South Park
Season 7

s07e01 / Cancelled

20th Mar '03 - 3:00am
Cancelled Summary

The boys are at the bus stop and they seem to be reliving events that they went through 6 seasons earlier; that is Kyle "kicking the baby" his little brother Ike and Cartman talking about his strange dream, which the other boys identify as visitors.
What's going on in South Park? Did the boys travel back in time, or is some sinister force at work?

7980 have watched this episode

s07e02 / Krazy Kripples

27th Mar '03 - 3:00am
Krazy Kripples Summary

Jimmy is tired of the entire town talking about how great that "butthole" Christopher Reeve is. Jimmy and Timmy decide the only real "crips" are those who were crippled from birth. They then decide to seek out a gang with similar feelings. It's safe to say Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny are staying out of this one.

7978 have watched this episode

s07e03 / Toilet Paper

3rd Apr '03 - 3:00am
Toilet Paper Summary

The boys are given a detention due to their attitudes in art class. Cartman decides that they need to toilet paper (TP) the art teacher's house in revenge.

7975 have watched this episode

s07e04 / I'm A Little Bit Country

10th Apr '03 - 2:00am
I'm A Little Bit Country Summary

After participating in a walk-out against the war in Iraq, Mr. Garrison tells the boys they have to write a report on the founding fathers. Cartman decides he's going to figure out a way to flashback to the past and learn all about history first hand.

7975 have watched this episode

s07e05 / Fat Butt and Pancake Head

17th Apr '03 - 2:00am
Fat Butt and Pancake Head Summary

For a report on Cultural Diversity, Cartman chooses to do one on Latinos in the arts with the help of a Jennifer Lopez hand puppet. Later, at the mall, the puppet insists they make a music video, which launches the hand puppet's musical career. There's just one problem, the REAL J-Lo shows up to protest the hand's authenticity.

7979 have watched this episode

s07e06 / Lil' Crime Stoppers

24th Apr '03 - 2:00am
Lil' Crime Stoppers Summary

The boys are playing "junior detectives," and have to find a kidnapped doll. After a daring rescue, they are taken back to Park County Police Headquarters. Upon their arrival, the Chief makes them "real" junior detectives and gives them their first assignment: breaking up a meth lab. The boys soon learn being real detectives isn't as fun as they thought.

7977 have watched this episode

s07e07 / Red Man's Greed

1st May '03 - 2:00am
Red Man's Greed Summary

The owners of the Three Feathers Indian Casino have decided to buy out the town of South Park in order to create a super-highway from Denver to their Casino. The townfolk only have one night to make 0,000. So they head to the casino...

7971 have watched this episode

s07e08 / South Park is Gay!

23rd Oct '03 - 2:00am
South Park is Gay! Summary

The metrosexual fad has hit South Park thanks to the "Queer Eye Guys," and all the men in town are affected, except for Kyle and his Dad. Stan, Kenny, and Cartman give Kyle a makeover, and Gerald isn't far behind. Soon the women of South Park grow tired of the fad, as does Mr. Garrison.

7976 have watched this episode

s07e09 / Christian Rock Hard

30th Oct '03 - 3:00am
Christian Rock Hard Summary

The boys have hit a crossroads with their band "Moop." Cartman wants the band to play Christian Rock, and leaves the band when Stan, Kyle, and Kenny don't agree. Before leaving, Cartman bets Kyle that he will get a platinum album with a Christian Rock band before "Moop" can.

7990 have watched this episode

s07e10 / Grey Dawn

6th Nov '03 - 3:00am
Grey Dawn Summary

Due to a rise in passings due to senior citizens behind the wheel, the State of Colorado has revoked all the driver licenses of senior citizens. Soon after, the AARP shows up to fight for the rights of their comrades.

7970 have watched this episode

s07e11 / Casa Bonita

13th Nov '03 - 3:00am
Casa Bonita Summary

Kyle is going to Casa Bonita for his birthday, but he can only bring three friends. He chooses Stan, Kenny, and Butters. Cartman, outraged by not being chosen, comes up with a plan to take Butters out of the picture.

7994 have watched this episode

s07e12 / All About the Mormons?

20th Nov '03 - 3:00am
All About the Mormons? Summary

A new student, Gary Harrison, joins the 4th grade. Gary is a Mormon from Utah. The children decide he needs to get his ass kicked, and they choose Stan to do it. After an awkward exchange of words, Stan is invited to Gary's house, where he learns all about Mormons.

7984 have watched this episode

s07e13 / Butt Out

4th Dec '03 - 3:00am
Butt Out Summary

After seeing an auditorium presentation on the dangers of smoking (and in some ways, not smoking), the boys light up behind the school and are soon caught in the middle of Rob Reiner's Anti-Tobacco campaign.

7971 have watched this episode

s07e14 / Raisins

11th Dec '03 - 3:00am
Raisins Summary

In an effort to find some closure in breaking up with Wendy, the boys take Stan to Raisins(a junior Hooters)so he can forget about her. Meanwhile, a trip to Raisins does big things for Butters, as he falls in love with a waitress.

7983 have watched this episode

s07e15 / It's Christmas in Canada

18th Dec '03 - 3:00am
It's Christmas in Canada Summary

When Ike is claimed by his Canadian birth parents, the boys set out to gain an audience with the Canadian Prime Minister. Meanwhile, Cartman's biggest concern is that the boys don't spend all of Christmas in Canada.

7967 have watched this episode
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