Season 22

s22e01 / Odd Arrests #2

13th Sep '09 - 12:00am
Odd Arrests #2 Summary

(5:21 PM, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Downtown Area Command, Assistance Call, Officer Zachary Johnson) Officer Johnson responds to assist the fire department with a physically aggressive man.

(8:49 PM, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, District 3 - Northlake, Disturbance Call, Deputy Sean McMichael) Officer McMichael responds to a disturbance call about a missing dog.

(1:20 AM, San Bernardino County, Victorville Police Department, Suspicious Vehicle, Deputy Vanessa Duardo) Deputy Duardo spots a suspicious vehicle in an alley behind a convenience store which has had recent robberies.

138 have watched this episode

s22e02 / Liar, Liar #4

13th Sep '09 - 12:00am
Liar, Liar #4 Summary

(9:15 PM, san Bernardino County, Hesperia Police Department, Pursuit in Progress, Deputy Lisa Guerra) Deputy Guerra joins the pursuit of a domestic violence suspect.

(7:46 PM, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Convention Center Area Command, Domestic Violence Call, Officer Kirk Guevara) Officer Guevara Responds to a domestic violence call between a man and his girlfriend.

(9:16 PM, Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, District 3 - Northlake, Suspicious Vehicle, Deputy Jason Bronson) Deputy Bronson responds to assist on a suspicious vehicle call.

136 have watched this episode

s22e03 / Domestic Distrubances Special Edition

20th Sep '09 - 12:00am
Domestic Distrubances Special Edition Summary

The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department/Apple Valley Station are summoned to a possible break-in of a home of a recently deceased owner. Next, an officer from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department head to a report of a shooting. Lastly, the deputies from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Department are called in for a fight between two brothers.

137 have watched this episode

s22e04 / Dazed & Confused #2

27th Sep '09 - 12:00am
Dazed & Confused #2 Summary

A Las Vegas officer is called in to a fast food restaurant for a disturbance call. Next, a Palm Beach Deputy checks the welfare of person inside a parked vehicle. Lastly, a San Bernardino County Deputy responds to a domestic call in which the fight is in the street.

137 have watched this episode

s22e05 / Family Ties #2

4th Oct '09 - 12:00am
Family Ties #2 Summary

COPS Coast To Coast this week features stories from Nevada, Florida and California.

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s22e06 / Neighborhood Busts #2

11th Oct '09 - 12:00am
Neighborhood Busts #2 Summary

A Bravard County Sheriff's Deputy assists a Corporal in serving a warrant for failure to pay back child support. Then, the Minneapolis Police Dept. sends an officer and an FTO agent to a 'luring', which means a person has made contact with and followed a minor with possible criminal intent. Lastly, a Victorville deputy believes a speeding driver is attempting to flee from the police.

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s22e07 / In Denial #3

25th Oct '09 - 12:00am
In Denial #3 Summary

Coming Soon...

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s22e08 / Dangerous Arrests #4

8th Nov '09 - 1:00am
Dangerous Arrests #4 Summary

Coming Soon...

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s22e09 / Stupid Behavior #4

15th Nov '09 - 1:00am
Stupid Behavior #4 Summary

Coming Soon...

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s22e10 / Slacker Crimes: Special Edition

22nd Nov '09 - 1:00am
Slacker Crimes: Special Edition Summary

Coming Soon...

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s22e11 / Coast to Coast #158

29th Nov '09 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #158 Summary

Coming Soon...

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s22e12 / Coast to Coast #159

6th Dec '09 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #159 Summary

COPS from Las Vegas, Nevada and Palm Beach County, Florida. Stories include: The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department arrives at a house with a man who thinks the cops are out tohug him. The narcotics department from the Palm Beach County Sherrif's Department goes undercover to catch a woman selling drugs.

137 have watched this episode

s22e13 / Ho! Ho! Ho! #7

13th Dec '09 - 1:00am
Ho! Ho! Ho! #7 Summary

COPS from Portland, Oregon and Amarillo, Texas. Stories include: Officers Josh Howery and Erica Hurley with Oregon's Portland Police Bureau respond to a call that a 14-year-old girl and an adult male were observed by a security guard having sex in a car, only to find that the girl is actually an 18-year-old prostitute. Amarillo Texas Police Officer Johnny Bermea stops a vehicle in which he finds a female prostitute and a male driver in possession of drugs. Officer Brandon Clarkson interviews a suspicious female hanging around a parking lot known for picking up prostitutes.

139 have watched this episode

s22e14 / Bad Girls #13

10th Jan '10 - 1:00am
Bad Girls #13 Summary

COPS from California, Florida, and Nevada. This week's stories include: San Bernadino County, California, Sheriff's Deputy Jason Whitsell responds to a domestic disturbance call between an out of control woman and her mother. Brevard County, Florida, Sheriff's Deputy Juan Vargas discovers a woman who says she has a late night meeting with her physician, only he finds out she planned a burglary of a random house. Las Vegas Metro Police Field Training Officer Tullio Pandullo takes a burglary call involving a woman thief.

136 have watched this episode

s22e15 / Coast to Coast #160

17th Jan '10 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #160 Summary

COPS from Oklahoma, California, and Florida. This weeks stories include: Tulsa County Deputy Ryan Ayers investigates a vehicle that is stopped in the middle of a highway. San Bernardino County Deputy Eddie Bachman spots two suspects that were wanted for another crime. Boynton Beach Officer Justin Harris stops a car making a u-turn in front of a known drug house.

135 have watched this episode

s22e16 / Coast to Coast #161

24th Jan '10 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #161 Summary

1 - Tulsa County, Oklahoma - Sgt. Shane Rhames - Traffic stop.
2 - Fort Myers, Florida - Officer Wolfgang Daniel - Officer assistance call.
3 - San Bernardino County, California - Deputy Troy Mooradian - possible drunk driver

137 have watched this episode

s22e17 / Coast to Coast #162

31st Jan '10 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #162 Summary

1 - Tulsa County, Oklahoma - Deputy Scott Dean - Pursuit in progress
2 - Palm Beach County, Florida - Corporal Brian Cullen, Deputy Matthew Wood - Suspicious vehicle
3 - Broken Arrow, Oklahoma - Officer Scott Bross - Disturbance call

137 have watched this episode

s22e18 / Chases, Stings & Rescues

14th Feb '10 - 1:00am
Chases, Stings & Rescues Summary

1 - Houston Texas - Sgt. Matt Richard - Traffic stop / pursuit
2 - Boynton Beach, Florida - Sgt. John Bonafair, Officer Carlos Reinhold - Drug sting x3
3 - Harris County, Texas - Deputy Rex Evans - Traffic accident

137 have watched this episode

s22e19 / War on Drugs No. 3

21st Feb '10 - 1:00am
War on Drugs No. 3 Summary

1 - Houston Texas - Officer L.V. Powell, Sgt. Matt Richard - Narcotics operation
2 - Palm Beach County, Florida - Sgt. Steven Strivelli, Deputy Justin Rigney, Agent Steve Tzirtziropoulos - Drug sting
3 - Las Vegas, Nevada - FTO William Matchco - Suspicious activity

138 have watched this episode

s22e20 / Drugs & Driving

28th Feb '10 - 1:00am
Drugs & Driving Summary

1 - Houston, Texas - Officer Hans Wagner, Sgt. Mark Bailey - Traffic stop.
2 - Harris County, Texas - FTO George Ellington - Possible drunk driver.
3 - Las Vegas, Nevada - Officer Daniel Swanson, Officer Keith Twigger - Traffic stop.

136 have watched this episode

s22e21 / Coast to Coast #163

7th Mar '10 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #163 Summary

1 - Harris County, Texas - FTO George Ellington - Traffic stop.
2 - San Bernardino County, California - Deputy Paul Gallant - Suspicious vehicle.
3 - Fort Myers, Florida - Sgt. Victor Medico - Man with aballoon call.

137 have watched this episode

s22e22 / Coast to Coast #164

14th Mar '10 - 1:00am
Coast to Coast #164 Summary

1 - Fort Myers, Florida - Officer Wolfgang Daniel - Pursuit in progress.
2 - Harris County, Texas - Deputy Jason Guillen - Unknown trouble call
3 - Lee County, Florida - Deputy Christopher Tice - Fight in progress.

137 have watched this episode

s22e23 / Coast to Coast #165

21st Mar '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #165 Summary

1 - Amarillo, Texas - Officer Billy Jensen - Fight call
2 - Lee County, Florida - Deputy Dave Wharton - Disturbance call
3 - Tulsa County, Oklahoma - Deputy Scott Dean - Suspicious activity

137 have watched this episode

s22e24 / Coast to Coast #166

28th Mar '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #166 Summary

1 - Houston, Texas - Senior Officer Karl Pederson - Robbery call
2 - Palm Beach County, Florida - Deputy John Tatum - Domestic dispute call
3 - Lee County, Florida - Sgt. Joe Barley - Domestic violence call

138 have watched this episode

s22e25 / Street Patrol Special Edition

18th Apr '10 - 12:00am
Street Patrol Special Edition Summary

1 - Houston, Texas - Senior Officer Karl Pederson - Pursuit in progress
2 - Portland, Oregon - Officer Mike Myers - Officer assistance call
3 - Brevard County, Florida - Deputy Kevin Sherrill - Traffic stop

137 have watched this episode

s22e26 / Coast to Coast #167

25th Apr '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #167 Summary

1 - Portland, Oregon - Officer Ryan Reagan, Officer Tony Hill - Suspicious activity
2 - King County, Washington - Deputy Dan Murphy - Suspicious vehicle
3 - Houston, Texas - Senior Officer Karl Pederson - Suspicious vehicle

137 have watched this episode

s22e27 / Police Pullovers No. 6

16th May '10 - 12:00am
Police Pullovers No. 6 Summary

1 - Amarillo, Texas - Officer Billy Jensen - Fight call
2 - Boynton Beach, Florida - Officer Douglas Gilbert, Officer Stephen Maiorino - Disturbance call
3 - Maricopa County, Arizona - Deputy Jeff Lessard - Traffic stop

137 have watched this episode

s22e28 / Resisting Arrest No. 5

16th May '10 - 12:00am
Resisting Arrest No. 5 Summary

1 - Boynton Beach, Florida - Officer Drew Murphy - Armed robbery call
2 - Amarillo, Texas - Officer Devin Cantwell - Harassment call
3 - Portland, Oregon - Officer Ryan Derry, Officer Jason Harris - Suspicious person

138 have watched this episode

s22e29 / Coast to Coast #168

6th Jun '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #168 Summary

1 - Maricopa County, Arizona - Deputy Patrick Arend - Vehicle pursuit in progress
2 - Amarillo, Texas - Sgt. Jerome Godfrey - Possible drunk driver
3 - Portland, Oregon - Officer Jeffrey McDaniel - Pursuit in progress

137 have watched this episode

s22e30 / Coast to Coast #169

13th Jun '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #169 Summary

1 - Amarillo, Texas - Officer Johnny Bermea - Suspicious Activity
2 - Maricopa County, Arizona - Deputy Manny Sanchez - Traffic Stop
3 - Kern County, California - Deputy Jason Colbert - Traffic Stop

137 have watched this episode

s22e31 / Coast to Coast #170

20th Jun '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #170 Summary

1. Houston, Texas - Sgt. Larry Mikel - Possible Drug Activity
2. Amarillo, Texas - Officer Devin Cantwell - Domestic Disturbance Call
3. Houston, Texas - Sgt. Stephen Leatherman - Narcotics Sting operation

137 have watched this episode

s22e32 / Coast to Coast #171

4th Jul '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #171 Summary

1. Amarillo, Texas - Officer James Blandford - Possible Burglary in Progress
2. Portland, Oregon - Officer Robert Bruders - Public Indecency Call
3. Houston, Texas - Officer Arthur Castillo - Burglary Call

137 have watched this episode

s22e33 / Morons On Parade #2

11th Jul '10 - 12:00am
Morons On Parade #2 Summary

1. Portland, Oregon - Officer Andy Polas - Fight Call
2. Las Vegas, Nevada - Officer Jason Vallad - Suspicious Activity
3. Portland, Oregon - Officer Jeff Helfrich - Disturbance Call

138 have watched this episode

s22e34 / Coast to Coast #172

18th Jul '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #172 Summary

1. Boynton Beach, Florida - Officer Charles Turco - Pursuit in Progress
2. Amarillo, Texas - FTO Troy Roberson - Domestic Disturbance Call
3. Portland, Oregon - Sgt Jeff Helfrich - Assault Call

137 have watched this episode

s22e35 / Coast to Coast #173

25th Jul '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #173 Summary

1. San Diego County, California (San Ysidro Port of Entry) - Officer Edward Chavoya - Possible Immigration Violation
2.San Diego County, California (San Ysidro Port of Entry) - Officer Edward Brown - Suspicious Vehicle
3. Miami, Florida (Miami International Airport) - Officer Lester Silva - Customs Check Point

136 have watched this episode

s22e36 / Coast to Coast #174

1st Aug '10 - 12:00am
Coast to Coast #174 Summary

Coming Soon...

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