giving it in the ass. He asks if he likes hotels, motels or the back seat of the car. He says this is good. Jim says he'll call his driver and they stop, run out and bust him. Justin asks doesn't he have to have money to be busted? The second guy is a young Hispanic who asks Jim if he's a cop. Jim says does this look like a cop car. He asks to prove it. How can he prove it? Let him in. He goes to kiss Jim and he freaks out and the hustler knows he is a cop. He tries to get out Jim asks is that a game you lay, he's a man who moves a lot of money, he doesn't give kisses, he's bewildered by it. Do you usually do that, jumping in the car looking for a kiss? Does he always do that? No. He says he looks for something quick, not kissing. He says he finds him attractive. Jim says he hoped he would. He asks about a price and the guy says he's not interested and gets out. Jim says to send any of his friends over that might be. Then he says this guy is good. (11:38 PM) A guy walks up and gets in. he says he's Steve and shakes his hand. Jim says he wants to get to the nitty gritty, time is money, you've got places to go and things. What are you hustling for? He says he gets different amounts like . Jim says what does he get for that. Then a guy comes over to the car and asks if anyone famous is in there. Jim says one at a time. The guy says he likes to give BJs and he doesn't have a hotel to go to. They go north on Orange to Lexiginton. Jim asks about him. He says he's 20 and from Ohio. He wanted to come out and get into acting, but he got strung out on drugs. He wants to save up for AA to get off drugs. Then he'll have his pictures done and get an agent. They pull him out and Aldo says Fred Hennicker says they busted him before. Jim wants the guy who went to kiss him (11:52 PM) Eric D'Angelo gets in dressed in drag. He is from Mexico and tired of it. He keeps talking, then cops bust him and he just stares. Jim says he's probably a guy. He says he has nothing on him, no weapons, no ID. Do you have a penis? Yes. (12:15 AM) An old guy gets in, says his name is Snake. Jim thinks he's Steve. He asks his first name and he says Clint. He asks if Jim is heat. He says does it look like it. He says they try anything. Jim asks what's on the menu. He says for he'll do anything but S&M. Jim says anything for . Then he picks up the phone and says it's not a good spot. The cops bust him and say he has coke on him, they know him, he's Earl Jackson, he was just released from jail an hour ago after doing 6 months. They laugh at him and tell him to pick another line of work, he's not good at this. It's the 14th time he's been busted for it. Will he get a bullet, a year this time? It doesn't matter, as soon as he gets out he'll be back doing it again. Beverly Hills Municipal Court (9:05 AM Two Weeks Later) Deputy Jim Campbell is called to speak in the case against Earl. His job is for West Hollywood Sheriff's Department, been there 24 years. On 10/21/89 he was working a project for male hustlers. What does that mean? Deputy District Attorney Lisa Hart questions him. She asks what that mean. He says he picks up makes for sex. She asks if he was plain clothes, in a limo. Sgt. Powell was the driver. He picked him up on the corner. He asked him what is he doing and asked to get in. He moved over, didn't come in and came around the other side and he told him he surprised him. He asked if he was out hustling, he's a businessman. He charges and will do whatever you want. Chief Medical Officer John H. Clark gets up next. He's from the LA County sheriff's dept. They ask him about drawing blood for HIV analysis. He says Mr. Tribble is HIV+. Public Defender Michael Masterson asks if the test can be assumed from the results alone that the patient has AIDS. He says that is correct. Can he assume from the Smith Klein test that he will get AIDS. He can say for certain, but everything they know says it is a great chance he will get full blown AIDS. Det. Brown is next up. He first saw him in the West Hollywood jail and interviewed him there. Did AIDS come up? He initiated it. He told him what happened on the arrest and he asked him if he had AIDS. He said he knew 6 weeks ago he had AIDS. He asked him why he was still soliciting if he knew this. He doesn't care about anyone else and hopes they will all get it. As a result of the preliminary hearing the suspect was charged with felony prostitution. The case was later dismissed by a superior court on a technicality.

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s02e21 / Los Angeles, CA 3

18th Feb '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 3 Summary

(Baton Training) LA County West Hollywood Sheriff's Station - Deputy Sean Collingsworth rides a bicycle to work is in a biking outfit. They are going to do an all out assault on the bag 1 at time for 15 seconds. Deputy Paul Terrusa is up first. They egg him on, saying it's a 200 pound thief trying to take hisballoon away. Sean says it was good. Sean is next and wails harder than Paul and pokes with the baton. They yell to give it a good pop, take it seriously, jab it, he's making fun of your balls. There are all posters of pin up girls on the walls. (12:38 AM Man with aballoon Call) Sean drives up, a boy flags them down and they run over on foot. They cuff Joseph, a long-haired guy in a denim jacket and NASCAR shirt on the ground who says he doesn't have aballoon and they woke him up trying to steal his stuff. He says he doesn't have a knife. The park custodian says the guy threatened him, said he'd stab him. They go back to Joseph and he admits he threw the knife somewhere. He asks what he did and why's he being arrested. Sean says he's getting assault with a deadly weapon, work with it. Joe says he didn't assault anyone. They go to take Joe away and he freaks out so they throw him against a fence, down on the ground, he screams wildly that they tried to rob him, they woke him up, why's he being arrested. He keeps screaming and yelling "Why- They find a Bowie type knife. He asks if the knife is illegal. Sean says no, it's illegal to point it at someone. (1:12 AM) They take him to jail, tell him to take his socks off and sit him in a holding cell. (4:40 PM Street Patrol) South East County Sheriff's Station - Deputy David Halm gets his shotgun out of the trunk, loads it, puts it up front and locks it in place. He says he gets the oneballoon that doesn't fit. (911 Call Domestic Violence) 5:27pm. He's on Bellflower and Flower. A guy beat up his girl and he went down the street. She got away and is calling from the 7-11 down the road. He pulls in and asks who called. A guy says she's in the van. She says her husband, they don't live together. He lives on passage. She went to his house, buzzed him at the gate and had three bags for the baby. He didn't have his key, got mad, hit her in the chest and tried to pull her wedding ring off. David says they'll have to go back since it's the city of Paramount and get a cop from there. She's working two jobs to take care of the kid, he's not giving her any help and is being a rudie-poo. She went to drop the kid off because it's his turn for visitation and she needs to go to work. They go to the Todds' house and yell to open up or they'll bring the K-9 up. He doesn't answer. David kicks at the door over and over, but the dead bolt holds it. They yell for Todd to come out. They let Chubby kick it a while. Eventually they get in and the dog goes through, but they don't find him. The paramedics are called for her because her arm is swelling up, her ribs might be broken and she's thrilled. They cart her off and say he's arrestible now. (6:17 PM) They get a call from Todd asking why his door was kicked in so they go back to his place. There are a few people inside and they ask where Todd Weiss is. He says he didn't touch his wife, never in his life. They have to go with the evidence they have and see. Bail is ,000 since it's a felony if his friends want to bail him out. They've arrested him for it before. The law is that if there is any signs of injury they have to arrest and everyone is happy, except for him. Temple City Sheriff's Station (911 Call Domestic Violence) Deputy Patrick Martinez gets ready for work at the station. He says he and Rice are working out the schedule for some reasonable hours. Deputy Ann Brannan goes to a locker and grabs a shotgun. (7:20 PM) She goes to a call at 3642 North Delta of a mother vs. daughter. The daughter says mom has been drinking all day, has no right to, passed out on the couch, she called her aunt and they kicked her out. She went to grandmas, kept drinking, punched her sister and bit her breast. She doesn't want to prosecute and her little daughter is crying. There are four of them living there. She has a black eye from mom, wishes she would go to jail, when is she going to stop drinking? If she wants to prosecute, they both have injuries so she'll have to make a citizen's arrest, they'll both go to jail and they'll have to take the kids. Mom went to AA, but Ann says she can't solve family drinking problems. She asks the girl if she has a place to go with her kid. Mom says she bit her chest and Ann looks. The little girl is cold and Ann checks her for bruises. She says they all need counseling or they can go to jail.

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s02e22 / Los Angeles, CA 4

25th Feb '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 4 Summary

4 (7:45 PM Shooting Call) Sheriff's Dept. Homicide Bureau - Sgt. Ray Verdugo says they are seeing a lot of homicides, a vast increase. Last year was a record-breaking year in the entire county and this year they are ahead of last year. There seems to be an underlying sense of frustration and anger unleashing real rapidly, people seem to have a shorter fuse and are more angry about lesser things. The wrong look willhug you. He often sees it as fame or infamy. If you can't be famous, be infamous - try to assassinate the president. Be known in your own crowd as the meanest guy or the guy who shot andhuged someone. It's a tragedy. If he had the job and the education maybe he could give you the answer why. On patrol he says it is a warm, beautiful night, very comfortable, one of those unfortunate things that brings people to southern California. There is a cuddle in the Fireside station on Hopper in South Central. Detective Dave Castillo and Deputy Tanya Edwards are on scene. She says the guy and his 6 buddies were dancing and having a ball with their shirts off. Then 8 guys came up to them and told them to put their shirts back on which they refused and a fight ensued between all 14 of them. One guy pulled out a semi-automatic, then another came out. One is DOA and there are 7 injured. The mans body is in the street and they take pictures. His sister ID's the body. Several witnesses come forward to talk to them including people involved and hopefully the suspect, but it's a pipe dream. He's an 18-19 year old youthful looking guy shot dead in the street for no reason. He took off his shirt, was dancing at a party and someone took offense and shot him dead. It's ludicrous, but a sign of the times. A guy at the station says the shooter fired 3-4 shots at Marco. Another witness says in Mexico quite often they take a stand of revenge. If someonehugs a good person, they seek revenge tohug them. He is only 15, but wouldhug him if he had aballoon. A man ishuged and a cousin will hunt them down. They don't judge, but if they apply customs from another land, this person will get justice if they don't get him first. Some friend or relative will get him. If he goes back to Mexico, they willhug him. (2:45 PM) South East County - Sheriff's Station (911 Call Choking Child) Deputy David Halm takes the call of a baby having a seizure inside a supermarket. An employee has her, but doesn't know what to do. He takes the girl and puts her on the ground. Emily is breathing, that's good. He tells her to stay awake, don't close your eyes. Fire rescue arrives. Her heart is beating, no pupil reaction and she's been sick. They give her oxygen, the mom is crying and they tell her to be calm so the girl doesn't see her and freakout. They put her on a stretcher. (5:20 PM Warrant Briefing) LA County - Detective Armando Rea says it's a who dunnit case. A man was on his roof and saw a neighbor at 2163 Briarcrest with his power tools that were stolen. (5:35 PM Warrant Served) They go to the house and pull out two men, a woman and two girls. The girl says her dad Mike went to a storage yard. In the garage they find a bicycle, weed eater, two heaters, an American toolbox and Christmas lights that were stolen. The victim arrives and carts his stuff out never thinking he would get it back. His grandma gave him the lights. He was in San Diego while his house was being fumigated and he was robbed. The wife has no idea what's going on, no idea about any stolen equipment. Then Mike pulls up and she screams like she's beinghuged and yells "No!!!" They pull outballoons and make him stop. He surrenders and is cuffed. They got them all, it was a good stop. West Hollywood Sheriff's Station - Deputy Sean Collinsworth goes to a cleaner during a full moon wearing a large nose and glasses for Halloween. The cleaning will be ready Friday. He says the glasses tickle. (12:17 AM Street Patrol) Sean wants to get a picture of Deputy Paul Terrusa with a guy dressed as a zombie in the street. They both get pictures with a man as a silver robot. A man as a French maid cleans them. They get shows by scantily clad women to the delight of the crowd (911 Suicide Attempt) A guy tried tohug himself. They arrive and a woman says he just went down... the elevator. She has blood on her arm from him. They go downstairs and she runs out the door barefoot. They come around the corner to a shirtless, white long-haired guy who cut his wrist. He has no knife and says he's unhappy. Sean asks about anything particular. They call the Fire Dept saying he's on first floor in the back. Sean eats an apple while talking to him and is totally unphased. The guy has dozens of bracelets on and wants to go home, but they have to take him to the hospital. He says they have other business and should leave. He gets a little bit bummed out in life like they all do. (2:20 AM 911 Call Man with aballoon) They go to Jeff who says he overheard on the intercom that they were coming in from all corners Sean asks Jeff if he's on medication or under treatment. He says no. They don't see anyone coming at him. He says a woman walked out of her apartment with her dog. There was a figure in the front corner of the apartment, he has his left arm up right now. His finger was pointing at them, he had aballoon and they zoomed in on all fours. He heard the man call in, he said homosexuality had to be stopped at all costs. It was pretty aggressive. Sean says it all looks normal to him. He says they split right before they came in a car. There's nothing they can do now, call us again if you see them.

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s02e23 / Los Angeles, CA 5

4th Mar '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 5 Summary

5 (11:20 PM Sheriff's Homicide Bureau) A call comes in for two units to respond to a multiple cuddle shooting of three people at Direct Liquor. A witness says four people got shot. He just waited on the victims, they are dead face down in the street. He's been working there since 1965 and this is the worst thing he's ever seen. Sgt. Rey Verdguo arrives and Deputy Dana Villander explains what happened. Two kids came up, words were exchanged and the shooting started. A guy and a girl went down outside and were DOA. All the shots were fired outside. Two Mexicans were hit inside, probably dead, now removed. The witness was working there behind the counter and couldn't hear outside, but everyone started leaving and he saw what was happening. The guy inside said, "Piru" and they asked why he said that. He went outside, was hit, came back in and fell down. It's a gang fight between B13 and G13 Gardena 13 gangs. Two Mexicans pulled up and they told him they don't bang. They got shot at and two customers were hit on the way out. (1:56 AM Homicide Bureau) Detective Jerry Jensen questions Sherry, a black woman with a huge afro. She was walking out, they were walking in and they bumped into her boy and he asked what was going on. A guy pulled aballoon, he called him blood and that was it, he had blood in his eyes. She is trying to remember how he looked, he had a baby face, possibly a thin mustache and thinks she can ID him. Lennox Sheriff's Station - Rey says this is a definite hit from a guy in the South Los Gang. (3:12 PM Homicide Investigation) Three out of the four have now died. They went to the location looking for a Gardena 13 gang member. It's what the one guy said that caused them to open up. What they do know is to talk to kids congregating and see what they heard. (Field Investigation) Two guys say Little Wolfie died and his brother Wolfie went back for justice. They don't know who this guy is. (4:02 PM Crime Lab) They remove a large slug from the dead black female. They have two bullets they want analyzed from a Rossi Revolver, Astra, Colt, or Dan Wesson. (10:11 Monday) They went to the house and retrieved someballoons. (1:25 PM Ballistic Lab) One of theballoons is a Wesson. They say theballoon has no prints, but ballisticaly it matches up. They went to the G13 gang and they said Osvaldo Renrossos AKA Little Wolfie did it in retaliation for his brother's passing. Ignacio Morina was only 13 and was going to join the gang and idolized Little Wolfie. They got photos and took it to their three witnesses. The woman ID's him right away and so does another witness. A member of B13 said that night he saw the shooter. He wasn't going to help him and off the record he said it was Wolfie. (One Month Later Suspect Arrested) They pulled by his house, saw his car there, went up to his mother and got him with no problems. In the station there is a Robocop poster on the wall. Rey tells the guy he has rights. He says he didn't do it, but knows about it. Rey said they will verify his story one way of the other and they want to be sure of a cuddle filing. It's multiple cuddles with the passing penalty attached. He denies it, but all the witnesses say he did it. It's him beyond a reasonable doubt. Narcotic Bureau Temple City Station (8:15 AM Warrant Briefing) Deputy David Busk says they are looking for the same girl from July, red hair, green eyes with 19 & 20 year old sons who are crazy bikers. The drugs and scales should be right inside. It's on Lelee and Pamono. Deputy Art Belmontes says she's been up all night. (8:30 AM Warrant Served) They go up to the white adobe house and the door is open so they don't have to smash it. Penny is still in bed, the sons are up front. She wants to put her glasses on. There is a shirtless man fidgeting there. They are cuffed and she says she only has a little bit of drugs for herself and doesn't sell. They don't believe her since they found baggies. She is 38, but she looks 45, the speed is aging her fast. The find two sheriff's patches in the bedroom and they laugh. They ask her why they deal with meth, why do bikers like it? He wants a quote for his book. She doesn't know and doesn't want to be quoted. (11:48 PM) She is taken in and bail is 0,000. In memory of Officer Anthony J. Gardner 1970-1989

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s02e24 / Los Angeles, CA 6

11th Mar '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 6 Summary

(9:15 PM 911 Call Heart Attack) South East County Sheriff's Station - Deputy David Halm says a woman isn't breathing on Compton Blvd. It's trailer #2. EMS arrives, but they can't get in the door. They hear someone screaming inside. David slams the sliding glass door with his Billy club and a woman screams. He tells her to open the door, it's the police and is someone is having a heart attack. She says she is now. He's glad the glass didn't break. The old white woman says she didn't call. She was watching TV until 9pm and went to bed. EMS checks her out, 140/100 blood pressure. She asks if that's high. They say considering, it's pretty good. It seems a kid called it in, so it was a just cruel joke. She thanks them. (911 Call Drunk and Disorderly) They stop a white guy in a cowboy hat next to a white car. He says he has a license and shows it to David's partner. The guy says he has had something to drink and thinks about it - a bottle of beer and 3 mixed drinks. He has a Budweiser shirt and sounds totally drunk. Where is he headed? He's not sure, he's going to his basement apartment around the corner. He says he wasn't going to drive. They tell him he better not. He says it won't happen. He was inside a fast food place and was drunk. No one saw him drive, he says he wasn't driving, so there is nothing they can do. Minutes later they swing around after getting a call that he drove away. If they find him they'll arrest him. They spot his car around the corner swerving down the road. He hits a curb and stops. Dan told him not to drive. He pulls him out, says he has no weapons and gives him a field sobriety test. The guy says he doesn't know if he can, the ground isn't level. They take him to a paved lot and have him walk a straight line, which he can't do. They arrest him, take him to the station and give him a breath test. It comes out .202 - double the legal limit. They put him in a cell. The breath is always lower than the blood would be so he probably has a .22 or .23. (7:20 AM Warrant Briefing) Antelope Valley Narcotic Bureau - Deputy Dennis Ingersoll says they want a lightweight meth dealer, male white, 30 years old and the informant says he carries 9mm. Tony takes the back, Carl takes the bolt cutters incase the gate is locked. (7:37 AM Warrant Served) They knock and announce, then bash the door in. There are four people sleeping on the floor of the living room. Carol says she is going to faint, starts to shake and doesn't live there. The guy with her behind the couch gets up and puts his pants on. Wayne, the owner of the house is cuffed. They have a search warrant. They cuff the other guy too. One cop finds a bunch of ¼ grams of meth wrapped in papers. They bring the guy with no shirt into the kitchen. They hear he's dealing and he was found sleeping next to it. He says it's not his. They bring Wayne in the kitchen and ask where the stash is so they don't have to tear the house apart. He says he doesn't have a stash and doesn't deal. He's told an undercover bought from him personally two days ago. Now he wants to lie to him, he didn't just fall of the turnip truck. Wayne says he doesn't want his house torn up, but he has no stash. They'll tear up every inch of the place until they find it, how are they supposed to trust him? In a woman's purse they find an 8 ball, crank and a syringe. The phone rings and Dennis answers it. He says Wayne is tied up right now. It's his boss, he's late for work. He tells him it's the sheriff's department, he's under arrest. He can come over and secure the house for him if he wants. He doesn't. Wayne isn't coming into work today. Lennox Sheriff's Station - Sgt. Robin Sawyer says Detective Holbrook has info that the Buchannon family ripped off some Columbians on a dope deal and they are going to even the score. The Buchannon's are arming themselves with automatic weapons and will be carrying them when they go out. If they aren't familiar with the family talk to Holbrook. (3:29 PM Drive-by Shooting) They leave and head to a street under construction where a black man in a blue shirt is down and a crowd is around. The fire department arrives and a woman says he's her brother, doesn't know who shot him or why, he just got home from work. EMS works on him, gives him oxygen and he's not happy about getting a needle. They say he was just shot, a needle is the least of his worries. Deputy Bruce Vallerand talks to a witness. The guy says it looked like .32s. One was a .38 and the passenger shot him. They are a couple of drug dealers. The big guy got shot twice, the skinny guy shot once, neither are going to die, but it's definitely gang related. (4:37 PM Disturbance Call) They go to a Korean grocer and the woman says you'll shoot me. The guy says he wanted to buy a hat, he told her it was and got mad. They talk to the black guy. He says he didn't want any trouble, he just wanted to change the hat. He goes to Cal State, bought a bunch of stuff, went to wear the hat to the basketball game, took it out and saw it was all worn. He came to get his money back and she said no, it's been worn. The cop says to give him another hat and they can all leave. They want to give him the money back, but he doesn't want it, he wants the Chicago Bulls hat. They pull it down from a display and he says it's fine. Robin says they come over to this country and try to make a living. The only way they can survive it to keep it open 20 hours a day from 6am to 2am. There was a communication breakdown and they think they are getting ripped off, it's a couple hours pay to them. To us it's not big deal.

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s02e25 / Los Angeles, CA 7

18th Mar '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 7 Summary

(9:50 AM Narcotics Bureau Warrant Briefing) Santa Clarita Sheriff's Station - They are after Chilo, a Mexican male, 5'5", 19 years old with long modern hair style butched on the sides. He sells ounces of cocaine and carries a mean looking sawed off shotgun. He carries it for two reasons - drug rip-offs and cops. He has a floor plan of his house drawn on a chalk board. John is the ram man, Bobby is the #2 man. If a shooting occurs the paramedics can take him wherever. If they get hit they'll got to Kaiser. Sgt. Art Reddy listens. He's kinda wired, so be careful (10:03 AM Warrant Served) The front gated door is open so they run right in yelling, "Freeze or I'llhug you!" They hear someone go out the back and give chase. There is a storage building in the back that is open and they check it. There is a lot of garbage in the back and a large brick wall he might've jumped. They find the sawed off fully loaded in the closet. They like theballoon and it has lots of shells. They also find a bunch of aerosol cans including one Fix a Flat that they unscrew the bottom off and it's full of three bags of coke. They saw the same thing at their last raid, he'll be hurting missing all those drugs. The woman there isn't very helpful. She says she's the aunt and is afraid because her three year old nephew is with him. (11:22 AM) They cuff her and take her with them to point out where he is. They find him in a small car with two other guys, make a felony stop and cuff him, same with the other two. Then the kid comes out of the car crying and runs to the woman. Caesar in the back is from Mission Hills. They get their paperwork together and go to book him whistling, "Hi Ho Hi Ho". (12:10 AM Roll Call) West Hollywood - Sheriff's Station. Steve says the way to the future is community oriented police. Deputy Sean Collinsworth agrees and they'll use that as a ruse so they won't go to jail. Two people were walking their dogs and saw the public forum and decided to drop in. They heard several people in the yard and saw the police and K-9s in their yard and asked what's going on and they yell at them to stay inside and shut the damn door. Deputy Paul Terrusa says he's been there before yelling in the heat of the moment and later he goes and apologizes. Sean says that's all they want, it's amazing how far "sorry" goes, so they wouldn't be at the meeting. (1:20 AM Traffic Stop) Sean tells the driver to turn the car off and get out. The driver gets out and is very drunk, he doesn't listen well and won't interlace his fingers. He says he had only two beers. Sean takes him over for a field sobriety test. He has trouble closing his eyes and putting his head back. Then he has him count and lift one foot and he can't do that. Sean asks if he has any medical problems. He tries the other foot and can't lift it for more than a second. He says it's the first time he's done this. Sean then demonstrates the heel to toe straight line and he messes up the count. The guy says he's the cop, he can let him do it over. The guy can't even put his heels together. Sean says he passed the last test, he's under arrest and cuffs him. They find a huge machete in the car and the guy wants it, but they say no. The passenger is also drunk and Sean tells him to start walking home. He keeps mouthing off, says he knows his rights and wants to know where his friend is going. They keep telling him to take off, but he won't listen, so they cuff him. (7:20 PM 911 Call Shooting) South East County Sheriff's Station - Deputy Joe Villanueva parks and his partner get in their car. He takes the call, 245 -balloonshot victim, he's 30 seconds away. When it starts this early it'll go on all night long. Chris says they have a traffic accident and a 245, but they are the same call. He almost hit someone, the other guy stopped, he crawled out the passenger side and was rolling on the ground saying he was shot. There is a bullet hole through the windshield. The side is covered in blood, no witnesses, nothing else they know. It's a head wound, Cruz and Jeff can handle it, they'll go to the hospital. He looks too old to be a gang member (8:12 PM) They arrive at the hospital, he was hit twice, once in the head and the bullet is still in the skull. They show the x-rays. The victim says he was driving east on Rosecrantz, he heard a shot and was hit once. He didn't see anyone and crawled out the side. Joe asks if he's OK. They picked up his wife and child and brought them. She comes in to see him and is hysterical. Sgt. Cole Hughes arrives. He's not a gang member, not involved in drugs, it's just a freak thing, he's a lucky man to survive.

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s02e26 / Los Angeles, CA 8

25th Mar '90 - 1:00am
Los Angeles, CA 8 Summary

(7:10 PM Baby with a Seizure) South East County Sheriff's Station - Deputy David Halm races to the Mexican hovel. It is a. asks the sex of the child who can't breath. It is a boy, so he goes to get a blanket,. They put him on the blanket and he cries. He is 5 months old and they think he OD'd on penicillin medication because he's been sick. David says when they get too hot they can have a seizure to fight the heat. They take the baby's clothes off. EMS arrives and the mother says she started giving the baby penicillin on her own. They say she shouldn't do that. David assures them this is normal for a baby. He thanks them and leaves. (9:33 PM Domestic Dispute) David knows the guy, he's on parole and has dealt with him before. The guy tries to go inside and David makes him comes back. They live behind a fenced gas station/convenience store and their fence is covered with beer ads. The guy says Tina took all his stuff, his car and furniture. She says she wants to get her bed and kitchen table and has a friend with her that has a truck to haul it out. She doesn't want a fight, but he keeps yelling and carrying on. He says she's leaving him with an empty house. Tina says her sister is getting married so she has to do it know. He wants her to get it on Friday and not to leave him with an empty house. The cops let her go in and take her stuff. He's worried he's going to jail and says they took the glass to his coffee table. They stop the truck and the glass is between the mattresses. They say they don't want the glass and cops bring it back. (Narcotics Unit Warrant Briefing) Temple City Sheriff's Station - They have a drawing and a deputy asks if there is a dog there. It's a house on Pear Blossom Hwy, which is drawn on the board. (4:18 PM Warrant Served) It's 50 off the road. They run out, open a large gate then spread out. There are a bunch of sheds and camper tops from trailers and they find a guy and a woman in a wooden box. Another guy comes out and they give her the warrant to search the place. There is a sign that reads "Attack cat on duty". The only way to get into their "house" is a wooden corridor connecting the trailers that is filled with trash. The woman gets up and they make her sit down, she says it's probably her husband's brother and her son Mike beat her up. They say it is such a mess that they want her to show them where the drugs are. He can't go back in there because it smells so bad, the worst he's ever found. They find bags, boxes and cups full of drugs. She says she's tried to clean it, but only has one day off a week. There is garbage and boxes piled up all over and they hate it. (10:47 Fight at Club) West Hollywood Sheriff's Station - Deputy Sean Collingsworth finds a group of people surrounding a man on the ground with bandages. A woman says has 25 witnesses who saw a man jump the guy and beat him up. They say his girl went in the club with his ticket and he went to get her and they jumped him. A guy pushes his way up and Sean cuffs him. A guy in a big hat and fringe jacket says Red threw the first punch and he's the one they cuffed. Sean calls for backup and says it was the bouncers who did this, the second one is inside. Fire rescue arrives. The guy is totally bloody and they beat him when he was down. Sean looks for people to go inside to ID the other guy. The victim says they kicked him in the face and he can barely keep his head up. They ask him where it hurts, he says his head. People cheer when they bring the other guy out in cuffs. The bouncers stopped the guy from going in and the manager is the one who started kicking. The Sgt. says the manager is responsible. The witnesses say he only kicked him once. They pull Red out and ask him what happened. He says the victim was thrown out and he came back in looking for his girlfriend. He told him to leave and they fought. He held him down and they victim tried to kick and punch him and the other guys. He hit him and didn't see anyone kick him. So he is arrested too.

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s02e27 / Los Angeles, CA 9

8th Apr '90 - 12:00am
Los Angeles, CA 9 Summary

(7:58 PM Suspicious Person) LA County, Malibu Sheriff's Station - Deputy Gary Spencer says Malibu is different than lots of locations because of the greater distance, sometimes it takes more than 15 minutes to get to a call. People are people whether they are criminals or car thieves, it doesn't matter where you work, there's law enforcement to be done. He stops a car and Brian the driver says he's never been arrested before. Gary says he has two kinds of weed on him. Deputy Daniel McCann tells him he's in trouble and he swears it's not his and can show the keys. (10:50 PM Drug Investigation) They have Brian call in to make a deal with his buyer. (11:27 PM) They have him, it's Saturday night, time to go to jail. The dealer is an obese white guy with a mullet in a fancy white pickup truck. He's so big they need 2 handcuffs and might even need 3. They find a wad of cash and high quality cocaine off a kilo brick. The size and type leads them to believe he is a dealer and they write up a search warrant, present it to Judge Lawrence Mira and go to his house. (1:45 AM) They arrive at the judge's house, he signs it and Gary swears on it. (2:40 AM Warrant Served) They bang on the door and get no answer, so they kick it in. They find an ounce of coke in the closet, a shotgun and shells in the bedroom. They started their shift at 5pm and now it's over at 4am. They'll file the paperwork and hopefully be done at 6:30am, get home and start again tomorrow. (4:40 PM Roll Call) South East County Sheriff's Station - The captain says for shoplifting if they are going for a felony to file burglary and theft with a prior and they can get them for 16 months on a first offense. Let them know they are going to state prison so they won't go out and rip off cars. Deputy David Halm listens. (5:40 PM Traffic Stop) David spots a car with no registration. He pulls out Robert the driver who knows his headlights are out. He says he has noballoons or drugs, he just forgot to put the lights on. He wasn't putting anything under the seat where they saw him digging, but they find a pelletballoon there. He likes to target shoot. They find black face makeup in the trunk. He says it's from Halloween, he doesn't clean his car out much. Dave asks if he's doing any robbery. He says no, but has been in jail seven times. He was arrested for meth, but hasn't done it since the last time he was in jail. He has a massive key ring with hotel keys. He says he just picked them up and collects them. He claims he owned seven cars at one time, but there is more than seven sets of keys. They had a robbery a couple weeks ago by a man in black face. They don't know all the details, so they'll take him in to run him. He claims the makeup is for his kids' costume. (7:15 PM Robbery Investigation) They go to the supermarket that was robbed a couple weeks ago. They find a bagger who was there that night. He said the guy had a painted face and aballoon. He didn't see theballoon and he also had a fake beard. A woman says he showed theballoon in his jacket. It sounds like their suspect so they go back to the station and read the report. The guy left on foot, was wearing makeup, possibly a white male. They are going to book him for robbery. (8:11 PM Multiple Shooting) They are looking for suspects wearing masks who had AK-47s. They picked the suspects out and executed them. David pulls up to a body shop and there is blood and guts on the street. Deputy Eric Stewart was first on the scene. One guys' leg was blown off, another guy was shot in the gut and his intestines came out. Deputy Fred Bertsche talks to one guy. They were watching Star Search, working on their cars, putting a radio in and then the shooting started and he split. EMS comes in and treats people. EMS says the first guy was across the street with an ankle wound, two guys were by the Pepsi machine with one with a head wound and the other was eviscerated, a guy was by the car with his stomach shot open and the fifth victim got over the fence and cut his foot open. Sgt. Cole Hughes says they chased the people through the parking lot and fired at them. They found a 308 shell, a large round. A woman was on the phone calling the police and heard someone yell, "Where's the money? Get on the floor!" One had a red rag in their pocket so it seems gang related. They had a gang shooting two weeks ago where kids shot at cops with AK-47s. They think they know where the guys are. It's ironic that up on the wall is a Crimestoppers security alarms sign. They install them in cars, but not on their own door.

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s02e28 / Los Angeles, CA 10

15th Apr '90 - 12:00am
Los Angeles, CA 10 Summary

(5:06 PM Domestic Violence) LA County - Temple City Sheriff's Station - Deputy Ann Brannan goes to the call of a husband, Carlos, beating his wife. He says she fell. Claudia is Spanish and says he beat her in front of their baby, threw her against a wall, punched her in the face and back. He is in the back with the baby, is searched for weapons and says they can't get along, she scratched and bit him and he doesn't want anything to do with her. They explain he can't hit her like they do in Latino countries and is arrested on a 275 - spousal abuse. They put him in a holding cell at the jail and remove the cuffs. He wants to take pictures of her at the hospital. (9:05 PM Hotel Disturbance) West Hollywood Sheriff's Station - Deputy Paul Terrusa and Deputy Sean Collinsworth go to the call of a drunk at the Sunset Hyatt House on the 9th floor where a guy is throwing chairs from a balcony. A long-haired blonde guy, another guy and a short girl come out. The girl is crying, says she almost gothuged. Their room is completely trashed, stuff is everywhere. The blonde guy says there was a knock at the door for Steve and he said he wasn't there. They kept knocking and 3 black guys rushed him, came in, tied them up and robbed them of their money and drugs. Sean asks why they didn't say that at first? He says they were scared, the last time they opened the door they were robbed. Their stories don't match and the management wants them out, plus people saw them throwing stuff. (11:17 PM Shots Fired) South East County Sheriff's Station - Deputy David Halm goes to a hotel and finds two shirtless black guys at a car saying 2 white guys attacked them and said "Niggers get out!" and one hit them with a bat. One swung a golf club at them. David says there is an armed man inside when Deputy Brent Becker arrives. Two guys attacked a Mexican and locked him out of his room. The manager fired at them and cops go inside to get hisballoon. The man thought he was going to get robbed and they threatened tohug him. Then he says they can stay since the rent is paid. Cops go back to the car and let the black guys go. (11:55 PM Man with aballoon) He stops a car and finds 2balloons in the trunk that were from the hotel in the last call. The black guys got theballoon from their car, were going back to the hotel to get the other guys plus two women. Cops find a .357 that belongs to Glover and Tyson. They called their friends to bring theballoons so they couldhug the manager.

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s02e29 / Los Angeles, CA 11

22nd Apr '90 - 12:00am
Los Angeles, CA 11 Summary

(911 Call Possible Assault) Los Angeles County Malibu Sheriff's Station - Deputy Gary Spencer leaves the station with aballoon and loads it into his car. A call comes in about a man outside bothering a woman. He's at the door with a jacket and a Walkman on. She wants to know how long it'll take to get there, 5-10 minutes. It's a possible 5150. The man rang the bell, makes loud complaints and curses. They spot the guy walking with a red bag and they go out to talk to him and he fights so three cops jump him and hold him against the car and cuff him. He says, "Ow! Ow! My little animals, there are little animals in the red case. They look dead, but they're alive. Ow! Ow! Ow! I am a cripblood, I am a god". They laugh at him. He has a long coat, white scarf, orange shirt and a brown turtleneck. He screams they are hurting him so bad, his animals are alive, don't let them take his butterfly and little hummingbird by these pig bastards. He swears to god. He can remain silent, they would prefer it. The butterfly has a number on it's wing "Mail to entomology, natural history museum, Los Angeles, CA". Gary tells him they look like they are doing a good job of playing dead. His name is Robert and he's on medication. What kind? Anything he wants. His lawyer's name is ouch. They transport him to the hospital for a 72 hour mental evaluation since he is a danger to himself. (6:10 PM Arson Investigation) West Hollywood Sheriff's Station - Deputy Sean Collingsworth says 93 to 95 Tom1 he's taking over the call. Deputy Jeffrey Fine is on the scene. He's training a rookie partner, Deputy Paul Terrusa, so he wants him to take it. Jeff had them all get outside calmly, the fire is contained to the east side of the building and is almost out. Paul talks to the man who runs the building. He thinks it's electrical from the kitchen. He needs to fill it out like a 39. The fire department talks to one of the female workers who says one of the shelves with the cookbooks was on fire. She thought they could put it out, but it just erupted. She takes them into the burned out room to point out the books that were stacked up and on fire. They are to call immediately to say it's possible arson. (7:40 PM Narcotics Investigation) They look for a black guy named Tree and find him on the street. Paul checks and cuffs him. Sean finds some little baggies on him and the suspect says he collects stamps and that's what they're for, also for jewelry. There is meth in the bags, but he says he just found them. He's arrested for a 2020. (8:50 PM) They take him to jail for a strip search. A snitch told them he was a speed dealer. He says he's used and shows his arms. They find a bag taped to the inside of his shirt that has speed baggies in it. This is what they expected. (1:50 AM) Sean says this is Paul's last evaluation. He's rated competent. He's made lots of improvements with codes, rules and procedures, it's his first 3.0, tremendous improvement in all facets of his training. Field performance is excellent, it's good because he's coming inside next month as the watch deputy so he'll be watching him. Congratulations and best of luck. (4:31 PM Patrol Stop) Lennox Sheriff's Station - Sgt. Robin Sawyer tries to stay out there and monitor all the calls for service and make sure they are answered in a reasonable amount of time. He waits for the hot calls and rolls on those, evaluates the deputies on performance and doesn't want them to take unnecessary risks. Out there they do a real good job, everybody enjoys working there. He stops and talks to prostitute who has been beat, robbed and shot. She says no one's done that. He asks if they don't pay is it rape. She says no, she always discusses payments in advance. She's on a crutch and her left foot is in a cast. They shot her and robbed her of 00, then the next time they took 0. She didn't know she was shot, she heard that a bullet wound doesn't hurt, but it hurt. There was a hole in her shoe, it went through the first and second toe, went up and broke it in 3 pieces. She's got someone to rough him up. She won't call the cops because the girls will beat him up. He says let them take care of it. She says they hate her. He asks her if she wants to get off the street. She says yeah, but how? He says to work with him and arrest this guy, get the SOB off the street. She says to talk to her tomorrow. She's going home to change because no one will pick her up since she looks like she's handicapped. They just won't do the right thing. Robin went to his 30th high school reunion and everything's changed. They took all the trophies out of the display case and replaced them with tributes to the cuddled students. (8:01 PM Suspicious Juveniles) Deputy Bruce Vallerand caught a 12 year-old black kid with aballoon. He says he doesn't have aballoon, but they saw him throw it. He's in 7th grade. They ask him his homeroom teacher's name, but he doesn't know since he just got there. They ask his old homeroom teacher's name and he doesn't know that either. They find cocaine in a wrapped up paper. That way they can drop it and no one will know. They are rocks. They saw him toss theballoon into the bushes when he pulled up. There are three kids getting intoballoons and drugs and gangs already - two lives lost.

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s02e30 / Los Angeles, CA 12

29th Apr '90 - 12:00am
Los Angeles, CA 12 Summary

(11:20 AM Saturday) LA County Sheriff's Department Homicide Investigation - George calls the police to say his wife is lying on the floor it looks like someone broke into his house and cuddled her. He didn't check the body to see if she's breathing. The dispatcher tells him to check. She's dead in a large pool of blood. He called into Lakewood Station at 8:33am, said he woke up and found her. Lt. Joe Brown investigates, talks on the phone and has a theory about it. They check the closets and the fridge, but there is no alcohol in the house. They talk to the neighbor. He's known them for years, they have no problems and he saw them a few days ago to pay the rent. He has no idea why someone would want tohug her. They check the stab wound and see it was a large wound that must've been 12 inch knife. They roll her over and to take pictures. They load the body up and the blood is leaking through the sheets. They find the cuddle weapon and there is nothing stolen, nothing ransacked. The husband was home when they got there. They are going to talk to the husband and stepson at the station. (2:38 PM Homicide Bureau) They ask George his story. He usually sleeps late, but he woke up early. She was already up, so he decided to get up. He's slow to get dressed and took five minutes. He opened up the door and she was lying there in a pool of blood. They say there is a problem, something happened this morning. They all know he cuddled his wife and he can't face up to the fact that he did it. Something happened to make him mad. How did the blood get on the top of his shoes? He says he doesn't know what it was, it was there for days. He thought it was her paint or Crayolas. (4:46 PM Homicide Bureau) They ask if he washed his hands after finding her. They take samples from between his fingers to see if he has blood stains. If it's positive it'll change to purple or pink and it won't matter if he washed his hands. His hands are very sweaty and he says it's from his medication. She continues to swab his hands. It's not a specific blood test, it's presumptive to allow them to investigate further. They pull out his shoes that have red on them as well as hair and possible brain matter. They talk to the stepson and ask if George is capable of harming his mother. He doesn't know, she met him when he was 5 and he's 18 now. He's never seen him get mad, he raised his voice once in a great while and he's a soft mellow person. He wants to know if someone else besides George cuddled her. They don't know. He wants to know where she is. They say at the coroner's office. (1:10 PM Tuesday) Crime Lab - It turns out she wasn't cuddled, she was shot in the back of the head and it shattered. They want the shoe analyzed for brain matter. He told them that he approached he wife from behind between her legs and touched her from the back, but the pool of blood was by her head. She analyzes the Reebok tennis shoe in a lab. There was no exit wound. She puts the shoe on a microscope and they wonder about the power. She says the red is clear like strawberry jam, certainly not blood. His story is going to stand, maybe she let someone in. They'll have to get prints from the knife, maybe she cuddled the suspect and he cuddled her. She brought a knife to aballoonfight. (2:30 PM Friday) There are no prints on the knife and no motive for the husband. It could've been a rapist or an opportunist. George says when he went to call 911 the phone was unplugged. He had to plug it back in. It's always plugged in because he has a recorder for the rental properties he owns. Maybe someone got in with a phone company uniform. Temple City Sheriff's Station (911 Call Assault with a Deadly Weapon) A woman calls about an attack from a man in a green Jeep with a white top. He just got on the freeway and they go to look for it. They spot a pickup truck heading west with a bunch of junk in the back with a tarp over it. There are three people in the truck, one child. It's heavy traffic so they can't make a stop. (5:11 PM Felony Stop) They pull him over on Rosemeade Blvd. He's an older Mexican guy in a cowboy hat. They pull him out atballoonpoint and tell him it's not a joke. Then they call the younger Mexican guy out and tell him to put his hands out the window, but he doesn't listen. The white male passenger tries to get out to, and they yell at him to get back in. He finally gets out and is filthy. The suspect is Jessie Barber wanted in the cuddle of George's wife, but this guy's not the one. Deputy Patrick Martinez says to cut them loose and explain what happened. Deputy Ann Brannon has to explain. There was a serious crime down the street that matched the description. He thought he was the one blasting the radio in front of him. They just did an excavation site and scared the crap out of them. They let them go.

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s02e31 / New Orleans: Mardi Gras

6th May '90 - 12:00am
New Orleans: Mardi Gras Summary

(8:58 PM Friday) New Orleans Police Department - Officer Desiree Gaudet says her job is mainly walking the beat on Bourbon street, a lot more crowd during Mardi Gras, works more hours than normal. Her karate classes are a way of relieving stress, you take it out on your partner, not at work. She's shown at class doing moves with an instructor. A man with a stunballoon; the questioning of a man who allegedly struck a police horse; and parade crowd control. A skinhead is arrested for shoplifting; a disorderly celebrant strikes an officer.

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