A show about nothing, or is it? Seinfeld revolves around the everyday lives of four single New Yorkers. Jerry Seinfeld is a comedian who's next door neighbor, Cosmo Kramer, is a professional moocher, the brains behind several get-rich-quick schemes, and is over at Jerry's apartment more than his own. Elaine Benes is Jerry's ex-girlfriend who he remains good friends with. George Costanza is a short, stalky, bald man, who for most of his life, lived with his parents.
Seinfeld, said to be a show about nothing, was actually about a lot. It showcased the lives of four friends who would discuss their lives as they ate at their favorite cafe, Monk's. Seinfeld will go down in history as the show that revolutionized TV.
Seinfeld Ended after Season 9
NBC aired the final episode on Thursday 14th May 1998