Season 26

s26e01 / Fight and Flight

15th Sep '13 - 12:00am
Fight and Flight Summary

In the Season 26 opener, a suspect flees as officers respond to a fight. Also: a driver refuses to cooperate after being pulled over; a domestic dispute leads to an arrest for marijuana possession.

150 have watched this episode

s26e02 / Who Let The Dogs Out?

22nd Sep '13 - 12:00am
Who Let The Dogs Out? Summary

A police dog is deployed when a burglary suspect takes refuge in a tree; a fleeing suspect seeks shelter in a stranger's house; and a biker found to have a suspended license is uncooperative.

151 have watched this episode

s26e03 / Dead Man Flushing

29th Sep '13 - 12:00am
Dead Man Flushing Summary

A store transaction-turned-scuffle is investigated; a man is accused of flushing human ashes down the toilet; and a shirtless man disobeys officers.

150 have watched this episode

s26e04 / Pistol Packin' Families

6th Oct '13 - 12:00am
Pistol Packin' Families Summary

A bicyclist ends up on the pavement when he tries to out pedal a patrol car. A messy divorce leads to aballoon-toting showdown between a Corvette and a Mustang. An angry dog ends up getting the best of a domestic dispute.

150 have watched this episode

s26e05 / Grown Men Gone Wild

13th Oct '13 - 12:00am
Grown Men Gone Wild Summary

An irate shopper winds up on the receiving end of an electroshock weapon; an incoherent former Marine cannot explain his unhappy actions; a traffic stop proves to be anything but routine.

149 have watched this episode

s26e06 / Kill 'em With Kindness

20th Oct '13 - 12:00am
Kill 'em With Kindness Summary

Aballoon-toting man reacts angrily to some parental criticism; a bicyclist tries to outrun an officer and then pretends to be someone else; and officers coax a confession out of a rattled hit-and-run driver.

150 have watched this episode

s26e07 / The Fighting Kind

27th Oct '13 - 12:00am
The Fighting Kind Summary

Stories include a meth head who thinks he is strong; a drug-carrying runner runs out of steam; and police make a suspect take off his socks.

149 have watched this episode

s26e08 / Cell Phone Secrets

3rd Nov '13 - 12:00am
Cell Phone Secrets Summary

A chase ends in an accident; an emotional man wants a kiss from police; a cell phone causes a brawl.

148 have watched this episode

s26e09 / Guns, Hash, And Fire Hydrants

10th Nov '13 - 1:00am
Guns, Hash, And Fire Hydrants Summary

Stories include a fire hydrant that is damaged by a car being chased; a secret stash of hash is discovered; and a suspected accused of domestic violence points a finger toward his girlfriend.

148 have watched this episode

s26e10 / Get Off My Roof

17th Nov '13 - 1:00am
Get Off My Roof Summary

Stories include a man with aballoon goes high on the roofs of houses with a K-9 dog on his heels; a dealer attempts to get rid of his dope; and a driver under the influence hits a parked vehicle.

148 have watched this episode

s26e11 / This Man Stabbed Me

24th Nov '13 - 1:00am
This Man Stabbed Me Summary

Stories include the pit maneuver is employed to end the chase of a stolen car; and officers must rescue a baby that has been left in a vehicle.

148 have watched this episode

s26e12 / Blood And Scars, Bro!

8th Dec '13 - 1:00am
Blood And Scars, Bro! Summary

A suspect races through the neighborhood after his scooter can't outrun police. Cops discover a drugged, incoherent wild man lying in the bushes. Officers try to make peace between neighbors with pit bull problems.

148 have watched this episode

s26e13 / My Jewelry's Fragile

15th Dec '13 - 1:00am
My Jewelry's Fragile Summary

A cyclist gets booked for trying to flee when officers pull him over. Two brothers struggle to explain why they took off when they saw the cops. A man takes a swing at his sister because she refuses to mow the lawn.

148 have watched this episode

s26e14 / Fast Food Escape

22nd Dec '13 - 1:00am
Fast Food Escape Summary

When officers approach, a suspect flees into a fast food restaurant. A driver takes his granny's wheels for a dangerous spin with cops in pursuit. A pair of young lovebirds get caught with some mysterious white powder.

148 have watched this episode

s26e15 / Late Night Snacks

19th Jan '14 - 1:00am
Late Night Snacks Summary

A fleeing vehicle goes for a spin when officers execute a perfect PIT maneuver. Cops try to flush out a suspect who barricades himself inside a donut shop. Officers hit the meth mother lode when they stop a truck in a downpour.

154 have watched this episode

s26e16 / 900th Episode: We Run the Show

26th Jan '14 - 1:00am
900th Episode: We Run the Show Summary

A stealthy robbery suspect leads officers on a chase through backyards; a man denies ditching a bag of meth; a domestic-violence suspect tries to claim self-defense.

154 have watched this episode

s26e17 / Doggie Paddle

2nd Feb '14 - 1:00am
Doggie Paddle Summary

A boat unit deals with an unruly suspect and his dogs; two burglary suspects claim car trouble has placed them at the crime scene; officers discover a meth addict on the brink of relapse.

171 have watched this episode

s26e18 / Wrong Place, Wrong Time

9th Feb '14 - 1:00am
Wrong Place, Wrong Time Summary

A man flees from officers patrolling a notorious drug hot spot; suspicious items are found in a jaywalker's jacket; a woman takes the heat for her beau when meth is found in their car.

167 have watched this episode

s26e19 / You Didn't Get Very Far

16th Feb '14 - 1:00am
You Didn't Get Very Far Summary

A husky cyclist takes a spill when he tries to flee. Officers chase a suspect in a stolen car who says he was just fixing it for a friend. A man's denials of drug use lose credibility when cops find a meth pipe in his vehicle.

167 have watched this episode

s26e20 / Not My Text Messages

23rd Feb '14 - 1:00am
Not My Text Messages Summary

A routine traffic stop turns drug bust when cops turn up sizable evidence. A suspicious man in a parked car can't explain his incriminating texts. Two frequent flyers give officers a hard time in a well-known drug area.

159 have watched this episode

s26e21 / Hands Off the Junk

2nd Mar '14 - 1:00am
Hands Off the Junk Summary

Police give chase after suspects bail from a stolen vehicle; an undercover officer pulls a sting on a prostitute; an anxious woman gets busted for possession of marijuana.

177 have watched this episode

s26e22 / Dealt a Bad Hand

9th Mar '14 - 1:00am
Dealt a Bad Hand Summary

A vehicle flips over in a pursuit; a man complains a stranger tried to lasso him; a driver has trouble staying in his lane after a bad night of poker.

160 have watched this episode
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